How To Recover Muscles After Exercise

How To Recover Muscles After Exercise

More and more people are looking for a form of entertainment in sport while helping them to maintain a better state of health. In this sense, there are those who prefer to bet on sports more focused on cardio and others on bodybuilding. However, regardless of this, and although the level of demand for the muscles is not the same, it is important to know how to recover the muscles after exercise.

How To Recover Muscles After Exercise

Throughout this article we will explain everything you need to know to be able to recover your body after having done a physical activity, and that your muscles are more quickly in the best conditions to be able to face another session.

Keep in mind that a correct recovery of the muscles is very important, since, if they are not in an optimal state before exercising them again, the chances of suffering an injury increase significantly. This may have a lesser or greater severity, but it is always preferable to bet on prevention and do everything possible to achieve a good muscle recovery. Next, we will explain everything you need to know.

It is very important to know that during a workout you are tiring the body, and therefore all muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments … If you do not recover them properly you will find that performance is decreased, but you will also be more likely to suffer an injury.

Types of muscle recovery

Before giving you the tips, you need to know for a quick recovery you should know that there are mainly two types of recovery, which are the following:

Passive regeneration

In passive regeneration, the body is allowed to recover on its own, and is expected to be able to compensate for the training load and proceed to restore its physical capabilities as quickly as possible.

Active regeneration

Active regeneration, on the other hand, seeks to collaborate in the regeneration process, supporting the muscles and the body in general with different methods for body stimulation during the rest phase. In this way, the body needs less time to recover.

Tips for recovering muscles after exercise

There are different methods that are very effective in knowing how to recover muscles after exercise. Below we give you a series of tips that are key to achieving your goal.

State back to calm

Workouts should always end with a short phase of return to calm, as this helps in achieving muscle recovery. To do this, when you reach the last ten minutes of the training session it is advisable to reduce the pace, as this will favor recovery.

In this way, both the cardiovascular system and the metabolism slowly return to their normal state. At the same time, they manage to release accumulations and muscle hyperacidity is minimized.

In addition, reducing the intensity of the final minutes of training helps to accelerate the arrival of the recovery phase.


After each workout it is highly advisable to stretch, resorting to short and easy stretches. This helps to accelerate recovery, reduce any possible tightness at the muscle level and prepare the body for the next session.

Stretching helps reduce post-exercise tension and maintains flexibility in the muscles. In addition, it has a relaxing effect on body and mind; And this contributes to better and faster regeneration.

Kneipp method

Keneipp’s method consists of making water contrasts. In the post-workout shower, alternate cold water and hot water for 30-40 seconds and repeat the procedure 5 to 8 times. Thanks to cold water, muscle pain is reduced, while hot water is responsible for promoting blood circulation and relaxes both tendons and muscles.

Cold baths

One of the best options to recover muscles after physical exercise is to resort to cold baths. These are especially recommended after hard running sessions or other high-intensity exercises.

Thanks to a cold water bath after exercise, blood circulation in the muscles is reduced, thus being able to deal with the hemorrhages they may have inside. With very cold water, waste products are eliminated in the muscles and an intense metabolism occurs.

Active relaxation techniques

Active relaxation is based on the direct connection between body and mind. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out relaxation programs, even if they are only about 10 minutes. In this way it is possible to reduce tension as well as the concentration of lactate in the muscles.


Sleep is one of the easiest, fastest and most effective methods to recover muscles. All training stimuli are processed while sleeping, as it is the time when tissues are repaired, muscles are developed and the body and mind are restored.

Depending on the intensity of the exercise you do, it will be necessary to sleep about 7-8 hours each night. If you do not get enough sleep, the body will react with a slower recovery, in addition to suffering irritability, reduced metabolism, and so on.


The body needs energy to recover, so you should refill your reserves when you are done with your workout. Complex carbohydrates and protein should be combined, as they stimulate the regeneration process. In addition, the combination of macronutrients contributes to muscle development.


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