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How To Defend Against an Attack In 5 Moves


Knowing how to defend yourself is more important than knowing how to knock down an opponent in combat, since the fact of learning self-defense can be very useful when suffering any type of assault when we are on the street or in other unexpected circumstances.

How To Defend Against An Attack In 5 Moves

An attack is something unexpected and, when it takes place, it can cause fear itself to take hold of us and we do not know how to act. However, by acquiring basic knowledge of self-defense it is possible to succeed in this type of situation. For this reason, we are going to give you some indications so that you know how to defend yourself from an attack in 5 movements

General rules before an attack

However, it is important that, first of all, you have cleared some general rules for anyone who suffers an attack:

  • Make a lot of noise. If you are the victim of an attack, you should try to make as much noise as you can. At the same time that you defend yourself, it is important that you shout at your aggressor or give voices, so that you can alert other people about where you are and they can know that you are in danger. In this way, other citizens could come to your aid and stop the attack by someone else.
  • Use head, elbows and knees. The hardest parts of our body are the knees, elbows and head, so you should try to use them as much as you can, and thanks to them you can give a greater impact to your aggressor in the event that you use them in the right way.
  • Try to run away. The main objective before an attack that we may suffer is to try to flee. Therefore, do not focus on killing the other person or revolt, but on trying to flee avoiding greater risks. In this way, if you manage to hurt who attacks you, it is best to take the opportunity to flee and look for a safe place.

Instructions for defending against an attack in 5 moves

Once you are clear about the basic considerations before an attack, you will have to know how to defend against an attack in 5 moves, which are the following:

  1. Hit the aggressor in the nose. The first move to defend yourself from an attack by an aggressor will be to hit his nose. You should do it with the palm of your hand and with a forward movement. The nose is very sensitive, so with a movement as simple as the one mentioned it could even break. In any case, a blow in it will cause the aggressor to be hurt at least for a few seconds and you can take advantage to flee the place.
  2. Reduce with wrist lock. If you manage to act quickly, you can incapacitate your aggressor by blocking his wrist. To do this, the palm of the aggressor must be pulled upwards, then turned and brought to the ground. This will not completely stop the attack in most cases, but it can be combined with another type of attack, such as a headbutt or kick in the groin before escaping.
  3. He sticks a finger in his eye. Something as simple as sticking your finger in your opponent’s eye can stop him from his aggression, as this will be a great pain and hurt him, while he will stop seeing what you are doing. When doing so, there is no need to be afraid to do it with energy, and is that many experts in self-defense recommend using weapons for defense, being able to guarantee that the vision of the aggressor is affected enough to be able to flee.
  4. Headbutt back. When an aggressor catches us from behind, an efficient way to flee is to headbutt back, throwing your head back as hard as possible to hit your face or neck. This should cause him to lose control over his aggression. In the event that the aggressor does not just release you, you can bend down to grab him by the back of his knees or calves and pull towards you as hard as you can. Thus, he could become unbalanced and even fall, thus being able to gain vital time to escape the aggression.
  5. Headbutt forward. On many occasions, the aggressors choose to throw themselves at their victim trying to immobilize them against the wall. In the event that you find yourself in this type of situation, you have different options to turn to. You can push yourself upwards to try to hit with your head on your jaw, or if you have your arms on each of your sides, you should try to hit them as hard as possible in the armpit area, so that you can separate them and this can help you escape.

How To Create a Diet That’s Right for You


Today it is up to us to deal with a topic that may be the most interesting for those who start an exercise routine. Although in general it is intended for anyone who does not know what is the proper way to create a diet, which fits your needs and objectives in exercise. The fitness world isn’t just about intense training and discipline. There is also a large space for food, so it is important to know how to create a diet or otherwise know how to identify one that is appropriate for you.

How To Create A Diet That's Right For You

Before proceeding with the three cases that we consider common that, usually lead to a person being interested in creating a diet. We must comment on a fact that will be frequent throughout the article. These are the nutrition labels that we find behind every food package. Yes, the same ones you thought nobody read.

The nutritional information of each food is important to give us an average of what we are putting in our mouths and if we are eating what we really need according to our diets. That will help to have better control over what nutrients our body is receiving and which ones they need. Well, according to certain foods we may need to look for a replacement that if we give those vitamins that have to be consumed. That said, we can proceed…

If, on the other hand, this does not interest you or catches your attention, you can read our entry on “Eating Before Training – What You Need to Know”.

How to create a diet to increase muscle mass

If your intention is to gain more muscle volume you have to be very clear that your diet revolves around only one thing… “The protein.”

Show me… Maybe I’m exaggerating things a bit, obviously you’re going to need more than just protein, your body needs other components to be healthy. However, it is not a lie that protein becomes the protagonist in these cases.

For this you must know why your body needs protein… You see, thanks to protein your cells are able to create antibodies, hormones, tissues and enzymes. So, it becomes indispensable for the formation of the muscle or the repair of it. Well, remember that those who seek to make a diet to increase muscle mass. They are the ones who will be subjected to very demanding training routines. Whose main element and generator of fatigue is the load of weights.

