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How To Stretch Your Back


The human body is designed to be used to the fullest. The muscle mass you have should be kept toned. Exercising it daily and if it is the lumbar area even more since the lower back. It is the most likely to be mistreated by the bad posture that man adopts to perform any lifting of a heavy object. So, in this article I will teach you about How to stretch lumbar.

How To Stretch Your Back

It is necessary to keep the lumbar vertebrae in good condition to avoid their inflammation. Because if you get to irritate this lumbar area there may be rheumatic pain causing lumbago. If you manage to maintain a daily routine of stretching exercises you will not suffer from any type of pain. That if free yourself from stress sleep your eight hours a day. Maintain a proper posture to slide, grasp or push any object whether it is past or if it is light. Remember to make a good breath when performing any activity. But if you suffer from any symptoms such as arthritis, fractures or herniated discs. It is recommended to go to a doctor who will evaluate you and prescribe painkillers. To relieve the pain by deflating the affected area or you will be assigned a good physiotherapist.

In the exercise section, you can find “How to start inline skating”.

Basic exercises to stretch the lumbar.

Now that you know how to stretch lumbar. We can move on to the different exercises you have and their related, there are many ways to perform stretching exercises whether in bed, sitting, practicing yoga, standing, lying, among others. You can also do them at home in the office, in the gym and even in the park. So, you will have no excuses to look healthy as long as you maintain your proper posture.

  • Seated. Being relaxed in a chair the respective breaths are made, there the muscles relax and the fibers are released producing a relief in the back.
  • On the ground. Another exercise while sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out brings the trunk forward looking for the hands to touch the feet.
  • Being on your feet. With the legs apart, the hands are placed on the hip and turned from side to side keeping the back straight keeping them breaths accordingly.
  • Squats. Bringing the trunk to the top of the thighs, the palms of the hands resting on the floor and the sides of the feet stretch the knees until you feel tension in the legs, here you apply repetitions three to four times.

Other ways to exercise your lower back

There are also other ways to exercise the lumbar, only this time it is a bit intense and somewhat complicated to do, so you have to do exactly what it says and if you understood it will be much better and you will not need to look more about doing this exercise. It is preferable to do the above mentioned first. To not strain the body too much and get to have problems to continue with the routine or can even get worse, such as having oxidation and cellular aging, etc. Although exercise is good for your health, if you overdo it, it will get worse. Below you will find different exercises for lumbar, which are:

Knees to the chest

Put a towel or mat on the floor place the body on your back, bend your knees and bring them to the chest placing your hands on the back of the legs trying to make the heels stick on the bubbles or buttocks making the hips detach from the ground bringing the knees to the chest even more, hold this position for at least 30 seconds until you feel how the spine tenses.


Place a chair in front of you resting your hands on that surface and that has an angle of 90 degrees, being standing and the legs separated and extended takes the back down maintaining this posture for 20 seconds, repeating several times.


Adopt the posture of the cat, that is, place both hands and knees on the floor and stretch the spine looking to arch it as much as you can by squeezing the abdomen and holding your breath for 10 seconds release the back relaxing the abdomen and breathing deeply.


This exercise requires perseverance to have more flexibility in the hips, lying on the floor face up places the hands on the back of the head trying to make the elbows touch the ground and the legs bent trying that the soles of both feet are glued taking the knees to the ground from side to side holding 30 seconds.

Purpose of doing lumbar stretching activities.

  • Minimize muscle contraction caused by inactivity.
  • Adopt postural hygiene to avoid low back pain.
  • Have more flexibility in the body when it comes to activating the lower back
  • Reduce the risk of being prone to certain injuries from activities performed daily.
  • It helps to keep the body in a more agile way in case you decide to do any sport, in short there are a variety of factors that influence the proper performance of lumbar stretches that you can perform during the day or before going to bed at night.

If you want to acquire more knowledge, you can start with “How to get perfect abs”.


In conclusion. If when presenting any discomfort in the lumbago the ideal is that you take about three weeks of rest limiting excessive weight but not being completely inactive, you can take walks with good posture and truthful a progressive change in your health. Remember that this article is a means of information, the ideal is to consult a specialist doctor who will give you the respective recommendations according to the case of pain or discomfort that you present in your lower back area. Take into consideration that when performing these exercises, you should not exaggerate the time of action and less if it causes pain. On the other hand, if you do it little by little, you can raise the intensity a little until your body adapts and does not present any problem, and thanks to the fact that you already know how to stretch your back. You can have a part of your body worked and you already know how important it is not to take it as minor.

