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Pilates, 5 Movements That Will Help You Run Faster


Pilates is an excellent exercise to tone your body, improve your flexibility and muscle strength. A large number of people around the world rely on the health benefits of performing Pilates regularly. Not only this, Pilates also helps to increase your performance in all sports and physical activities. Whether you like running, playing soccer, tennis, or any other sport, including this form of physical activity can improve your performance on the field. Here are the 5 most important Pilates moves that can help you run faster.

Pilates, 5 Movements That Will Help You Run Faster

1- Lateral leg lift

Lie on your right side on the Pilates mat. Your body should be completely straight, be sure to check that your head is neither higher nor lower than your feet. Exhale and pull your abdominal muscles inward and gently lift your left leg from your lower leg. Raise your leg as high as you can. But don’t move your pelvis. Pause for a few seconds and bring your leg back. Repeat these 10 to 15 times and then switch sides and perform the same movement with the other leg.

2- Prone leg lift

Lie on the floor comfortably face down. Place both hands under the forehead with palms facing down. Involving your abdominal muscle, gently tighten your core muscles. Keeping your knees straight, slowly lift your left leg off the ground. Keep your leg in the air for 5 seconds and then slowly bring it back to the floor. Don’t turn your back or pelvis while lifting your leg and keep breathing. Repeat the same movement with the other leg.

3- March Bridge

Lie comfortably on your back with your feet slightly apart and your knees bent. Your arms should rest by your side. Push your heels toward the floor and lift your pelvis to bring your knees, pelvis, and shoulders in a straight line (bridge pose). Now, maintaining this posture, raise your right knee to your chest (lift it as far as you can). Then lower it slowly and repeat the same with the other leg. Don’t allow your pelvis to bend as you raise and lower your knees. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times.

4- Shoulder bridge with kicks

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hips apart. Squeeze your core muscles, press your heels against the floor, and lift your pelvis and hips off the floor to place your knees, hips, and shoulders in a straight line (bridge pose). Now lift your left foot off the floor and extend your leg at a 45 degree angle and then move it up as much as you can. Don’t bend your knees while doing so. Pause for 2 to 3 seconds, exhale and gently lower your leg to place your foot on the floor. Lower your hips back on the floor to maintain body stability. Repeat the same with the other leg.

5- Scope of opposition

To start, put yourself on your four knees: your hands should be aligned with your shoulders and your knees aligned with your hips. Stretch your left arm in front of you and your right leg in the back. While you’re at it, keep your pelvis and torso still and your spine should be neutral. Exhale and activate the abdominal muscles to bring the leg and arm to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg and hand.

Some myths you should beat before doing Pilates

Getting fit and exercising is a very broad topic; It can be very confusing and overwhelming to delineate the good from the bad and, in a way, prevent you from taking advantage of the true benefits of a workout. We have all fallen victim to these lies and myths. However, what we don’t realize is that eliminating these little misconceptions can make us stronger, smarter, and, not forgetting, fitter in no time. Here are some of them:

You’re too old to do Pilates

Many people give up exercising after a certain age, considering that their bodies are not “capable” enough to lift weights or submit to pressure. This is absolutely false. Conversely, exercise can reverse many lifestyle problems, delay aging, or improve the health of older adults suffering from chronic diseases. If you’re worried about hurting yourself, remember that there are exercise regimens and training programs suitable for all ages that can benefit your body. Therefore, when it comes to exercising, age again is just a number.

You can’t do Pilates if you’re not well

Most of us think that when we are “sick,” we are also sick to exercise or move. According to experts, this is partially false. Yes, your body may be tired or exhausted, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be physically active. Exercise can also make you recover faster. While you should absolutely refrain from overdoing it, you can try experimenting with your regimen, relaxing, and exercising at the same time. Don’t push yourself, but don’t take a break completely.

You need to do Pilates for a minimum of an hour

Again, if you’ve been thinking that doing an hour of exercise each day, without fail, will pay off, think again. It is not always necessary to do so. In fact, studies have shown that reducing your exercise and the time you spend doing it can actually help or break it.

For starters, a study from a Canadian-based university found that one minute of interval training guarantees roughly the same benefits to your body as a rigorous 45-minute jog session. Even engaging in regular household chores or taking advantage of activities that require being physically active can be leveraged as an exercise regimen and may eventually benefit you as well.

Standing all day? Does not count as exercise

We all spend our days probably moving and being physically active, but we dismiss standing as exercise, thinking it’s no use. This is a myth that you must eliminate. While it may not actually help you burn the same number of calories as an intensive regimen, all of these steps actually allow you to improve your physical well-being in the long run, meaning you’ll be in a better position to exercise or Pilates than those who lead a more sedentary lifestyle.

Pain and gain go hand in hand

Exercises and workout routines have to be incredibly hard and painful, right? Some people are actually afraid to exercise, thinking about the pain that follows an intense exercise session. If you believe in this philosophy, you’re simply ignoring the other positive benefits exercise has to offer and setting yourself up for unhealthy expectations. As long as you exercise the right way, in a moderate to intense way, you won’t always prepare to experience the not-so-pleasant effects of exercising.

From your personal experience: What do you think of doing Pilates and these myths that stop many from starting to exercise? Leave us a comment to discuss the issue.

Low Back Pain, Exercises for Its Improvement


Low back pain, sometimes called lumbago or spondylosis, is one of the most common chronic pains in adulthood. You probably feel it every time you bend over or stand up and it may seem like it never goes away completely.

Low Back Pain, Exercises For Its Improvement

You may think that it is best to rest, that with time it can heal. However, most doctors recommend those suffering from this condition to become more active and move their back, as well as related muscles, as part of a better treatment for their relief.

Movement and low back pain

Movement can help relieve back pain, but only if done correctly. Avoid workouts that put too much stress and strain on your back.

So, which exercises should you choose? That depends in part on how severe your pain is and what causes it. Therefore, you should always get your doctor’s recommendation before exerting any intense exertion if you suffer from low back pain.