For this reason, protein must be present in your diet. Our recommendation is that you add to your menu foods rich in it, among which you can get protein shakes (indispensable). White meats, egg white and to a lesser extent, nuts, etc.

Diets to lose weight.

For this type of case, it is much easier to know how to prepare a diet. Since for those who want to lose those extra kilos, we must change our minus for foods low in calories and fat.

Obviously, this directly discards junk food and snacks. For much lighter foods and whose approach is more natural. Include cereals, salads, rice and beans. As well as choosing to eat much smaller portions of food, and reduce those foods with high fat and salt content. As can be sausages and red meats. EYE! It does not mean that you should discard it from your menu, only reduce its consumption. Or failing that, opt for substitutes.

Diets without exercise routine.

At this point we want to cover those diets that we can build in order to stay healthy. Without necessarily having a training routine behind. While exercise is never bad, sometimes just maintaining a good diet can be more than enough to stay healthy.

Creating a diet for your day to day can be a simple task if you know what your body needs. And in fact, it’s all about knowing how to maintain a balance. For this case you can from time to time give yourself your pleasures eating some food with high caloric content (Hamburgers, hot dogs, pizzas, etc …) However, you should not abuse them. Well, it would be advisable to organize the dienta as follows …

Includes 4 meals a day, which will be breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Breakfast should be rich in protein and with foods that serve as energy sustenance (Example eat fruits such as bananas). Lunch is where you can eat more calories, because that way you will burn them in the rest of the day. The snack something light that helps you nourish and recover your muscles. And finally, dinner should be the lightest and easiest meal to digest. Well, this way you will not have problems processing it while you sleep.

How To Create a Daily Exercise Routine.


It is normal that at some point in our lives we decide to make an important change to our physique. Whether it is resorting to an aesthetic operation, changing our diet or resorting to training. Under the motivation of achieving that slender and very well defined figure that we imagine as “Ideal”. However, dreams and messes you get us just by thinking about them and walking in the clouds. It is necessary to get down to work and make a “Call to action”. For that precise reason is that we want to explain in this post, how you can build your own daily exercise routine.

How To Create A Daily Exercise Routine.

Well, it may seem absurd, but the truth is that putting together a routine is not something that only requires going to the gym and using as many machines as we come across. If you want to achieve optimal results and in record time (Without resorting to less natural options such as steroids). You have to do the job well… Well and intelligently.

For your good fortune, the pattern, the gift of questions today it has been decided to take the task of teaching you through this entry what aspects you should take into account if your goal is to develop an excellent daily exercise routine that exploits your power to the maximum. And that in the process you find it as comfortable and profitable. Stay to discover how…

If, on the other hand, you are not interested in reading the content of this post, then the next one may be if you are interested in “How to Get in Shape”.

Make your exercise routine change depending on the day.

We know that everyone has their preferences when it comes to exercising. There are muscles that are more striking to work according to each individual, an example could be the pectorals … There are men who feel more comfortable working the pectorals, not to mention that it is a muscle that stands out a lot visually. As it happens with women that it is more interesting to work with those exercises aimed at strengthening the buttocks.

These preferences are understandable, but we would be making a big mistake if we only allocate our training to a certain sector or part of our body. Regardless of your gender or discipline (In case you practice any sport). You must keep your body in perfect balance and harmony, so you must take into account every part of your body in your exercise routine.

Our recommendation is that you train 6 days a week, leaving some day as rest (usually on Sundays). And distribute your routine by focusing each day on one part of your body. Example…

  • Monday: Legs.
  • Tuesday: Biceps and Pectorals.
  • Wednesday: Triceps and Back.
  • Thursday: Shoulders.
  • Friday: Abdomen.
  • Saturday: Legs.

Following this example, you can realize that every day a specific part of our body is worked, this gives rise to that we can define ourselves correctly and balanced, not to mention that it avoids fatigue or wear of the muscles, since they are given time to rest and recover. The legs are usually the area that deserves the most work, so it is considered to train them at least 2 days. Although the latter can be used to work on that part that you most want to strengthen.

You may also be interested in reading “How to Tone the Buttocks”.

Accompany your routine with a diet appropriate to it.

An exercise routine to gain muscle mass is not the same as one whose goal is to lose weight. Since depending on your goal, the exercises, you will perform, as well as your diet, will be very different.

Many times, when we seek to put together our exercise routine, we neglect the creation of a diet that accompanies it. It is well known by those deeper into the fitness world that food is even more important than the routine itself. For the simple fact that if you do not have a good diet that nourishes your muscles with vitamins, and energy you need to replenish after training. You hardly get the results you are looking for. And if you get them, it will take you more time than it takes a person if you pay attention to the diet.

Keep in mind what we discussed before. You have to do the exercise well… Well and working smart… If your goal is to increase muscle mass, you should make sure to build (or search the internet) a diet rich in protein and fiber. Components that your body will demand for the increase in muscle volume you are looking to achieve.

On the other hand, if your exercise routine is to lose weight, you will have to make sure you eat light foods and low in fat, calories and without exceeding carbohydrates. Not to mention, you’ll need to lower how often you eat.

If you take into consideration the points mentioned, we guarantee that you will be able to put together an efficient exercise routine. If you want to read more of our content, go to “How to Tone Your Pectorals”.