How To Stretch the Psoas


It is often underestimated how important it is to stretch properly. You are not and will not be the first to be the first that with the desire to train, you throw yourself from one to the exercise without taking much attention to a proper warm-up and stretching of the muscles. Today, for example, we have to deal with the topic that gives rise to this entry and that is reflected in the title “How to stretch the Psoas”.

How To Stretch The Psoas

Not only will you learn about how important it is to stretch this muscle well in a pre-exercise routine, but also to know that muscle (not well known by most) among many other interesting facts about it. So, if you have come wanting to learn and improve your health, we will take care of meeting those goals.

The iliac Psoas muscle is located in the lumbar area, being more specific in the iliac crest, inserted in the lesser trocant of the femur (in neutral Christian means the internal zone). It is a muscle designed to allow the hip to flex, which means that when it is retracted, this muscle will favor the abundance in curvature of the lower lumbar area.

You may be interested in reading our entry on “What is Muscle Atrophy”. And thus know the consequences of poorly executed exercise.

Can the iliac psoas muscle generate pain at the lumbar level?

The quick answer to that question is a resounding yes. However, we will explain why… This is because the iliac psoas when shortened (or contracted, is the same). This curves the back, as mentioned above. By doing this all the forces and tension that is exerted on the structure corresponding to the lumbar spine, lose stability. Consequently, some of these components of the lumbar structure wear out or become more tired than others. Not to mention that the curvature generates that many more muscles, tendons and ligaments are involved to be able to sustain this posture. The result of this results in pain in the lower back of the individual.

That is why it is important to know and understand how to stretch the iliac psoas properly. Without compromising the lumbar area much, and carrying out the physical activity in question without difficulties.

If you find these topics interesting and want to know how to prevent other injuries when exercising. Go on to read “How to avoid injuries in the gym”.

Types of exercises to stretch the iliac psoas

Finally, we come to perhaps the most important part of this entry. And then we are going to tell you three exercises that you can do either from your home or in the gym. In order to be able to stretch the iliac psoas correctly.

  • Stretch in lounge. This is done with the support of our hands against the ground. It is a very common type of stretching for the iliac psoas, there are even world-class athletes who apply it as a maneuver prior to a competition.
  • Another stretch (and very practical, you will understand why) is to stand in one of the corners of our bed. To later drop one of our legs hanging on the edge. While the other we will hug her against our chest. It is easy and practical to stretch the iliac psoas in this way, because we can do it even at the beginning of the day.
  • And as a last exercise to stretch the iliac psoas we have to, slide the leg back, leaving our knee extended. At the same time, we flex the other leg and support the forearms on some surface (example a table). EYE! If when performing this stretch you feel pain in the lower back, you should not perform this stretch.

These were three of the best exercises we know of to stretch the iliac psoas. This should be done with some regularity, since this muscle is retracted by excess sedentary lifestyle. Or aging, lack of physical activity and to a lesser extent, the malfunction of your kidneys. We particularly recommend stretching the muscle at least 1 time a day, for about 1 minute. It won’t take long and your body will thank you~.


Our body is a machine that from time to time requires some attention on our part. Not only in terms of food and the absence of vices. But also, at the motor level and muscular system is concerned. Stretching your muscles before training or as a morning routine is a very healthy and beneficial activity.

If you have found our entry useful, we invite you to go through the exercises section, there you will find many entries like this on “How to Get Perfect Abs”. Among many other articles with similar themes, know your body and take good care of it. If you don’t care about yourself anymore no one will.

How To Stretch Pectorals


People today are motivated to perform a series of exercises that keep them very healthy and more. In these times that has raised the presence of a pandemic called corona-virus or covid 19. This disease attacks precisely the area of the lungs that are located inside the rib cage or pectorals that have in the body. Both men and women. That is why it is recommended to maintain constant physical exercise to avoid the accumulation of phlegm or mucus. And do not tend to spread the bacteria throughout the respiratory system of the human body. So, in this article I will teach you about How to stretch pectorals.

How To Stretch Pectorals

There are other individuals who for aesthetic reasons. And even of physical presumption, it performs a repetitive series of exercises and in turn improves its quality in the respiratory system. Whose pectorals are strengthening it helping to expand the rib cage and increase the lung volume to have a good breath.

The chest as we commonly call it is surrounded by a series of muscles. That helps us to make the arms perform their movements in a normal way. Flexing them without any stiffness or spasticity helping to have a natural breathing without having to exert yourself.

In our exercise section, you can read “How to run faster and get tired less”.

Existing pectoral classes.