With your doctor’s approval, adding these movements to your exercise routine can rid you of your annoying daily pain, leading to better overall health. Exercise is often a great treatment for back pain, but some activities offer few health benefits.

Avoid touching your toes

Touching the toes from an upright position can aggravate the clinical picture and other conditions by overloading the ligaments and spinal discs. Another cause for concern is the way touching your toes when upright can overstretch your hamstrings and lower back muscles.

When is low back pain too much?

Mild discomfort and pain can be expected every time you start a new workout. As you regain your health and your muscles get stronger, the pain and discomfort should go away. But when an exercise routine causes moderate or severe pain symptoms that last longer than 15 minutes, you should finish the exercise and discuss it with your doctor.

Partial crunches to relieve low back pain

One of the classic workouts to strengthen the body is the partial contraction of the abdomen. Partial crunches strengthen both the lower back and other related muscles, making it an ideal exercise for people with spondylosis.


  1. Lie down and keep your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent.
  2. With your hands behind your head or with your arms crossed around your chest, lift your shoulders off the ground. Be sure to keep your stomach muscles tense.
  3. Exhale as you lift your shoulders. Avoid leading with your elbows (or lifting your neck off the ground with your arms).
  4. Hold for a second. Then go back down to the ground in a controlled manner.
  5. Repeat between 8 and 12 repetitions. Remember to do it properly, which avoids excessive stress on the spine. Keep your feet, tailbone and lower back against the ground throughout the exercise.

Are abs worth it?

Skip the abs, crunches are a standard of fitness, but they’re not as good for strengthening your body as you might think.

Although most people view abs as an activity that strengthens the abdomen, they actually use the hip muscles more when doing this exercise.

Not only are they a poor choice for core strength, but abs create pressure on the spinal discs, which can lead to injury by increasing low back pain rather than decreasing it. To maintain good health and improve low back pain, try more appropriate workouts such as those described below.

Hamstring stretches. Relief of low back pain

Hamstring stretches relieve the back of your leg, where some of the muscles that support the work of your lower spine are located. This is a stretch that can best be done with the use of a towel or fitness band.


  1. First, lie on your back with one knee bent.
  2. Then, pass a towel under the ball of the foot on the unbent leg.
  3. Pull the towel slowly, straightening your knee. You should feel a gentle stretch along the back of your leg.
  4. Hold the stretch for at least 15-30 seconds.
  5. For each leg, repeat 5 times.

Lying on your back and lifting both legs together can make back pain worse.

Avoid leg lifts

Occasionally, leg lifts are suggested as useful treatments for low back pain. That’s because they help strengthen the abdominal muscles, which play an important role in the integrity of the back. Unfortunately, lying on your back and lifting both legs together can give you back pain and could cause injury.

Modified leg lift

  1. First, lie on your back. Leave one leg extended and flex the other leg at knee height.
  2. Next, lift your straight leg slowly about six inches off the ground and briefly hold it in this position.
  3. Finally, slowly lower your leg.
  4. Repeat 10 times with the left leg, then switch to the right leg.

Sit leaning against the wall

If you suffer from low back pain, try to sit with your back to the wall or if you rest when lying on the sofa.


  1. Stand with your back leaning against the wall at a distance of about 10 to 12 inches.
  2. Lean carefully until your spine is flat against the wall.
  3. Slide along the wall slowly until your knees are slightly bent. Continue to press your lower back against the wall.
  4. Hold this position while counting to 10, then carefully slide up the wall. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

Pressed back extensions

Another treatment for back pain symptoms is upward extension.


  1. Lie on your stomach. Place your hands directly under your
  2. Push your hands down. You should feel your shoulders start to lift off the ground.
  3. If you can do this comfortably, place your elbows on the floor directly below your shoulders. Then, spend several seconds holding this position.

Bird Dog

The “bird dog” as it is commonly known, is a great exercise to stabilize the lower back.

It is an exercise routine to relieve low back pain. The “bird dog” is the best way to learn to maintain a stabilized lower back, in the part of the movements of arms and legs.


  1. To get started, get on your knees.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  3. Lift and extend one leg behind you while keeping your hips level.
  4. Hold that position for a full five seconds.
  5. Now switch to the other leg.
  6. For each leg, repeat 8 to 12 times. If you are not a beginner, try to lengthen the time you hold your leg and arm.
  7. For each repetition, try to lift and extend the opposite arm in front of you.
  8. Don’t let your lower back muscles sag.
  9. Stay in position. Don’t raise your arms or legs any higher than you can hold the lower back position.

Knee to chest

This is another way to move your legs as a treatment for symptoms of low back pain.


  1. Lie on your back. Rest your feet on the floor and bend your knees.
  2. Bring your right knee to your chest. Keep your left foot flat against the ground.
  3. Hold for 15-30 seconds. In the meantime, be sure to keep your lower back flat on the floor.
  4. Next, lower your right knee. Repeat the routine with your left leg.
  5. For each leg, perform the knee-to-chest exercise two to four times.

Pelvic tilts to relieve low back pain

Before back pain causes you to squirm on the floor with the usual symptoms, try lying on your back to tilt your pelvis.

This is ideal for the pelvis, it allows you to gain in strength, causing the same effect on the core muscles along the entire spine. Make sure that your abdomen can withstand what corresponds to it, in this way the low back pain will have one less possible cause.


  1. Lie down with your back on the floor and your knees bent. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Pull inside your abdomen. Imagine that your navel is being pushed towards your spine, this helps to maintain your abdomen by doing this, you will notice that your hips are rocking backwards while your back and spine are pressed against the floor.
  3. Hold this movement for 10 seconds, allowing your breath to flow smoothly.
  4. Repeat pelvic tilts 8 to 12 times.

Let us know in the comments what you think of these exercises to relieve low back pain. Tell us about your experience when doing them.