How To Choose the Weight of The Dumbbells


It is very important when doing exercises with dumbbells that you know what type of weight you are able to lift, how many repetitions you can do with that weight and of course, what your physical capacity is at the time of starting.

How To Choose The Weight Of The Dumbbells

It is very important to know, because it is not the same a person who has experience and knows what he does or is used to doing sports to a person who is not used to it. If, from the outset, you want to start with weight and strength exercises and you are not used to it, you can run the risk of injuring yourself and causing damage. Therefore, you have to know what your capabilities are, how far you can go and of course, when you know, give your best and not stay in the same weight.

You will increase the weight of the dumbbells as you perform the exercises, improving and having more experience and your body can with the kilos.

Instructions for choosing the weight of the dumbbells

  1. Whenever it is the first time you are going to take weight and exercise with the weights (dumbbells) it is convenient that you ask and observe how it is done. Going crazy only brings injuries that, in some cases, can be serious. Therefore, if you have the possibility of going to the gym, always ask the trainer for advice.
  2. In the case of doing, it at home, do not worry. You can do it too. But it is always better to do it with a low weight. In this way, you will have a first contact, you will progress with the exercises, you will perfect them and thus, you will be able to raise the weights.
  3. In case you are a novice or have doubts with weights, always preferable, small weights. Eye, one thing is little weight and another that is almost ridiculous. For example, half a kilo would be considered ridiculous (cases would be valued, of course) but to do, for example, strength exercises, to build muscle, etc. Well, nothing will be achieved…
  4. Nor will I say that a man or a woman almost always has more strength because it is not always true and because it seems very macho to me. There are women who have a lot of strength and look very skinny and men who are all volume and can barely lift a few weights of one hundred kilos. Therefore, let’s leave the comparative cases and as each case should be looked at and known individually, we will only comment on “above” to avoid injuries and broadly speaking. It does not matter the sex or gender of each person.
  5. For a person who begins to start or who has not entered for a long time, the convenient thing would be a weight of at least two kilos of weight. But beware, if you start strength training, you want to increase volume, burn fat, etc. You need weight and leave your skin in the repetitions. Therefore, the weight increase it whenever you can to about four kilos at least and nine kilos. That would be a weight of the dumbbells to start giving everything.
  6. The important thing in these cases is that the repetitions that are done with the weights, cost you. That it is not light, that you do not do them almost without disheveling or without sweating or leaving your skin. If so, then it is clearly telling you that you should increase the weight.
  7. If you notice that each exercise costs you (not to injure yourself) we talk about normal fatigue. So, you’re on the right track.
  8. When you start with the exercises it is always better to know how far you can do and go. Do not try right away to do exercises with weights of one hundred and fifty kilos, worse example. Because if you can’t and you don’t have strength, it’s and you can cause serious injuries.
  9. There is an exercise that is very good to know how far you can go with the weights and their strength. That exercise is the bicep curl. Surely, they advise you to do it in the exercise tables for arms. In this way, you can assess what weights you can take and with which, you no longer control well.
  10. How do you know that the weight is no longer that you get tired, it is that you cannot with it really? Well, at the same time you try to do the exercise and check that you cannot do it well or you do it badly to support that weight. Immediately, lose kilos.
  11. How do you know when it’s your turn to gain weight and increase it? The moment that after the exercise sessions and with the repetitions, you begin to notice that it is no longer difficult for you to do it. That is, instead of fifteen or twenty repetitions of each exercise you could even do more, without problems. That’s the time to turn up the weight.
  12. The ideal and whenever you can afford it would be convenient and you would do very well, to be able to get a set of dumbbells of different types of weights. If you can’t afford to buy several and different weights, try buying the bar and the weight discs. In the end, it is a weight and the weight of the bar (which already adds) and the discs that are the weights that you add to it are added.
  13. If you can go to the gym, all the better. You will pay the monthly fee, but you will save buying the material that in the end is more expensive and takes up a lot of space.
  14. Assess what type of exercises are the ones that interest you most or are going to do. It will not be the same to do, for example, arm or upper body exercises, then lower train. From the famous strides, squats, buttock kick, etc.
  15. If your wrists hurt usually, if you can, get a pair of wristbands to be able to do the exercises with weights. It will hold your wrists and thus, you will not be injured. And gloves also go very well for people who slip dumbbells from sweat or get wounds on their hands.

What do you need to choose the weight of the dumbbells?

  • Whenever possible, to get started, go to a gym.
  • Try to be able to pay a coach so that he can advise you well and help you.
  • Dumbbells.
  • A set of dumbbells of different weights to be able to vary with the weights and exercises.

Tips for choosing the weight of the dumbbells

As we always say, it is preferable whenever you have no knowledge of the exercises, that you go to a gym so that the trainer can help you and advise you. Or, hire a personal trainer.

But if you can’t afford it, then consider your exercise capacity, fitness, and strength.

If you can get several dumbbells of different types of weights, so much the better. But if not, start with something that is neither too low nor too heavy. It is advisable that in the same place where you buy them, you can try it. Do for example an exercise like the bicep curl. You will see then, with what weight if you can and with which you already find it very difficult to do the exercise well. If you cannot do it well, it is that the weight is too much for you and if you do it without problems or tired, it must be higher.