The word pecto ralis that derives from the Latin whose meaning is chest are the muscles that are divided into two pectorals: major and minor.

The greater muscle. This helps the shoulders to have greater mobility if a series of routines are usually performed that will keep it fortified, giving the shoulder greater flexibility and rotation when moving the arm. This muscle varies according to the sex of the person; In man it is located in the upper front of the body and has a resemblance to a fan. In women it is located under the breasts (breasts).

The pectoralis minor. Its muscle does not vary by the sex of the person, that is to say that it is the same for both sexes, has a triangular shape and is located exactly below the greater muscle.

Homemade exercises to stretch the pectorals.

The first recommendation you should make is a previous warm-up activating you with some mobility, between about five to ten minutes of time. Remember that you will do it to gain elasticity, but if you do it to obtain a prominent volume of the chest you will have to maintain a range of repetitions that guarantee that the muscle will be activated to increase said muscle mass. Here I name some for you to put into practice and if you do it with discipline you will get good results:

  • Push-ups better known as push-up or military funds supporting the hands on the ground to the height of the shoulders and the feet putting them on tiptoe, is the most common to perform where your body will work as a weight, if you are a beginner its repetitions derive between three to six variants, there are also the chest push-ups supporting the hands and knees on the floor and those that are done by placing On the floor the body face up grabbing your neck with both hands and elbows you take them back and the legs that are flexed, you will feel a stretch in the chest area.
  • We stand up bending the knees and place the hands on the hips bringing the elbows back, certain repetitions are made in which you will feel how the shoulders work, remember to be aware of the breathing. These routines are performed without the need to use weights, dumbbells or other instruments or mechanical devices such as multiforces. But if you have these devices take full advantage of them that will help you tone and increase the muscle volume you need and if you do not simply look for objects that are heavy from your house and improvise, cheer up that your body will thank you.

In our exercise section, there are many articles to read, and we recommend that you read “How to prepare oatmeal to gain muscle mass”.

In conclusion.

  • Not all people have the opportunity to go every day to a gym, perhaps it is due to lack of money or lack of time so they see the need to improvise at home an adequate space that can include certain machines that serve to exercise, and if they do not have them, they can simply perform a series of certain routines that can be done at any time of the day, The ideal is to have good discipline and maintain a balanced diet.

So, there is no excuse to keep your body toned. Thanks to the fact that you know how to stretch pectorals. It can get rid of toxins and be healthy, you just have to plan your week to work your pectorals and include other exercises that are essential to have a balanced and fit physique. In addition, these exercises guarantee you to have a pleasant daily life because you will feel more elastic and flexible when it comes to dealing with household chores or in your work area.

How To Start Training on A Treadmill


treadmill is a fitness machine that allows us to run inside closed cabins, while allowing us to make adjustments to the intensity of the exercise. Once we have explained how to choose a treadmill, it is time to give you some basic guidelines so you know how to start training on a treadmill.

How To Start Training On A Treadmill

This type of machines are one of the most used in gyms, but more and more people decide to buy one to have it in their home. In this way it is possible to exercise and do cardio without having to suffer the inclement weather or depend on it.

Treadmills are a great option for improving our cardiovascular condition, but it is also one of the most suitable general warm-up exercises to prepare for the practice of other routines or sports. However, by itself, this machine offers many training possibilities, being able to do speed adjustments, time training, inclination of the treadmill, high intensity training and intervals, etc.

Although we have already explained how to use treadmills, below we will explain how you can start training on a treadmill, which will depend on your goals.

Instructions for starting treadmill training

Next, we are going to talk about different training options that depend on the objectives you want to achieve. In this case we are going to give you the indications for different purposes, so that you can choose the one that best suits what you really need.

Preparation to run 5 kilometers

With a training of ten weeks, with three workouts per week and a rest day between each of them. In this way you can improve your physical condition and you can start running a distance of 5 kilometers at a good pace. When facing this type of training it is advisable to take into account the pulsations and not the mileage of the treadmill.

The steps to follow for this are the following:

  1. First you must warm up for 2 minutes, then jog 5 minutes of very gentle jogging.
  2. Then you will have to run for 3 minutes at a medium pace, and then accelerate to run another three minutes, making your heart rate reach 80%.
  3. Then, once these three minutes have passed, you will have to slow down the treadmill, and run again at medium pace for another three minutes.
  4. Repeat accelerating and slowing down every three minutes until you reach three repetitions.
  5. Once you have done the three repetitions mentioned, it will be time to move on to running at a gentle pace for 5 minutes.
  6. Then do a new series, in this case at 85% of your heart rate for 5 minutes.
  7. Finally, run at a gentle pace for 10 minutes, and conclude by cooling down by walking for two minutes.