Legs And Their Exercise Routines


The legs, is this most important part of the body. Since thanks to this we can stand as long as we want, in addition to being able to move anywhere thanks to being able to walk or run. Everyone knows that this part of the body can be trained, it has its own routines.

Legs And Their Exercise Routines

The bad thing about this is that this is the part of the body that many people do not take into account, especially men, nobody knows the reason exactly. Perhaps because men seek to have good arms, chest and abs. And the other parts are not so relevant to them. If you look closely, you can see how everything will not look good, since you will only see a man with a good physique on top, while from the waist down is thin.

That is why leg days should be valued, if you are starting a routine or want to add a leg to your daily routine. Well, do not worry, because in this article you will know about several exercises that you may want to add your own routine.

But before you start with this article, we would like you to read this other article that has some relation to what you are about to read in this article “Leg Routine at Home”


It is undoubtedly the most popularly known exercise.

For this you must stand and have your legs apart, to have a reference, you must have each foot at the same height of your shoulders. And having your eyes straight ahead, you will flex your legs in order to lower your buttocks in a direction towards the ground, you will keep the soles of your feet without having to lift them. When it comes to going down, you must have your back straight, and what you must flex are your knees and hips. To know if you are doing the movement well, your knees should not be protruding too much from the tips of your feet and that the knee flexion should be 90 ° between the thighs and your lower legs.

You must have a decent time down (it does not have to be so short and not so long) to later ascend and repeat the process again. In this exercise you will have all that on your heels, and not on the tips of your feet.

Alternate strides

In this exercise you will have a squatting position, and your hands will be positioned on your hip. Now you are going to advance one leg and then do the same with the other alternately. As an important fact, your raised leg must be exceeding the 90° angle.

If you are looking for an exercise that helps you have toned legs and thighs. This is a good option for you, if you want to tone your thighs you will have to do it constantly for it to work.


This exercise is a movement in which a good number of muscles will participate, such as the quadriceps and glutes. To perform this exercise, you will have to squat and your hands must be resting on the floor. In that same position, you will stretch your legs back to you, seconds later you will return to the same position you were in. When you go to stretch your legs, you should finish the movement of the exercise with a vertical jump.


This exercise is very simple to do and explain, since you will simply be lying on your back on the floor or a mat so as not to dirty your clothes and that your back does not bother on the floor. You flex your legs so that they touch the ground, and with your hip you are going to lift it and leave it there for about 20 seconds. After that you lower your hip, in this exercise you can do it about 3 times or more.

Here, you are working the biceps femoris, and your buttocks. In addition, it also serves to slim your legs.


You will stand on tiptoe and remain static for about 20 seconds. Then you go down and that’s it, you take a break of one minute to repeat it another 3 times.

You can also do series of exercises that you can harden the legs, you only need to stretch and contract the calves. In this you are going to place yourself with the tips of your feet on a step, you stand on tiptoe, and you are going to go down slowly, until your heel reaches below the line of the step in which you are. And so, the exercise is performed, here you can do it several times.

If you liked reading this article you may like to read this one that has some relationship with the article you just finished reading “How to tone your legs«

Leg Routine at Home


Today’s entry comes with a lot of encouragement and desire to strengthen those legs. We will remain as a professional footballer if we religiously follow this routine that we bring. Well, not only will it be powerful and demanding for our muscles, but we can do it from the comfort of our home. Which is wonderful for this time of prolonged quarantine. We will share a series of leg exercises at home, accompanied by some very useful tips to achieve the result we want in record time.

Leg Routine At Home

Always keep in mind that for any training routine you must complement it with a good diet. Well, if you do not do little or nothing you will be able to advance if you do not nourish as it is due to your muscles, mainly protein if our goal is to gain muscle mass. We also warn you not to underestimate the power of training at home, because those puritans who say that good training is only done in a gym are wrong! Results and muscles are achieved with perseverance and discipline, not in the place where you train. The key is to follow the instructions in the article and maintain the technique.

On the other hand, if you do not feel like reading this article, nothing happens. You can always go to read another one from our exercise section, like the following one on “How to Tone Legs Without Going to the Gym”.

Intense leg routine at home!

Then what we will do is comment on each of the exercises that make up this routine, followed by an explanation of how to execute them. As well as some parameters to take into account to do the exercise correctly, variations, repetitions and sets. Although as this is a circuit routine (that is, after completing an exercise, advance with the other without rest). There will be no pause or rest until the end of a lap. Without further ado, let’s get started…

Bulgarians Squats (12 repetitions).

The key in this exercise is to locate in our house some furniture or elevated surface where we can place “the rest leg”. It can be a chair, a bench, a small table. Never mind… The interest in this exercise is that it is an object that provides stability. After that we will position the legs as it appears in the image and with a lot of control we will go down and up.

The movement as such is made with the knee and it is important that it is done slowly and not accelerated. The reason is that this leg exercise at home is already intense. If you want to intensify the repetitions more you can accompany it with a set of dumbbells. Obviously the 12 repetitions will be done for each leg, once that is done you can move on to the next leg exercise at home.

Side Lunges (12 repetitions).

Making legs at home is possible if you know the right exercises for it. In this case the Side Lunge are made by standing with the legs apart and that the tips of the feet point outwards (Our sides). The movement is like that of a compass, from the center (neutral part), you move to the right as far as your legs allow it (Without forcing the movement). And from there you return to the center, and then do exactly the same thing but with your left leg.

The repetitions are counted once you have done the movement with both legs and return to the neutral point (The center). This exercise can be done with some extra weight, as we are at home even a jug of soap works. Remember to feel the exercise in your legs, if you do not feel something you are doing wrong.

You may be interested in reading our entry on “How to Train Your Legs – Tables, Tips and Tricks”.

Hip Thrust (12 repetitions).

This is a fairly simple exercise to do. You just have to look again for a point of support, which can be the sofa in your house. To be able to lay your back on it and with some extra weight (Again, it can be a jug of soap). What you do is place it in your pelvis and proceed to execute the movement. In whether it consists of lowering and raising the waist, you will feel a pressure in the buttocks when going up and in the legs. The image speaks for itself.