Keep that detail in mind. Always careful to be able to do the exercises well, getting tired, but without injuring yourself or being too much. When you get used to that weight, then, go for a higher weight so that the muscle continues to progress and you improve. If the body gets used to a weight, it does not work and you will not progress.

How To Choose a gym


One of the craziest things when you decide to go to the gym is really knowing which one to go to. It seems the least important and you believe, most of the time, that you will go to the first one you meet or that they tell you, how it tells you, the most modern, etc. But in the end, you cannot afford it, you go and you do not feel comfortable, you do not like the environment, they do not have the classes that you do, it is very far from your home, etc.

How To Choose A Gym

All these points seem silly at first, but of course, if you do not consider it from the first moment, you will end up regretting it.

Always the most advisable thing is to go by yourself to several gyms and see how they are, what they offer you, ask them if they can show you their facilities and their programming. Because maybe they have everything you need and want, but the schedules and days that the classes do not suit you. It wouldn’t make sense, right?

Instructions for choosing a gym

  1. Another very interesting option if you have the opportunity, is to pay for only days and thus test how the machines are and / or classes. This way you won’t have to regret it later or throw money away.
  2. One of the main things you should always do when you have decided that you are going to join a gym is to be clear about certain aspects and of course, nothing happens if you regret it and want to change. You will be neither the first nor the last. The question is to be comfortable, go assiduously and above all, the money is yours. With him do what you want. If you don’t like it, you delete yourself.
  3. Next, really think about what you want to do. What you do or want to do and what your needs or priorities are. Because, for example, it is not the same that you want an increase in muscle mass that you want to maintain or lose kilos. It may seem silly, but it’s not.
  4. Without going any further, if it is a very simple, simple or even somewhat outdated gym, surely, it will not have very good machines or will have very few. If you want to improve and continue improving with volume and muscle mass, then surely you will stay stagnant and you will not achieve more. Therefore, taking a good look at what they offer and what you want or need is very important.
    When you have more or less decided think being as realistic as possible, in the distance.
  5. A somewhat absurd thing is to think that every day or several times a week, you will be willing to make an hour of travel (one way) and another (return) just to go to that “famous” gym or because a friend also goes, because he has a good reputation, etc. Really thinking about it coldly, are you going to do it? Because beware, if there are many people who are willing to travel half an hour round trip (an hour trip) to go to a good gym. And that’s not a bad thing. On the contrary, you can see that they have interest, that they fight for what they want and so on. But surely, it is not normal nor does everyone do it. Better to be realistic.
  6. Look for a gym that is in your radius, that is nearby and even if you can walk better. In fact, what you take, exercising in the round trip.
  7. With all this, already decided can come the big stick. Money. You have to be sensible. There are gyms that, even so, make promotions, especially if they belong to chains. Therefore, go and ask or be attentive to their website. Surely at some point they make a good promotion that may interest you. Usually, many gyms in September do promotions, such as free tuition, some gift classes, half price the first month, discounted bonuses, etc.
  8. If you really like a gym, think about whether you really pay for what you need or are you paying extras that everything adds up at the end of the month and is not so necessary either. To give the most typical examples (and always depending on the gym). There are, that, even paying the monthly payment, you do not get the box office. You must pay it separately and many do it daily or monthly. Well, don’t pay. Take just enough to train and if you live close to home, shower when you arrive.
  9. Do not make the mistake of signing up because you had heard comments, advertising, friends or acquaintances … Surely, you can take a tremendous disappointment. Always, try to get closer and pay a visit to that gym. Many will have no problem letting you make a visit if you are interested in signing up. In this way you can see for your own eyes, the facilities, the common areas, the directed classes they do, such as the different rooms, the capacity … They won’t tell you; you’ll see for yourself.
  10. If you like directed classes, ask well and make sure they do them in the gym. Do not sign up excited and then, do not do them or, the schedules and days do not coincide or come in handy. Therefore, always ask before and make sure.
  11. If you really want to make sure about the machines they have, the ones you are going to use or the classes they can do there, always try to try it before.
  12. How? There are some that do some open door offer or you can train a day for free. The same, if you know another person and have one day to take a person to train for free.
  13. Ask about the price of training just one day. Many gyms have this option and it will come in handy to try everything in your own flesh and decide to sign up or just go single days or not do it anymore.
  14. Although the economic issue is very important, you should not forget that many gyms are good, yes. But also, that they spend a lot of prices for the simple fact of being fashionable, in a modern area … If this is the case, think about whether it is really worth it. Is it really worth what you pay for, or can you do the same in another and cheaper?
  15. The same is the opposite case. That the cheap, does not come out in the end expensive. Sometimes to save a few euros you still get more expensive later … Do the math and do not lose money in the long run for being somewhat stingy at first.

What do you need to choose a gym?

  •  Consider your priorities and needs.
  •  Check before signing up.
  •  Make a visit to be able to decide.
  •  Take advantage of the offers.