This process must be done the three days of the first week. For the second you will have to run five minutes at 90% capacity. With the passing of the weeks, you will see a clear improvement, and once the ten weeks of training are finished you can run at a good pace a 5-kilometer race.

Hill training

If you want to perform a hill training, you will have to vary the inclination of the treadmill, something that will help you when it comes to developing greater resistance, but will also help to raise the rate of metabolism, with the consequent increase in the burning of calories, higher than those of a conventional training.

In case you want to exercise this way and start training with slopes on a treadmill, what you should follow is this other plan:

  1. First you will have to warm up for two minutes at a pace that is comfortable for you.
  2. Then you will have to, for 5 minutes, start running with the treadmill completely flat and at a medium pace.
  3. Raise the incline of the treadmill to 4 or 5%, and then run for a minute and a half at a fast pace so that it is some effort, around 85% of your capacity. After this time, return the treadmill to 0% and reduce the pace to a very gentle recovery treatment. Keep it for 3 minutes.
  4. You must repeat this series in a total of 8 times, running fast for 80 seconds with inclination and resting with gentle jogging with 3 minutes in each of them.
  5. Once you complete all eight sets, it should be time to run smoothly and without incline for 5 minutes.
  6. Finally, to cool down and return to calm you will have to walk for two minutes.

The training in total lasts 50 minutes. This type of training helps you both when climbing hills and improve your physical condition in general.

How To Spin Properly


If you like to ride a bicycle, but prefer to do it for purposes more focused on the gym, you have the possibility of opting for an exercise bike or a spinning bike, which offer us many possibilities when it comes to doing some kind of physical activity and getting in shape. However, there are many people who do not know how to spin properly and that is what we are going to help you along the following lines.

How To Spin Properly

Whether in the gym or in your own home because you have done with one of these bicycles that offer so many possibilities, you will care to know how to do this activity in the best possible way. For this you must bear in mind that it involves much more than getting on the chair and pedaling, but you need to take into account different key aspects so that the experience is optimal. Here are the tips you need to know to improve your experience.

Spinning bike tuning and configuration

To begin with, it is very important that if you are worried about how to spin correctly you have to make the proper adjustments and configuration of your bike. For this there are different points to take into account:

Saddle adjustment

You should stand next to the bike and check the height at which the seat is located. It must be at the height of the hip and if it is not, you must adjust it.

Then you will have to sit on the bike, placing your feet on the pedals and lower to the maximum, getting the leg extended but with a slight knee flexion.

You will also have to make a horizontal adjustment of the saddle, having to place your feet parallel to the ground, checking that the knee on the forward leg is aligned with the head of the same pedal. Depending on this, you will have to advance or delay the seat.

Handlebar adjustment

The handlebar must also be adjusted, which is key to be able to enjoy a good posture when practicing spinning. For this you must bear in mind that the height of the handlebar must have as a reference that of the saddle, and must be placed at the same height.

With regard to the horizontal adjustment, you will have to take the arm and rest the elbow on the saddle. In this case you will have to touch the handlebar with your fingertips but without catching it the arms must be flexed and relaxed so as not to force the posture.

Posture to practice spinning correctly

If you have the spinning bike well configured, you should enjoy a good posture. However, there are a number of recommendations in this regard that are key to be able to practice this activity without problems and without suffering an injury. To do this, you must take into account the following:

  • Arms. They should never be stretched, but should be flexed and relaxed to prevent the weight from falling on the handlebars.
  • Feet. If you want to pedal well, the widest part of the foot should be located in the center of the pedal.
  • Head. The head can never be down, but you have to change the position of the neck to avoid pain or tension, but without lowering it.
  • Back. The back should be aligned and straight. If it curves it will end up causing injury, something that can happen if the handlebar and saddle settings are not correct.
  • Legs. At the end of the pedaling, the leg should be slightly flexed, being necessary to avoid injuries.

Spinning load

The spinning load is the resistance offered by the bicycle to pedaling, which can be adjusted through a valve or roulette, and depending on the model you can get to enjoy a large number of levels.

If you want to know how to spin properly, you should try to find the right level. Pedaling with too low a load will only cause you to injure yourself, since you will give empty pedals that will damage your joints.

With a low load you will give more pedaling, which can help you lose weight, but not to gain muscle. On the other hand, if you exceed the loads, you will cause overexertion and you can even suffer a muscle injury. With it you will give less pedaling per minute, which will help you gain muscle but not lose weight.

