How To Spin Properly

How To Spin Properly

If you like to ride a bicycle, but prefer to do it for purposes more focused on the gym, you have the possibility of opting for an exercise bike or a spinning bike, which offer us many possibilities when it comes to doing some kind of physical activity and getting in shape. However, there are many people who do not know how to spin properly and that is what we are going to help you along the following lines.

How To Spin Properly

Whether in the gym or in your own home because you have done with one of these bicycles that offer so many possibilities, you will care to know how to do this activity in the best possible way. For this you must bear in mind that it involves much more than getting on the chair and pedaling, but you need to take into account different key aspects so that the experience is optimal. Here are the tips you need to know to improve your experience.

Spinning bike tuning and configuration

To begin with, it is very important that if you are worried about how to spin correctly you have to make the proper adjustments and configuration of your bike. For this there are different points to take into account:

Saddle adjustment

You should stand next to the bike and check the height at which the seat is located. It must be at the height of the hip and if it is not, you must adjust it.

Then you will have to sit on the bike, placing your feet on the pedals and lower to the maximum, getting the leg extended but with a slight knee flexion.

You will also have to make a horizontal adjustment of the saddle, having to place your feet parallel to the ground, checking that the knee on the forward leg is aligned with the head of the same pedal. Depending on this, you will have to advance or delay the seat.

Handlebar adjustment

The handlebar must also be adjusted, which is key to be able to enjoy a good posture when practicing spinning. For this you must bear in mind that the height of the handlebar must have as a reference that of the saddle, and must be placed at the same height.

With regard to the horizontal adjustment, you will have to take the arm and rest the elbow on the saddle. In this case you will have to touch the handlebar with your fingertips but without catching it the arms must be flexed and relaxed so as not to force the posture.

Posture to practice spinning correctly

If you have the spinning bike well configured, you should enjoy a good posture. However, there are a number of recommendations in this regard that are key to be able to practice this activity without problems and without suffering an injury. To do this, you must take into account the following:

  • Arms. They should never be stretched, but should be flexed and relaxed to prevent the weight from falling on the handlebars.
  • Feet. If you want to pedal well, the widest part of the foot should be located in the center of the pedal.
  • Head. The head can never be down, but you have to change the position of the neck to avoid pain or tension, but without lowering it.
  • Back. The back should be aligned and straight. If it curves it will end up causing injury, something that can happen if the handlebar and saddle settings are not correct.
  • Legs. At the end of the pedaling, the leg should be slightly flexed, being necessary to avoid injuries.

Spinning load

The spinning load is the resistance offered by the bicycle to pedaling, which can be adjusted through a valve or roulette, and depending on the model you can get to enjoy a large number of levels.

If you want to know how to spin properly, you should try to find the right level. Pedaling with too low a load will only cause you to injure yourself, since you will give empty pedals that will damage your joints.

With a low load you will give more pedaling, which can help you lose weight, but not to gain muscle. On the other hand, if you exceed the loads, you will cause overexertion and you can even suffer a muscle injury. With it you will give less pedaling per minute, which will help you gain muscle but not lose weight.

To practice this activity in the ideal way, it will be necessary to adjust to the indications of the monitor or your own training.

Pedaling techniques

There are different pedaling techniques that can be used when practicing spinning, which are the following:

  • Basic. It is the standard and indicated for heating phase. A frequency of 90 to 120 pedals per minute should be maintained, with little resistance and at a medium-high pace.
  • Running. You have to stand on the pedals, being good to give a lot of intensity to the legs, being accompanied by a high pedaling rhythm.
  • Seated mountain. It occurs with the highest intensity, with legs that are forced to make strength, maintaining the hardness of the resistance but without a very high rhythm. It is ideal for muscle toning.


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