Tips for choosing a gym

Make a list and write down the things you need, what you want, what you are looking for, the distance, the price, what you can afford and what you can’t, etc. From there, be realistic.

Whenever you can, go to the gym yourself and ask without problems for the different offers (which can be very interesting). It will also help you to make contact and be able to decide, whether to sign up or not, to go one day with a one-day pass or looking at it in situ to see how its facilities are, the capacity it has, if it is massified or not, the directed classes they do, how the machines are, etc.

How To Augment Buttocks


Few people say they feel satisfied with their body. The truth is that the vast majority, especially women, say they are unhappy with their personal appearance. They have high standards of beauty and, when compared to them, the feeling of frustration grows.

How To Augment Buttocks

They claim to have little bust, a very wide waist, a very large nose, battered hair, an oily complexion, few buttocks and the list becomes endless.

In many cases, thinking about surgery would not be an option, since that would imply a very large expense. In addition, you have to have the necessary time for proper recovery and other requirements that are beyond the reach of many.

But this does not mean that something cannot be done about it. There are shortcuts that can be used to reach the end you have proposed. For example, if you have damaged hair, you have the possibility of using a treatment that helps you, the same could be said in the case of oily skin.

However, can anything really be done about the buttocks? Is there a way to enlarge them without using the scalpel? Is that realistic? The truth is that it does. In your hands is the way to generate change. But how to do it?

The immediate answer would be: through an exercise routine. Now, this raises another question, what types of exercises should be performed? It is more than clear that not everyone has the same result in our body. There are exercises that are intended to help certain parts of the body, and the buttocks are no exception.

If you are interested in improving your physical appearance and getting the buttocks you have always dreamed of, the recommendation is that you continue reading this article and discover what to do to achieve it, without the need for the dreaded scalpel.

Instructions for buttock augmentation

Beauty standards are constantly changing. What once seemed to be striking, today is no longer. For example, until a few years ago, thinness was synonymous with beauty and elegance. However, in the case of women, fashion is to be curvy. In fact, some men are also looking for ways to increase the size of their buttocks to feel better.

The good news is that you can do something about it to have firm, toned and rounded buttocks and thus make the dream of many come true. Some exercises you can do are the following:

The correct way to do them is this:

  1. Stand up straight, with your legs well apart from each other.
  2. Bend your knees, while pulling your hips back.
  3. Go low enough, as far as you can, and then go back up. You should do that with a straight back. This can be done in two sets of 5 repetitions.

Sumo Squat

This is a good exercise to tone the muscles of the inner part of the buttocks. You can do them by placing weight on both sides or a single weight between the legs apart. Do it like this:

  1. Stand with your back straight and spread your legs wide.
  2. Reflect your knees until they are in a horizontal position.
  3. Then, with the help of weight, go down until you feel pressure in the buttocks, as that is what is sought.

Squat with jump

This exercise is a variation of the traditional squat. In fact, the only difference is that, when climbing, you must stretch your knees enough to make a jump. I mean:

  1. Get into the starting position of the squats, standing with your back straight and legs apart.
  2. Lower until your knees are horizontal.
  3. When climbing, push yourself until you get a jump.
  4. Rest for about 10 seconds and then go back down.

Dead weight

It is an excellent option to work the lower part of the buttocks. You can do it with the help of dumbbells or bars as follows:

  1. Bend your legs slightly and tilt your hips back.
  2. Stay like this for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  3. At the time of doing so, contract the buttocks, as this is the key to the effectiveness of the exercise.
  4. The weight should be placed in front of you, with your arms stretched out or at your sides.

Although exercises are important to achieve the goal of increasing the size of the buttocks, it is not all you have to do. Therefore, pay close attention so that you are aware of what else you need to know about the subject.

What do you need to increase buttocks?

Achieving this goal is not something that can be achieved overnight. Keep in mind that it depends on several factors. For example, the characteristics of your body, the intensity with which you work when exercising, you’re eating habits, etc.

Regarding this last point, you cannot pretend to eat everything that passes in front of you and have a sculptural body. As some experts say, we are what we eat. Therefore, if you want to change your body, you must also change your eating habits.

From now on, include protein-rich foods in your diet, this is vital to gain muscles. However, it is not advisable to overdo it with the consumption of meat. There are many options you can choose from to eat a varied diet.

Instead of so much meat, eat fish or egg. There is also the possibility of ingesting proteins of vegetable origin such as chia seeds, lentils, quinoa, nuts, beans, peas, potatoes, pumpkin seeds, spinach, among many others.

It is recommended that you drink a protein shake half an hour after your workout routine. However, the best thing you can do is consult with a nutritionist, who will analyze what is best for your body.

Also include in your meals, foods rich in healthy fat. Some of them are these: avocados, oily fish, extra virgin olive oil, egg yolks, clarified butter, etc.

Of course, remember to consume them in moderation. All extremes are bad. Otherwise, you will not be able to maintain a good physical condition and you will not be able to increase your buttocks.

It is necessary that you be constant with the diet. It’s not about eating healthily just once, it’s an ant’s job. That is, it requires patience so that you can see the results. But what other things can you do to have the best results in the shortest possible time? Let’s see it right now.