Juice Squats (12 repetitions).

Finally, to close the circuit we have the squat juice. For this exercise you just have to put your legs some distance apart from the other with the tips of your feet pointing outwards. After that, with the help of some extra weight, we will go down as far as our legs allow us (Remember not to force the movement). We will go down and up in a controlled way, making sure to feel the pressure on the legs. Place where you are working with this exercise. As an extra fact when going down it is advisable to move the buttock backwards, because this way you will be able to make the movement much more comfortable

Is Home Training Good?


Is Home Training Good? It is the question that gives rise to this entry. It is worth mentioning that this article is not written with the purpose of criticizing or discrediting the gym. Obviously, these are the right places to train, not only because of the existence of specific machinery to perform certain exercises (and as is correct). But in addition to having in place a series of advantages that positively support training. Among them we have the possibility of hiring the supervision and guidance of a coach, motivate yourself with the presence of other people who like you. They are working to get a better body, not to mention the possibility of buying food supplements for your diet.

Is Home Training Good

The real purpose of this article is to express that exercise from home can also be a good alternative, with which excellent results can be achieved, even without all the machinery that gyms present. With the right exercises and, why not. Some ingenuity and creativity, more than interesting and decent results can be achieved. As long as it is accompanied by a diet and routine constancy.

However, if the topic to be discussed is not to your liking or interest, do not worry. You can go through the following post of our blog which can catch your attention much more “Getting Fit Without Going to the Gym”.

Find the right routine for your training at home.

Just as any athlete prepares his training routine, you should do the same. Only adapted to the environment in which you will be working your body. Feel this case training at home, it is best to opt for intense routines of 20 to 30 minutes. These can be easily found on the internet or failing that from mobile applications.

Of course, these types of routines usually focus on weight reduction, so they are cardio exercises that will make you sweat the fat drop at home. But how do those who want to have muscle mass do? Very simple, knowing that to obtain muscle mass requires weight you have two options to be able to work …

  1. Resorting to improvisation with heavy objects at home that work as a substitute for dumbbells.
  2. Work weight exercises with tension.

Weight exercises can be perfectly replaced by tension, where you would be exerting greater pressure on the muscle to work. Which turns out to be a great way to take training at home in order to achieve muscle mass.

Keep in mind that tension can also be worked with a league, although the ideal is to make an extra expense, considering the acquisition of a training league can be a good expense. More if you have definitely decided to train from home.

You may be interested in reading our article on “How to Tone the Abdomen”.

Be as creative as possible.

While training at home is not about plastic arts, when we refer to being creative it is knowing how to engineer with what you have at home a training equipment. From using a backpack and filling it with books to work as a weight in leg exercises to improvising some weights with a jug of drinking water.

Of course, you do not always have to resort to improvisation, if you like and have the money to buy a set of dumbbells, the training league that we previously mentioned. Or even a mat to train abdominal exercises at home. They would undoubtedly be an excellent purchase and investment.

Advantages of training from home.

So far, we have only focused on finding solutions to the “problems” of training from home. They range from the lack of training equipment, to the elaboration of a routine adapted to your home environment. However, training at home has a few advantages that the truth is, it would not be bad to comment. You may not have thought about them or you overlooked them…

  • There is no place more comfortable than our own home, so training there is even more practical than doing it in a gym. Play the music you like; you don’t have to wait for someone else to vacate the machine to be able to use it.
  • No more excuses for not wanting to go to the gym. It must be recognized that the most complicated part of the gym is not the training itself, but reaching the gym itself. Now that your home is your training area, you won’t be able to escape anymore!
  • You can train at any time. Indeed, the best thing about training at home is that you can do it at any time, just up before, before sleeping, in the afternoon. Any time you have is a good time to train.

How To Train Your Legs – Tables, Tips and Tricks


Sometimes how to train the legs is one of the most recurrent questions when we start our workouts, since it is a fundamental part of our body. The key is to work all the muscles of our lower body together to obtain all the benefits we are looking for.

How To Train Your Legs – Tables, Tips And Tricks

We must be clear about several things about how to train the legs since, having strong and defined legs, will help us to get a more proportionate and harmonious body. Having well-developed muscles in our lower body will also give us a global strength that we can use to perform different activities.

Knowing how to run, ride a bike, walk, etc., needs us to have very well formed legs with worked muscles so that we can perform the exercises without future injuries. It is also good for us, if we do not know very well what to do when we ask ourselves how to train the legs, work our lower train if our work activity requires it, to avoid back problems, sprains, ligament ruptures, etc.

If when asking ourselves how to train the legs, we also wonder about the benefits it can have for our body. Working the lower body gets us to increase the presence of testosterone in our body, which has several positive consequences on our body.

In the case that we are men, testosterone will improve the growth of our muscles. On the other hand, in the case of women, it improves blood circulation which, in turn, improves the state in which our hips and buttocks are located.

We must bear in mind that not working our legs but the upper train, do not take advantage of the benefits we get by training the legs. For example, heavy multi-joint exercises greatly favor the hormonal release once we finish the training, which favors fat burning and muscle formation.

We must also bear in mind that if, for example, we want to gain speed to run or perform speed activities, we need to work our legs at the same time as our upper train. Since we forget how to train the legs, our body will also lose speed capacity.

If we want to maximize our results, we must introduce into our training routines the exercises for our legs that best benefit us. These leg workouts have to be intense, since we are training muscles larger than those of the upper body and we must provide them with greater strength.

What do you need to train your legs – Tables, Tips and Tricks?

  • Sportswear and comfortable with which we can exercise without problem.
  • Comfortable and sporty shoes.
  • An exercise table that serves as a guide to avoid causing unnecessary injuries.
  • Hydration.
  • A good diet, based on everything we need for our body to function properly.