To practice this activity in the ideal way, it will be necessary to adjust to the indications of the monitor or your own training.

Pedaling techniques

There are different pedaling techniques that can be used when practicing spinning, which are the following:

  • Basic. It is the standard and indicated for heating phase. A frequency of 90 to 120 pedals per minute should be maintained, with little resistance and at a medium-high pace.
  • Running. You have to stand on the pedals, being good to give a lot of intensity to the legs, being accompanied by a high pedaling rhythm.
  • Seated mountain. It occurs with the highest intensity, with legs that are forced to make strength, maintaining the hardness of the resistance but without a very high rhythm. It is ideal for muscle toning.

How To Remove Fat from The Knees


When looking for how to increase muscle definition or lose weight, it is common to look for how to lose fat in the arms or chest, among others, and now it is time to know how to eliminate fat from the knees.

How To Remove Fat From The Knees

If you are not satisfied or satisfied with your knees, you have come to the right place to know how to get rid of this fat. Fat can accumulate in different parts of our body and one of those areas are the knees, which can give excessive volume. It is even sometimes accompanied by cellulite.

Tips for removing fat from the knees

If you have too large knees and want to deal with excess fat, you should know that there are a number of considerations and exercises to perform in order to get rid of it.

Changes in your eating habits

If you are looking for how to eliminate fat from the knees it is important that you start by modifying, you’re eating habits. To do this you will have to reduce as much as possible the consumption of refined sugars as well as saturated fats, refined flours or processed foods; And in return base your diet on vegetables, fruits, proteins and whole grain flours.

It is also recommended that you reduce the consumption of salt and reduce the intake of fats, processed foods, fried foods, industrial pastries and snacks. You should also increase your water intake.


If you wonder how you have to exercise to know how to eliminate fat from your knees, you should know that the solution that you have most available and for which you do not need anything, is to go for a walk. It is also the safest to exercise without risks.

The key to getting rid of knee fat should be avoided sedentary lifestyle and for this it is advisable to walk daily at least 40 minutes, which will help you when it comes to staying in good shape and you can benefit from many other advantages. Among them will be found that it will help you reduce the fat you have in your knees.


In addition to walking, there are other physical exercises that you should do if you want to know how to eliminate fat from the knees effectively. An effective way to get rid of this fat is to resort to squat exercises. To make them the steps to follow are the following:

  1. Standing well upright, you should separate your legs lightly until they are parallel to the shoulders. The back should be kept straight, without the neck being forced.
  2. Now it will be necessary to join the hands in front of the chest so as not to generate momentum with them and thus get the back to stay straight.
  3. From that position it will be time to start descending, lowering the buttocks slowly and flexing your legs as if you were going to sit in a chair.
  4. Once you get to the bottom, it will be time to climb again, always with your back straight, exerting force only with legs and buttocks.

It is advisable to carry out sets of about 15-20 repetitions each day. Thus, in a few days you will notice the results and it will help you when it comes to getting rid of knee fat.

High-intensity exercises

To know how to eliminate fat from the knees and eliminate fat from the legs and the rest of your body, it is advisable to carry out high-intensity exercises. For this, it is recommended to carry out cardiovascular activities that make you burn calories. However, these are exercises that are recommended only for people who are more active.


High intensity interval exercises (HIIT) are very useful and highly advisable to lose weight, as well as to burn fat and achieve muscle toning.

It is advisable to carry out sessions of approximately 45 minutes to notice the effects, making breaks of 20-30 seconds between each series when doing the training.


In case you like running, running can help you burn fat both in the knees and in the rest of the body. In fact, running is one of the most effective workouts; And you can even carry out speed and endurance series.

Treatments to remove fat from the knees

If in addition to these exercises you are interested in knowing how to eliminate fat from the knees through treatments, there are some of them that are very popular, such as:

  • Lipolaser. It offers a safer treatment than liposuction and less aggressive, making use of laser technology to get rid of the fat that exists in certain areas of the body.
  • Knee liposuction. It is a type of surgery that is responsible for the aspiration of fat that accumulates in the knees.
  • Carboxytherapy. It is a technique that uses CO2 infiltrations to end the accumulation of fat in small areas.

How To Regain Fitness After a Break


For different reasons we can find situations in which we have stopped practicing sports, and although we look for how to fulfill the purpose of exercising more there are aspects to take into account in order to recover physical fitness.

How To Regain Fitness After A Break

After talking about how to motivate yourself to exercise and how to be consistent when doing sports, in this case we are going to teach you how to recover physical shape after a break. First of all, you should know that physical form does not return from one day to the next, but you must take it easy and follow a series of guidelines to achieve your goals.