Tips for buttock augmentation

It is true that there is a wide variety of exercises that we can do to have the dream body. However, it is important to do them the right way. To do this, take into account the following suggestions:

  • The exercises for the buttocks are intended to tone them. In order for you to gain volume, you should not forget to include the help of weight. So, use dumbbells or bars every time you go to make them.
  • So that you do not get injured, you should increase the weight little by little. Not overnight. Get used to your body.
  • Avoid pushing other parts of your body, such as your knees or spine, too hard.
  • In order for it to grow, the muscle has to rest. Which means you don’t need to exercise every day. Your training routine can be 3 or 4 days a week, with rest days in between.
  • Do different types of exercises to work the different parts that make up the buttocks. Don’t focus on just one area.
  • Breathing is essential in every exercise. The correct way to do this is by taking the air in moments of relaxation and expelling it during the effort.
  • Don’t forget to stay well hydrated. Drink water for the duration of your workout.
  • Stretch your muscles, correctly, before and after each day of training. This you will do not only to avoid injuries but also to help increase the volume of the buttocks.
  • Consult a nutritionist to make the diet that is more in line with your physical build. Take the opportunity to ask about supplements.

How NOT To Stretch the Psoas


In previous posts we have commented on which are the most appropriate exercises when it comes to stretching the iliac psoas muscle. However, like everything in life there are two ways to do it, one of them is good and the other bad. Throughout this post we will point out how not to stretch the iliac psoas before any activity do as a physiotherapy routine. As well as pointing out what are the most common mistakes when stretching this muscle, as well as its consequences. While there is a lot of fabric to cut with this topic, we will explain again what this muscle is and where it is located in our body.

How NOT To Stretch The Psoas

The iliac psoas can easily become the most important muscle in our body (or that’s what we think). At least in terms of physiotherapy. This muscle is located in an area where it influences many delicate areas of the neck. When located in our pelvis, the iliac psoas affects:

  • The lumbar.
  • The hip.
  • The pelvis.
  • The diaphragm.

That is why this muscle is the center to take into consideration in many therapies. Not stretching the iliac psoas correctly can lead to endless problems, in each of the areas we have discussed. That is why below we will reveal what are the mistakes you make the most in your stretching.

You may want to go through this entry on “How to prepare oatmeal to gain muscle mass”. Learn about the properties of oats and how it strengthens the recovery of muscle tissue.

How not to stretch the iliac psoas: Most common mistakes.

While stretching a muscle may seem like a simple task (and in fact it is with most muscles). In the case of the iliac psoas, it turns out to be a slightly more delicate task. Since it usually does not take into account the compensations and traps that can be generated when the iliac psoas is stretched. Being common to see yourself making mistakes like the following:

When it comes to carrying the knee and foot do the back. In favor of extending the hip and leaning on the tip of the foot. And when trying to advance the other leg by flexing the hips and knees (This is the common stretch). However, this stretching generates a tension in the pelvis, to the anteversion with lumbar hyperlordosis. Or even causing a lumbar rotation.

This hyperlordosis becomes more prominent when you think about it is thrown further back. It is therefore essential to always go to a trusted physiotherapist who can provide the correct instructions for therapy. Or failing that if some type of injury has been caused by not stretching the iliac psoas correctly. The professional will be responsible for providing much more appropriate guidance.

You may want to stop by our entry on “Getting Fit Without Going to the Gym”.

As if the iliac psoas should be stretched?

While the focus of this post is on teaching how not to stretch the iliac psoas. So that you do not leave with doubt, we will also discuss what is the correct way to stretch this muscle. For this, only the following points should be taken into consideration:

  • The first thing is to find the base position, for this we must place ourselves on the edge of a bed or some surface on which to lie down and bring back one of our legs. And the other will be placed towards the front, being more precise that our knee touches the chest.
  • The difference is that the back leg will not be carried so far back (but it can cause the previously mentioned damages). What we will try is to perform a retroversion of the pelvis, with reduction of lumbar lordosis.
  • Remember that when performing this stretch, especially when compressing the knee to a flexion, we will find ourselves stretching the back rectus of the quadriceps. Which is responsible for doing functions similar to the psoas.

If the syndications given in this list are taken into account. The proper stretching of the iliac psoas will be achieved.

  • Without further ado, we hope that the information shared in this article will be very useful and useful. But above all you have been able to learn how not to stretch the iliac psoas so as not to cause some kind of damage during stretching.
  • We can only recommend two things to finish, the first is always to go to a physiotherapist, since the guidance and advice of a specialist will always be infinitely better than one taken from the internet. And the second recommendation is that you go to read the following post on “How to Tone the Pectorals”. We are sure that you will enjoy reading it.

How NOT To Stretch Pectorals


It is normal that it is not given due attention when it comes to muscle stretching. Either as a way to warm up (or prepare the muscle) before a hard training session. Or with a more therapeutic and muscle recovery purpose. That makes us prone to make mistakes when stretching a muscle or that we are not doing the stretching well. What can lead to endless additional problems and that can take their toll over time … That is why today in we will explain how not to stretch pectorals. Phrase that gives rise to this entry and that will be the axis and focus throughout its paragraphs.