Leg Training Instructions – Tables, Tips and Tricks

  1. Leg routines exist so that we can work all the muscles of our lower train: from the thigh muscles to the calves.
  2. We must take into account four fundamental things for these routines: being well hydrated, taking a 10-second break between series, a 1-minute break between exercises and taking great care of our back in each and every one of the exercises we perform, strengthening our legs is important, but the rest of our body too.
  3. The first thing we should do is warm up for about 5 or 10 minutes; Take the time you need to do all the exercises you need until you feel like you’re ready to start your exercise routine.
  4. The warm-up should consist, on the one hand, of stretching the buttocks and legs, performing 10 repetitions with each of our legs.
  5. Next, and to complete our warm-up, it would be good to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions each, with a small break of no more than 10 seconds between them, of full squats without load or weight.
  6. Once we finish our warm-up, we can take a breath for a minute, take the opportunity to hydrate if we need it, and start with our leg routine.
  7. The first exercise we can do is the “half squat”: 5 sets of 15 repetitions each, with 10 seconds of rest between sets, will allow us to finish warming up and start training in a very safe way.
  8. Being the first exercise that we will begin to do with some weight, it would be good if we were changing the weight (from less to more, until reaching the maximum weight of 1 kilo, for example) throughout the 5 series, as we feel during them.
  9. Next, we can continue with the “Roman chariot”; A very effective exercise for our legs and with which, if we work about 4 sets of 15 repetitions each using a maximum weight, we will achieve great results in a short time.
  10. We can continue with the leg extensions in another gym device or adapt it to our home, and do it with 15 repetitions during 4 series.
  11. If we want to work the part of our thighs, known as “Femoral Curl“, is our perfect exercise: perform 15 repetitions during 4 sets and you will see how your thighs begin to “burn”, that means that you are doing the exercise very well.
  12. Another exercise with great benefits for our legs is the elevation of heels while holding a bar with our shoulders: if we perform about 20 repetitions with a medium weight for 4 series, we will get the results we are looking for.
  13. Finally, we can perform the heel lift with the bar on the thighs: 4 sets with medium weight and 20 repetitions each, will get us to exercise our legs enough for that day.
  14. Once this last exercise is finished, it is time to return to calm. We can do it while stretching to avoid future injuries and, in addition, we manage to oxygenate our cells and hydrate us.
  15. We should not perform this routine every day; The ideal is to do it 2 times a week and, above all, not always follow the same order of the exercises. The ideal is to change the order so that the muscles do not get used to being active at the same time always.

Leg Training Tips – Tables, Tips and Tricks

If we have any ailment or injury in the back, it is better that we contact our doctor before starting this type of routine.
We must always have good hydration, that will favor our cells their work and get our body to work at high performance.
Never train only one leg a week, the exercises have to be for both legs because otherwise one is overloaded a lot and the other almost does not develop.
The exercise routines for the legs, so that they have a positive effect and we do not suffer injuries, the ideal is to perform them twice a week at most; It also depends on the rest of the exercises we do the rest of the week and what we work the legs indirectly in all those exercises.
If we notice that there is any part of our legs that we are not working, we can always perform isolated exercises for buttocks and lower back with deadlifts so that we can work them without hurting ourselves.
Do not perform fasting workouts, as it involves a large expenditure of energy and we will need to go with a certain amount of proteins and carbohydrates to be able to perform all routines without exercise.

How To Train in The Gym


It’s just as important to know what you need to do to improve as it is to do it just as well. And why do we say this? Because it is not uncommon to be able to see and hear, how many people who go to the gym (even for years) always look the same and comment or get angry, saying that they cannot improve for one thing or another (excuses).

How To Train In The Gym

Most of them, it is true, that perhaps do not know. But many, believe that they do know and know nothing about it. For that reason, they do not get results and they will never have it if they continue like this.

Instructions for training in the gym

  1. The frequent thing when many (both men and women) have not obtained changes or improvements for a long time, it is because things are not really being done well.
  2. In fact, it is common to see somewhat absurd things, such as, for example, saying that you go to the gym and leave your skin and the truth is that it is very different … What they do is go daily, but they only do half an hour of bicycle, or half an hour walking on the treadmill and with that, they assume that they will achieve results in the long run.
  3. The first thing you should consider and change the chip is that, if you always do the same thing, if you have a monotony, the body will not change. Because as we say many times, the body has memory. He gets used to it and settles in. As much as you do the same, the body already knows what you are doing and you do not surprise it. You need to change the chip to surprise your metabolism.
  4. If what you want is for your body to start changing, you should know that machines such as bicycles and treadmills will not serve you. You must surprise and do the opposite because it should be, that your body has become accustomed and you have to surprise your metabolism, which begins to accelerate and, in that way, will begin to burn calories, fat and lose weight.
  5. In case you want to lose weight or, start turning your body into more fitness, tone it, increase muscle mass, etc. To do this, leave the machines (unless it is to warm up or to finish the training a little) and focus on strength.
  6. Exercises with strength and endurance are most of the time, the great forgotten. Deadly sin! If you want changes, sign it up and start right now. Of course, before you start crazy, if you do not know what to do or how to do it, do not stop asking your monitor. Let him be the one who helps you and thus, you will avoid injury.
  7. When we talk about exercises with strength and resistance, yes, they are those areas where many flee terrified by different opinions. Women, because they think that strength is synonymous with getting “made a mázinguer”, a “billet”, huge, bodybuilder, etc. In the XXI century and still have these false beliefs.
  8. Not only will that not happen, but doing it and using dumbbells, bars, weights, etc. It is possible to accelerate the metabolism, burn fat time even after having already exercised, strengthens the body, tones, etc. It is, in short, great to improve physical condition and condition it.
  9. In the case of men, it is generally seen unlike women, in the area of bars and dumbbells. The problem lies precisely in that. In that they focus too much from the waist up and forget that they have more body and are totally decompensated … Very unsymmetrical figures. Wide at the top and thin at the bottom.
  10. In the case of women, on the other hand, they tend to focus more on machines and do cardio as if it were their life in it. That way, they don’t achieve their goals either. They believe that they will lose weight, tone up… And then they complain about why they do not achieve their purposes and end up losing more weight or achieving what they are looking for.
  11. To achieve this, you have to use weights, dumbbells, bars, elastic bands and, above all, weight and do it well.
  12. Do not forget that doing a lot of cardiovascular exercises does not mean that you are going to lose weight and lose weight. If you think about it, maybe it has happened to you, that, for a long time doing the same thing, even if it is a long time or even hours, you no longer lose weight. Forget about doing the same. Get on the treadmill, elliptical trainer or stationary bike, cardio classes or running, just to warm up a little or to finish the exercises, for up to half an hour. No need to kill yourself. It is absurd.
  13. There is no exercise that helps you lose fat from a specific area. You cannot lose for example abdomen, legs, arms, buttock … There are no miracles and they do not make you believe otherwise. When you exercise, if you want to lose a specific area of the body, you will lose it overall. In general. If you can get with time and, above all, perseverance, that better parts of the body, but it will never be of a specific part.
  14. Do not forget to also do pectorals, dorsal, back, lumbar … Those parts seem invisible to women. Practically, they never remember to work them and, nevertheless, they are vital to obtain a beautiful body. In addition, also these exercises such as lumbar, help a lot to back pain and core.
  15. The gym should therefore be based on having what you really need. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive. You just have to know what to do inside it and do it well.