Consolidate the habit of doing sports

Regaining fitness after a sports break will take longer than it costs to lose it. After a period in which we have not had activity, it is key to follow a series of tips to consolidate the habit of doing sports and get us to enjoy all its benefits.

In this sense, it is recommended that we set realistic objectives that allow us to advance progressively, in addition to maintaining consistency and starting with the activity that we like the most to avoid the risk that we leave the deport activity shortly after starting.

The speed with which the form is recovered will depend on different factors, among which is the physical state in which we find ourselves when we return to activity, as well as the one we had when it was left; and of course, downtime.

Also, it should be borne in mind that the reason that caused the abandonment of the exercise also influences; And it is not the same to have completely left the sport due to an illness than to have done it for work reasons or vacations, and to have continued to have an active life.

Evolution when recovering the form

As with the loss of shape after stopping exercising, and that causes some abilities to be lost first than others, when trying to recover the shape the same thing happens. To begin with, one of the first manifestations that show us improvement is the decrease in heart rate and pulsation, which shows us that the heart responds better to effort.

During the first two or three weeks, cardiorespiratory fitness is improved, and we must know how to listen to the body and know how to interpret the messages it gives us constantly. Starting to notice improvement in strength and muscle development takes longer, in addition to doing specific activities for it.

Tips for getting back in shape

If you want to know how to recover physical shape after a break, the tips you should follow are the following:

Avoid starting too strong

To achieve the benefits when it comes to recovering the form is to have perseverance and follow a progressive rhythm. After a break it is usual to start strongly, but this poses a significant risk of injury and physical exhaustion, since we are not prepared to withstand a high level of intensity.

Listen to your body

It is essential to know how to listen to the body. For this reason, you should start practicing sports progressively and regularly in short periods. It is preferable to practice a little sport daily or on alternate days than to do a single workout a week of too much intensity.

Dynamic activities

A recommendation when looking for how to recover physical shape after a break is to make a commitment to a dynamic activity. Among them are swimming, running or just walking.

Regardless of the option chosen, you will have to do it progressively, so that you can improve aerobic capacity and endurance to the sport. It is advisable to start by practicing 30 minutes a day or alternate days for a week, and then increase the time progressively.

In this aspect, it is easier for a person who has already practiced sports on a regular basis to know their body and the limits it has. From there, to achieve progress, you can play with both training times and intensity.

Simple and easy to achieve goals

One recommendation is to set realistic goals from the outset. In this way you can evolve while maintaining motivation. It is essential that you establish simple goals in the principles to be able to achieve them, being preferable to create small goals than a large and difficult one to achieve.

A complicated start

The benefits of physical activity even on an emotional level are more than evident, even from the first workout. However, you may not notice it immediately and it is necessary to give the body enough time.

The body will gradually get used to physical exercise, thus getting back into shape little by little.

How To Reduce the Waist


Now that we are in good weather, one of everyone’s biggest concerns is reducing waist size. Many of us have overindulged in food in the winter and now we want to show off a beautiful body fast.

How To Reduce The Waist

The waist is the area just above the hips. This area is attractive when it is thin, both in the front area and on the sides, in what is known as flat belly.

However, many people have too wide waist. The problem with this is that it is very ugly, since it does not usually look good that you have a wide waist, whether you are a man or a woman.

This article where we explain how to have a flat abdomen may also interest you.

For this reason, many of us want to have a slimmer waist, although it is not easy. The problem is that there is a lot of poor quality information and a lot of myth, which tells us that we will get the wasp waist we want in a short time and then it turns out to be false.

For this reason, many people give so many blind sticks when they want to lose weight and want to show off a great body. For this reason, these people must keep a very good eye on what they are looking for.

However, that’s what we’re here for, to collect all the information that’s good for reducing the waist correctly. In this way, you will not have to leave here to show off that body you want so much.

Of course, I warn you that you may be disappointed, because there are some things that seem obvious, but it is what works, although many people do not. Really this is something basic and if it is done, anyone can do it without spending money and without much effort, let’s see it.

Waste Reduction Instructions

Don’t be fooled. Large waists are due to excess weight in most cases, since the excess fat accumulated in that area causes the waist to become larger and larger, thus making you have to work on losing weight in that area. To lose weight we know that we must do two things, which are diet and exercise. Let’s go with the first, diet, which is perhaps the most important. Don’t really diet, but change your eating habits. Eat everything, but healthy and avoid poor quality foods. Avoid sugar, alcohol, sweets, processed foods, junk food like pizza and hamburgers. Also, do not abuse very fatty foods such as cheese or with many calories such as nuts. Always try to eat what you need and you will see how you lose weight. Also, be careful with condiments and sauces, as people don’t count them, but they get fatter than we think.