How NOT To Stretch Pectorals

In this case we are going to focus on writing and explaining 5 exercises that we commonly perform in the wrong way when we try to stretch the pectorals. We insist, these are examples of how not to stretch the pectorals. So more than a tutorial or advice, it should be taken as the opposite.

We must bear in mind that the pectorals are a muscle that is constantly subjected to work. Not only when performing a specific exercise, for that area, but also in our day-to-day activities. It is no exaggeration to say that few stop to give it due pre-workout attention. If you want to change that, discover if you really stretch your pectorals as you should, stay and enjoy the information we share here.

We also invite you to read our entry on “How to Tone the Pectorals”. Belonging to our “Exercise” section. In this article you will know some very good exercises to learn how to shape and mark your pectorals in a short time.

Four ways on how not to stretch pectorals.

As we have said before, in this list we will reveal four exercises that if done well you can achieve a correct stretching of the pectorals. However, we will highlight the failures that are commonly made when trying.

First exercise.

The first exercise consists of standing with your back pointing towards a wall or column, and we will stretch our arm towards the back of the spine and hold it. From here it only remains to turn the torso on the opposite side to the arm.

What you should not do in this exercise is to place your arm straight, almost parallel to the floor, as that can cause damage to the shoulder.

Second exercise.

Again, we will place ourselves in a column or the frame of a door, only this time looking at it from the front. We will place the palm of the hand and the forearm against this column. Later we will push our body forward, making the arm lying on the spine go backwards.

What you should not do in this exercise is to stay straight. It is important that you bend your knees a little and that one leg is at least one step forward and the other step back. That will give you more stability when trying to move forward. In this stretch keep doing it for at least 16 seconds with each pectoral.

You may also be interested in reading our entry on “How to Gain Muscle Mass in the Legs”.

Third exercise.

The next exercise consists of standing up by bending your knee a little. And placing both arms back, with the palms resting exactly in the area of the lower back. In this way it will seem that we are forming two shark fins with our arms. Then we push our lower back forward, this will generate a stretch in both pectorals and we must maintain the tension for at least fifteen seconds.

The way not to stretch the pectoral in this exercise is by forcing the back position of the arms. Really just taking them as far as our body allows it is fine. It is not necessary to carry your shoulders so far back and force the position. The other thing is to try to keep your knees bent. Otherwise, the stretching will be very uncomfortable.

Fourth exercise.

For this exercise, what we must do is lie horizontally, either on the floor or on a training mat and position our hands behind the nape of the neck (or on the head). In this way the only thing left to do is to bring the elbows to the ground, we will feel tension in the area of the pectorals. This exercise should be repeated for at least twice a day with an approximate time of six seconds.

The way not to stretch the pectorals is not to do it lying on some surface. Since it can be uncomfortable to do it standing.

We hope that with all the information described in this post you have been very useful. That way we invite you to comment and share. However, you can also follow more of our publications in “How to Tone the Body”.

Exercises To Relieve Neck Pain


Surely, after the arrival of Covid-19, you have been able to realize that spending all day working sitting in front of the computer can be a challenge. Not only because it requires you to maintain some concentration, but because it can also become very uncomfortable.

Exercises To Relieve Neck Pain

Having a bad position while you’re working can cause intense neck pain. As strange as it sounds, this is one of the most common reasons people visit the doctor.

However, neck pain does not only occur when you are sitting in front of the computer. It also originates due to poor postures when sleeping, walking or picking up the bag. In addition, daily stress is one of its great triggers. But who can get rid of it?

It’s true that letting go of daily worries sounds easier than it actually is. Some try without satisfactory results. However, this does not mean that you have to be doomed to suffer from neck pain for the rest of your life.

There are a few things you can do to counteract the painful effects of stress. These are exercises that are aimed at soothing the pain of the cervical area. If you do not know what they are, you do not have to worry, since I will be telling you what they are, as well as how to execute them correctly.

Soon, you will realize that putting these exercises into practice, with some frequency, will have marked a before and after in your personal, work and / or academic life.

You will say goodbye once and for all to the annoying and uncomfortable cervical pains, which will give you the opportunity to have an optimal development in your daily activities, regardless of the level of stress to which you are subjected. Let’s see right now what they are.


In this post I will be sharing with you some of the exercises that physiotherapists recommend to combat neck pain by eliminating the so-called “knots” and recovering the correct posture of the body when lying down, sitting or standing. If you practice them daily, they will serve as protection for your neck.

Some of these exercises are as follows:


  1. Sit on a bench in front of the mirror.
  2. Bring to your back the arm that corresponds to the side that you have painful.
  3. With your other hand, gently push your head to the opposite side.
  4. To increase the intensity, when your head is tilted, tilt it or slightly towards the ground.
  5. Hold this position for about 10 minutes. If you wish, you can repeat the process now in the opposite direction.

Unlocking the shoulder blades

  1. While standing, separate your legs according to the width of your hip.
  2. Interlace your fingers and turn your palm outward with your arms
  3. Stretch your arms enough so that you feel the area of the dorsal vertebrae curve.
  4. Hold this position for about 10 seconds and repeat the exercise about three times.