What do you need to train in the gym?

  • Wear sportswear.
  • Sneakers.
  • Train the whole body. Do not focus only on some areas of the body.
  • Ask for help if you don’t know what to do or how. The coach is there to lend you a hand and advise you.

Tips for training in the gym

Don’t let yourself be teased. Doing two hours of exercise is not going to be good. It will be harmful. Not only that, you will end up exhausting yourself and your body will suffer and you will end up injuring yourself.

The time you need will depend on your physical condition and your conditions. But practically, for everyone it is the same. A warm-up (essential to avoid injury), exercise and then, do not forget the stretches that are vital to avoid overloads or injuries. About five minutes of warm-up and stretching, also five minutes. And training, with about forty-five minutes, are enough. In total, an hour is more than fine.

Do not forget, of course, that you must wear appropriate attire and accessories. Go in sportswear, the one you like the most: tights, tracksuit, shorts, sports body, breathable shirts, sports shoes … And although we have not yet mentioned it, we must not forget of course, that no exercise in the gym will take effect if a healthy diet and good daily hydration are not maintained. Minimum two liters of water and control alcoholic and carbonated beverages.

Don’t rush or rush. If you haven’t exercised much or haven’t exercised in a while, take it easy. It is better to go little by little, doing things right and avoid injuring yourself, overloading yourself, not suffering cramps and being consistent with the exercises in the gym. If you are very lost or lost, do not hesitate to ask the trainer at the gym. They will help you and can advise you to get the improvements you need.

How To Train Fitness


Having a fitness body is not a quick or easy job. You must have a lot of determination, a lot of willpower and a lot of planning to work day by day the body and achieve that goal that you have surely proposed. To achieve this there is nothing better than having a training calendar to follow. Of course, not everyone can follow the same training schedule. Each person must determine how to train Fitness according to their physical condition.

How To Train Fitness

Here today you will know how to train Fitness if you are a beginner and want to start getting in shape. It is completely common not to know what to do at first since Fitness, like everything, is a whole world. So, if you don’t know anything about fitness and want to learn, you’re in the right place.

What do you need to train Fitness?

  • Comfortable and antibreathable clothing.
  • Shoes suitable for sports.
  • Mat.

Instructions for training Fitness

It is advisable to train the whole body and not focus on a single part, that is, perform a Full Body training routine. In these cases, especially if you are just starting out, it is advisable to train three to four days a week at most. Therefore, the routine that you will see below consists of three very complete workouts that will help you achieve the physique you are pursuing.

Two routines of this Full Body Fitness training are dedicated to strength exercises, also known as anaerobic exercises, and a training routine that is dedicated to aerobic exercise, that is, cardio.

Day 1 of training: strength exercises

  • Pre-heating of 10 minutes. Repeat the circuits 3 times with 2 minutes of rest between repetitions.
  • 30 squats.
  • 30 seconds of Jumping Jacks.
  • 10 push-ups.
  • 30 seconds on your knees.
  • 20 strides advancing.
  • 50 seconds of climbing (Mountain Climbers)
  • 10 funds.
  • 30 knee lift.
  • 20 hip thrust (Hip Trust / on floor).
  • 20 seconds of abdominal plank.
  • Stretching at the end of the session to avoid injury.

Day 2 of training: strength exercises

  • Pre-heating of 10 minutes. In this case there will be two circuits with a break of 50 seconds between each of the series. If you see that you can, do three circuits.
  • 20 squats + 20 heel lifts in step (step).
  • 10 push-ups (on the floor with knees supported if you can’t do them correctly) + 20 seconds of abdominal plank
  • 20 strides backwards + 300 seconds of isometric squats (leaning against the wall)
  • 15 deadlifts with bar + 15 seconds of side plate on each side (total 30 seconds).
  • 15 Romanian deadlift with bar + 30 seconds climber.
  • Stretching at the end of the session.

Day 3 of training: cardio exercises

In this case you have several options from which you can choose, it all depends on your personal tastes:

  • Traditional cardio exercise: try to run without getting tired for at least 45 minutes, or take a light walk of an hour and a half.
  • HIIT exercise: perform high-intensity cardiovascular exercises for 20 minutes.
  • Exercises with machines: elliptical, stationary bike, treadmill…, you can use what you want for an hour at an average power.
  • Outdoor exercises: swimming, taking the bike, skating, playing basketball …, all those exercises that make you be active and at the same time have fun doing sports.

