Legs And Their Exercise Routines

Legs And Their Exercise Routines

The legs, is this most important part of the body. Since thanks to this we can stand as long as we want, in addition to being able to move anywhere thanks to being able to walk or run. Everyone knows that this part of the body can be trained, it has its own routines.

Legs And Their Exercise Routines

The bad thing about this is that this is the part of the body that many people do not take into account, especially men, nobody knows the reason exactly. Perhaps because men seek to have good arms, chest and abs. And the other parts are not so relevant to them. If you look closely, you can see how everything will not look good, since you will only see a man with a good physique on top, while from the waist down is thin.

That is why leg days should be valued, if you are starting a routine or want to add a leg to your daily routine. Well, do not worry, because in this article you will know about several exercises that you may want to add your own routine.

But before you start with this article, we would like you to read this other article that has some relation to what you are about to read in this article “Leg Routine at Home”


It is undoubtedly the most popularly known exercise.

For this you must stand and have your legs apart, to have a reference, you must have each foot at the same height of your shoulders. And having your eyes straight ahead, you will flex your legs in order to lower your buttocks in a direction towards the ground, you will keep the soles of your feet without having to lift them. When it comes to going down, you must have your back straight, and what you must flex are your knees and hips. To know if you are doing the movement well, your knees should not be protruding too much from the tips of your feet and that the knee flexion should be 90 ° between the thighs and your lower legs.

You must have a decent time down (it does not have to be so short and not so long) to later ascend and repeat the process again. In this exercise you will have all that on your heels, and not on the tips of your feet.

Alternate strides

In this exercise you will have a squatting position, and your hands will be positioned on your hip. Now you are going to advance one leg and then do the same with the other alternately. As an important fact, your raised leg must be exceeding the 90° angle.

If you are looking for an exercise that helps you have toned legs and thighs. This is a good option for you, if you want to tone your thighs you will have to do it constantly for it to work.


This exercise is a movement in which a good number of muscles will participate, such as the quadriceps and glutes. To perform this exercise, you will have to squat and your hands must be resting on the floor. In that same position, you will stretch your legs back to you, seconds later you will return to the same position you were in. When you go to stretch your legs, you should finish the movement of the exercise with a vertical jump.


This exercise is very simple to do and explain, since you will simply be lying on your back on the floor or a mat so as not to dirty your clothes and that your back does not bother on the floor. You flex your legs so that they touch the ground, and with your hip you are going to lift it and leave it there for about 20 seconds. After that you lower your hip, in this exercise you can do it about 3 times or more.

Here, you are working the biceps femoris, and your buttocks. In addition, it also serves to slim your legs.


You will stand on tiptoe and remain static for about 20 seconds. Then you go down and that’s it, you take a break of one minute to repeat it another 3 times.

You can also do series of exercises that you can harden the legs, you only need to stretch and contract the calves. In this you are going to place yourself with the tips of your feet on a step, you stand on tiptoe, and you are going to go down slowly, until your heel reaches below the line of the step in which you are. And so, the exercise is performed, here you can do it several times.

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