We have already seen how dieting is one part of losing weight, but the other is physical exercise, which although not as important as the diet for the waist, is more important for health. Physical exercise allows you to burn calories from the waist, because if you spend more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. In addition, exercise will put you in an optimal hormonal state to lose fat and not doing sports will cause you to accumulate much fatter. What we have to do is perform moderate exercise every day, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle and doing exercises to tone the area, which we are going to see right now.

3.Perform specific exercises for the waist:
First of all I want to clarify one thing. These exercises serve as a complement to diet and exercise, but by themselves they do nothing. By this I mean, that doing a million abs does not serve to lose gut, but it does serve to tone the area in the last kilos and make it look firmer. The specific exercises for the waist are those that have to do with the core or abdomen or lower back, which we all know. Perform these exercises in a moderate way and you will achieve a much more toned and firm physique, which will arouse the envy of everyone.

In addition to these methods, there are other alternative methods to lose waist fat and make it thinner. Passive gymnastics equipment, electro musculation, miracle diets and so on. Many times, they work, but they should never be replaced by healthy living and exercise, as it is the most natural way to do it. In addition, of course I do not advise you to take drugs to lose weight, such as ephedrine, steroids and others, since this class of drugs is bad for health and often illegal. The healthy and the natural is always better for health, since you will end up achieving your goals equally, even if it takes a little longer.

How To Recover Muscles After Exercise


More and more people are looking for a form of entertainment in sport while helping them to maintain a better state of health. In this sense, there are those who prefer to bet on sports more focused on cardio and others on bodybuilding. However, regardless of this, and although the level of demand for the muscles is not the same, it is important to know how to recover the muscles after exercise.

How To Recover Muscles After Exercise

Throughout this article we will explain everything you need to know to be able to recover your body after having done a physical activity, and that your muscles are more quickly in the best conditions to be able to face another session.

Keep in mind that a correct recovery of the muscles is very important, since, if they are not in an optimal state before exercising them again, the chances of suffering an injury increase significantly. This may have a lesser or greater severity, but it is always preferable to bet on prevention and do everything possible to achieve a good muscle recovery. Next, we will explain everything you need to know.

It is very important to know that during a workout you are tiring the body, and therefore all muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments … If you do not recover them properly you will find that performance is decreased, but you will also be more likely to suffer an injury.

Types of muscle recovery

Before giving you the tips, you need to know for a quick recovery you should know that there are mainly two types of recovery, which are the following:

Passive regeneration

In passive regeneration, the body is allowed to recover on its own, and is expected to be able to compensate for the training load and proceed to restore its physical capabilities as quickly as possible.

Active regeneration

Active regeneration, on the other hand, seeks to collaborate in the regeneration process, supporting the muscles and the body in general with different methods for body stimulation during the rest phase. In this way, the body needs less time to recover.

Tips for recovering muscles after exercise

There are different methods that are very effective in knowing how to recover muscles after exercise. Below we give you a series of tips that are key to achieving your goal.

State back to calm

Workouts should always end with a short phase of return to calm, as this helps in achieving muscle recovery. To do this, when you reach the last ten minutes of the training session it is advisable to reduce the pace, as this will favor recovery.

In this way, both the cardiovascular system and the metabolism slowly return to their normal state. At the same time, they manage to release accumulations and muscle hyperacidity is minimized.

In addition, reducing the intensity of the final minutes of training helps to accelerate the arrival of the recovery phase.


After each workout it is highly advisable to stretch, resorting to short and easy stretches. This helps to accelerate recovery, reduce any possible tightness at the muscle level and prepare the body for the next session.

Stretching helps reduce post-exercise tension and maintains flexibility in the muscles. In addition, it has a relaxing effect on body and mind; And this contributes to better and faster regeneration.

Kneipp method

Keneipp’s method consists of making water contrasts. In the post-workout shower, alternate cold water and hot water for 30-40 seconds and repeat the procedure 5 to 8 times. Thanks to cold water, muscle pain is reduced, while hot water is responsible for promoting blood circulation and relaxes both tendons and muscles.

Cold baths

One of the best options to recover muscles after physical exercise is to resort to cold baths. These are especially recommended after hard running sessions or other high-intensity exercises.

Thanks to a cold water bath after exercise, blood circulation in the muscles is reduced, thus being able to deal with the hemorrhages they may have inside. With very cold water, waste products are eliminated in the muscles and an intense metabolism occurs.