If you follow these instructions to the letter, you will soon go from beginner to expert. Of course, always remember to consult with a fitness specialist if you have any questions about it.

Fitness Tips

To enter the world of Fitness you must take into account a series of issues that are very important. Remember that if you do not start on the right foot, you will not want to continue practicing sports and, therefore, you will not be able to get in shape and meet your final goal. So, follow these tips to know how to train Fitness properly and correctly.

  • Always stretch. Stretching is a very important part of training. Without good training it is possible to suffer an injury that can even be irreversible. That is why it is essential to train before and after training.
  • Exercise routines should not exceed 90 minutes, especially if you are a beginner, since you will end up so tired that you will not want to step on a gym again in your life. It is better to be moderate and consistent.
  • Wear the right clothes for sports. Keep in mind that you have to be very comfortable to be able to perform all the exercises that we have proposed correctly. If you wear jeans, for example, you will not be able to train properly. Choose elastic pants that allow you to make any movement and a shirt that adapts to the body.
  • Schedule your exercise routines. It is important to have an established exercise routine in order to stick to it. If you let go and constantly postpone that time of exercise, you will never have a Fitness and defined body.
  • Control what you do. Write down everything you do in the gym, that is, that you keep track of all the exercises you are doing each day since, in addition to knowing what you are training in that week, you can control your progress.
  • Exercising and eating a bad diet are not compatible. If you really want to enter the fitness world, you must delete chips, pizzas or sandwiches from your shopping list. Having a proper diet is essential to achieve your goals. That is why we recommend that from now on you have a correct and balanced diet. Of course, having a healthy eating routine does not mean that you cannot treat yourself from time to time.
  • Sneakers are one of the most important parts of equipment, especially when performing aerobic exercises. If you don’t already have suitable shoes for exercise, it may be time to buy them. For this we advise you to go to a specialized center that analyzes your footprint and recommends which is the shoe that best suits you. Remember that wearing bad shoes can harm you for the rest of your life.
  • Rest. Rest is also an important part of exercising. If you do not rest the body will not be able to recover properly, which means that you can suffer an injury more easily. Also, it’s not every day we feel like exercising. Rest at least two days a week, whatever level you have.
  • Consult a specialist if you think you are not doing the exercises well or if you want to change the training plan to a more intense one.
  • If you don’t have much time to go to the gym, don’t forget that you can always exercise at home. To make a circuit you just need a good mat, comfortable clothes and your body. So, there are no excuses, you can train anywhere in the world.
  • Set a goal. It is important to set a goal to motivate yourself day by day. If you do not have a goal, it is much easier to leave the sport and the fitness world, so set yourself a goal and fight until you achieve it, surely with time you will be happy.
  • Don’t push yourself too hard. It is true that at first it may cost more to start exercising, so it is likely that you will not complete the circuits completely. Don’t worry, it’s completely normal not to reach the end if you’re in the early days. The important thing is that you are trying and that you are taking another step to achieve your ultimate goal, to have a fitness body.

How To Tone Your Legs


One of the great desires of a lot of people is to know how to tone legs without going to the gym, something that is perfectly possible through different exercises. This time we are going to talk about how to tone the legs, something that for many people is considered something difficult to achieve but that, following the appropriate indications, is not so complicated.

How To Tone Your Legs

Performing the activities to tone the appropriate muscles you can achieve good results in a short space of time. However, to achieve this you will need perseverance, a good diet and maintain regular physical activity.

In this article we are going to talk about different fitness exercises for toning the legs that you can do at any time and place. In fact, you can make them in your own home if you prefer.

Create muscles to eliminate fat

You may not have known it, but you should know that generating muscle mass is the best option to burn fat and tone your legs. This is because the body itself makes use of a large amount of energy when it comes to lifting weight, which causes a burning of calories.

After having performed a physical exercise, the body needs to have more energy to be able to heal the “broken” tissues during exercise. In the case of the legs, you should always exercise them, carrying out strength exercises that make the legs can thin, take shape and tone.

In this sense, to tone the legs it is necessary that you seek to create muscle and not burn fat.

Instructions for toning the legs

Below we are going to give you the instructions that you must follow when doing what are some of the best exercises to tone your legs:

One-legged squats

  1. You have to take a step forward with one of your legs and extend the opposite one backwards. Then bend your knees and proceed to lower your body towards the ground.
  2. The goal is that you touch with your leg extended back to the ground or are as close as possible to doing so. Avoid extending your right knee in front of your toes. To return to your starting position, press your right heel.
  3. Do three sets of 12 repetitions each.

It is useful for working the front of the upper leg area.


  1. First of all, you must place yourself in front of the steps of a staircase or in front of a bench.
  2. Then with your right foot step on the step or bench and raise your left foot to place it next to the right.
  3. Then lower first the right and then the left. Always keep your back straight and the muscles of the abdomen area contracted.
  4. You must repeat the exercise 12 times, changing the initial leg.

Used to work the front and back of the thighs

Jump rope

  1. This exercise is quite simple but must be done in the proper way. The feet should be positioned and spaced apart at a width of hips. The elbows should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees and the arms turned about 45 degrees outward. Posture is of utmost importance.
  2. He performs two sets of fifteen jumps. Then rest for 30 seconds and start again. You should try to do it faster and faster.

This exercise is very useful to tone the legs and also helps to do the same with the arms.


This exercise has the great advantage that it combines aerobic exercise with bodybuilding. You can do it either at home or in a gym class. They are perfect to strengthen and tone the legs.

You can use either a step or a step and change the steps. At all times make your back always straight.

Heel lift

The heel lift helps you tone the calves of your legs. You can also do it at home or anywhere else.

  1. You should stand up and spread your legs apart at shoulder height, keeping both your head and back straight.
  2. Then you should stand on tiptoe and try to hold on as long as possible. Then go down slowly and fully rest your foot on the ground.
  3. After resting for a few seconds, repeat the exercise. It is advised that you perform three sets of 10 repetitions each.