Active relaxation techniques

Active relaxation is based on the direct connection between body and mind. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out relaxation programs, even if they are only about 10 minutes. In this way it is possible to reduce tension as well as the concentration of lactate in the muscles.


Sleep is one of the easiest, fastest and most effective methods to recover muscles. All training stimuli are processed while sleeping, as it is the time when tissues are repaired, muscles are developed and the body and mind are restored.

Depending on the intensity of the exercise you do, it will be necessary to sleep about 7-8 hours each night. If you do not get enough sleep, the body will react with a slower recovery, in addition to suffering irritability, reduced metabolism, and so on.


The body needs energy to recover, so you should refill your reserves when you are done with your workout. Complex carbohydrates and protein should be combined, as they stimulate the regeneration process. In addition, the combination of macronutrients contributes to muscle development.

How To Prepare for A Triathlon


After teaching you how to prepare a duathlon or how to prepare for trail running, now we are going to do the same with triathlon. This sport is a great challenge for all those who decide to get fully involved in this type of test, in which swimming must be combined with cycling and running.

How To Prepare For A Triathlon

Being a triathlete is not easy and you must know a series of basic considerations in order to achieve the best goals. We will explain everything you need to know in order to get the best results.

Definition of objectives

If you are interested in knowing how to prepare a triathlon, it will be important that you are able to define your goals. In this way you can evolve following these to try to reach the best result in the final test.

The first thing you should consider is that you should know how to be consistent in exercising, otherwise you will not achieve your goals. For the definition of objectives, you must take into account a series of key points, which are:

  • Vision. You must visualize what you want to achieve, whether it is losing weight, reaching the goal, getting a particular time, reaching the podium, winning the competition…
  • Set short, medium and long-term goals. These can be general or very specific.
  • Recording and measurement. Following a program will be important to be able to improve attention, but also the quantity and quality of training.
  • Adaptability. It is important that you are receptive to receive the feedback you know about your technique and training plan; and try to adapt to your needs.


If you are thinking of knowing how to prepare a triathlon you should know that, initially, you will not have to look for the best equipment or the one with the highest price. This is because it is possible that after a first participation you decide to throw in the towel and you can waste money.

On the other hand, if you are sure that you are going to practice this sport because it is to your liking, it will be time to invest in better equipment that can provide you with greater durability, comfort and performance.

The necessary equipment to be able to practice triathlon is the following:

  • Neoprene
  • Swimming goggles
  • Cap
  • Bicycle
  • Triathlon shoes
  • Clothes
  • Helmet
  • Running shoes
  • Heart rate monitor

Training plan

In this case we are going to talk about the recommended training plan to be able to prepare run triathlon in the most appropriate way. It is important that during your training you make use of a heart rate meter or heart rate monitor. This way you can check your pulse in all three zones to help you improve your performance and find your five heart rate zones.

The training plan can be divided into:

Block 1: Week 1 to 3

  • First you will have to calculate the number of minutes you can train daily.
  • Once you know this time you will have to divide it into three swimming sessions; two or three cycling sessions; and two or three running sessions, with a total of 7 to 9 sessions per week.
  • In those cases where your time is limited, you can choose to combine the workouts. An example is that you run to the pool to swim or that you go by bicycle.
  • During this first block we will focus on carrying out physical exercise consistently.
  • In this case, a “simple” session and two “constants” must be performed in each of the three disciplines that must be trained.

Block 2: Weeks 4 to 6

  • Arrived at block two it will be time to increase by 10% the minutes trained each day.
  • Again, you will have to divide that time, in this case into three swimming sessions, three running sessions and three cycling sessions. In total there will be nine sessions a week.
  • If you have a limited time for training, as in the first block, it will be recommended that you combine training to try to make the most of it and thus progress in your training.
  • In this block we are focused on both technique and endurance and consistency of training.
  • Again, you will have to do one easy session and two sessions of higher intensity in each of the three disciplines.

Block 3: Weeks 7 to 9

  • Once block 3 has been reached, it will be time to increase the daily training minutes by 10% over the previous block.
  • You will have to divide, again, that time into three swimming sessions, three running sessions and three cycling sessions, with a total of 9 weekly sessions.
  • If you do not have much time to train, it is recommended that you combine workouts to make the most of the training time as possible.
  • In this block we will focus on both technique and consistency, resistance and reaching the strengthening threshold.
  • In this case the sessions must be: a basic, a constant and a difficult and very demanding in each of the three disciplines to be trained.