The bridge exercise allows you to strengthen both the buttocks and tone the legs. They can be done anywhere, either at the gym or at home. It is also perfect for most women who want to deal with cellulite.

  1. First you should place a mat on the floor (or blanket) and place yourself on your back, with your arms at the sides of your body.
  2. Then bend your knees until your soles are fully supported on the floor.
  3. You should try to get a “straight bridge” position. Raise your pelvis to the ceiling and try to hold on as long as you can.

What do you need to tone your legs?

  • A good diet
  • Be consistent in your physical exercises

Tips for toning your legs

  • Before doing any physical exercise, it is advisable that you investigate and learn how to do each exercise in the right way, with the correct postures and the number of repetitions indicated to achieve the best results.
  • If you have any doubts when performing any of the exercises or routines, it is best to ask for the opinion of a professional or your personal trainer if you have it.
  • To achieve good toning, it is important to accompany physical exercise with a good diet with protein-rich foods.

How To Tone the Abdomen


The abdominal area is one of the parts of the body that most concern many people, since it is one of those that accumulates fat more quickly. Many are those who long to have a flat abdomen, something that is not easy to achieve since this area opposes a great resistance when it comes to eliminating the fat deposited in it.

How To Tone The Abdomen

Despite them there are different activities and exercises to tone the abdomen that you can carry out to achieve your goal. However, you must differentiate between those that are designed to harden the abdomen and those that really work when it comes to eliminating flaccidity while toning it.

Foods to lose weight and tone the abdomen

If you want to know how to tone the abdomen, along the next lines we will explain and detail different exercises you can do to achieve your goal, but not before making a small point in the diet.

To tone the abdomen and lose weight the abdominal area it is very important that in addition to all the fitness activities you can carry out, that you maintain a good diet. In fact, food is more important than exercise itself.

Starting from this base, before detailing the different exercises you can perform to achieve a flat and toned abdomen, we will summarize the main foods that can help you achieve your goal:

  • Nuts: Nuts are perfect to eat between meals if you have an appetite and can help you lose weight in the abdomen area.
  • Quinoa: Quinoa is a very complete food that is rich in protein, magnesium, zinc, potassium and vitamins, among others, in addition to having a satiating effect that favors weight loss.
  • Eliminate trans fats: You should eliminate unsaturated fats that are bad for health from your diet.
  • Fruit: Fruits such as avocado or pineapple are perfect for trying to slim the abdomen area thanks to their high amount of fiber, nutrients and vitamins.
  • Healthy breakfast: It is important that at breakfast, one of the most important meals of the day, you eat healthily. It is advisable to opt for foods such as oat cereals, which among other benefits, help you lose weight.

Instructions for toning the abdomen

Below we will indicate the instructions that you must follow to do some exercises that are highly advisable to tone the abdomen:

Leg extensions

This is one of the simplest exercises to achieve a flat abdomen, having to proceed to flexion and extension of legs towards the chest.

  1. First you must raise one leg to the chest area by bending your knee, making the movement in a slow way and trying to force the abdomen so that it involves an effort.
  2. Then change legs and continue with the moment without rest, doing the exercise continuously for two minutes.
  3. To adopt a better posture, keep your arms extended. This way you will favor the work in the abdomen area.

Extended leg lift

  1. Stand with your body lying on a mat, adopt the starting position and keep in mind that you cannot use your hands to support yourself.
  2. First of all, you must take your back off the ground and lift both legs in a slow way.
  3. The posture you must adopt is to be semi-seated, just enough to be able to hold yourself. When elevating your legs try to make force with the abdomen to maintain your balance.
  4. Hold the position for 12 seconds and rest for about 3-5 seconds. Do a total of five repetitions.

Abdominal planks

The exercise of abdominal planks is one of the favorite and most common by many people to help tone the abdomen in an effective and fast way. In addition, this exercise has the advantage that it also serves to strengthen other muscles.

  1. First of all, you should lie face down and raise your body supporting your forearms and with the tips of your feet on the floor, always keeping your back and legs straight.
  2. You must stay in this position for at least 45 seconds. At first it can be difficult to achieve, but as you exercise you will see how it is easier and easier.

Abdominal scissors

The scissors exercise is ideal for toning a flaccid abdomen, being also very simple to perform and you can do it at any time, directly from the ground and following these indications:

  1. You should lie on your back and with a straight posture.
  2. Then extend your legs and place them upwards, preventing them from touching the ground.
  3. Then you will have to perform muscle tension movements to exercise the area.
  4. Keep in mind that the lower you can put your legs you will have to make a greater effort with your abdomen, so you will get better results.


When a person talks about toning the abdomen the first thing, he thinks of is doing sit-ups, this being the most classic exercise but equally effective to achieve this goal.

  1. Stretch on your back on a mat and bend your knees, keeping your feet glued to the floor.
  2. Place your hands crossed on the chest or behind the head and when you raise your trunk make force with the abdominal area, otherwise you will not be working this area and the exercise will not be effective.
  3. You should perform as many as you can in a time of one minute.

Dynamic plates

  1. To perform this exercise, you must start with a position identical to that of the classic plates. You should start by lying on your stomach and supporting your weight on your forearms and the tips of your feet.
  2. Then you must change posture with your arms, going on to hold yourself with the palms of your hands.
  3. You must also make a movement of elevation and descent of the body, making the abdomen work when doing the same.
  4. Always keep your abdomen and back straight for best results.

Spiderman Iron

To finish our list of recommendations it is worth referring to the spiderman iron, one of the most practiced but also the most demanding.

  1. Stand on a mat and lift yourself with your forearms and the tips of your feet.
  2. Then place your elbows at body height until you are in a straight line.
  3. Slowly bring one of your knees to your elbow on that same side and then make it return to its place, also slowly.
  4. Then repeat the action with the other leg and alternate between both.
  5. You should do as many repetitions as possible in 45 seconds.

What do you need to tone your abdomen?

  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain a balanced diet