Neck relaxation

  1. To protect the cervical, take a towel and place it on the base of the skull, holding it at both ends.
  2. Bring your head back, as if you were going to look at the ceiling.
  3. Hold for about 6 seconds and return to the starting position.
  4. Then, you can try to do it without the support of the towel.

Shoulder relaxation

  1. While standing, separate your legs according to the width of your hip.
  2. Bend your knees slightly.
  3. Hold this position while joining your arms behind your back.
  4. Then, raise them as high as you can. This, with the purpose of the anterior part of the shoulder that is contracted.

Neck flexion

  1. While sitting, cross your fingers behind your head.
  2. Then, bring your elbows closer until they are parallel.
  3. Bring your chin to your chest and hold this position for about 10 seconds.
  4. You will notice that there is some tension in the muscles of the neck, lumbar and dorsal.

What You Need

These exercises are very simple, but effective. To perform them, you will only need:

  •  A bench where you can sit comfortably while performing the exercises.
  •  A towel to support your neck during neck relaxation.
  •  Be careful to make sure you do the movements as I have told you.
  •  Comfortable clothes that do not hinder you when stretching.
  •  Appropriate footwear. Preferably with a good grip to prevent you from slipping when separating your legs.

You will not need to go to the gym or the advice of a personal trainer. To remind you to do them, you can place the reminder on your alarm.

If you prefer, you can do them in the morning, right after you get up. This way you will start the day more relaxed and with more energy. You can also do them in the afternoon, when you finish your workday or daily chores, to relax the contracted areas and relieve neck pain.


Perform these exercises with enough intensity to feel that a stretch occurs, only then you will see positive results.

Once you have improved, this does not mean that the relief will be permanent. Therefore, it is important that you take care of your posture, both when working, walking and sleeping. Ideally, you should keep your back straight and your shoulders back, so you will avoid these terrible neck pains.

While it is true that they also occur due to the stress to which we are subjected every day, something that will help you reduce those levels of tension is to drink a hot tea before going to sleep. In addition to helping, you relax your muscles, it will make you sleep more and better. The next day, you will surely wake up with new energy.

Another thing that can help you, to better manage stress, is to do activities that you like and distract, such as painting, reading a book, going for a walk and breathing fresh air, doing yoga, doing a little gardening, dancing, etc.

Exercises To Relieve Knee Pain from Arthritis


If you suffer from knee pain from arthritis, there are some specific exercises that can help you, you should always consult a doctor before, but it is proven that they work. Stretching allows you to gain in flexibility and improves the level of your future movements, or how far you can move your joints in certain directions. It also helps reduce your chances of pain and injury.

Exercises To Relieve Knee Pain From Arthritis

Stretching for arthritis

Warming up is first of all, a walk of 5 to 10 minutes is enough to start. Lie on a flat surface, when you are ready, be prepared to stretch the tendons. Place a sheet or towel around your right foot. Use it to help lift your straight leg. Hold for 20 seconds, then lower your leg. Repeat twice. Then, change legs.

Calf stretch

Hold a chair for balance. Bend your right leg. Step back with your other leg and slowly stretch it behind you. Press your left heel towards the floor. You should feel the stretch in the calf of the back leg. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat twice, then change legs.

For further stretching, lean forward and bend your right knee deeper, but don’t let it pass your toes.

Straight leg lift

Develops muscle strength, this can help improve joints that are weak due to arthritis. Lie on the floor, your upper body resting on your elbows. Bend the left knee, the foot has to be firmly placed on the ground. Keep your right leg straight and your toes pointing up. Focus the force on the thigh muscles and lift the other leg.

Pause, for 3 seconds. Keep your thigh muscles tense and slowly lower your leg to the floor. Tap and climb again. Do two sets of 10 repetitions. Change legs after each set.

Quadruple set for arthritis pain

Is it too difficult to lift the straight leg? Instead, do quadricycles. With these you do not lift your leg. Simply squeeze the thigh muscles, also called quadriceps, one leg at a time.

Start by lying on the floor. Keep both legs on the floor, relaxed. Flex and keep your left leg tense for 5 seconds. Relax. Do two sets of 10 repetitions. Change legs after each set.

Seated hip gait

This specific exercise can cause the hips and thigh muscles to gradually strengthen. It can help with daily activities such as walking or standing.

Sit upright in a chair. Tilt your left foot back slightly, but make sure your toes still touch the ground. Lift your right foot off the ground by bending your knee so that it is suspended. Keep your other leg suspended in the air for 3 seconds. Slowly lower your foot to the ground. Do two sets of 10 repetitions. Change legs after each set.

Too hard? Then use your hands to help lift your leg.

Squeeze the pillow

This exercise helps you strengthen your legs but the inside, which will help you support your knees. Lie on your back, with both knees bent. Place a pillow between your knees. Squeeze your knees together by grasping the pillow, pressing it with them. Hold for 5 seconds. Relax. Do two sets of 10 repetitions. Change legs after each set.

Too hard? You can also do this exercise sitting.

Heel lift

Stand upright and hold the back of a chair for support. Lift your heels off the ground and stand up with your toes. Hold for 3 seconds. Slowly lower both heels to the floor. Do two sets of 10 repetitions.

Too complicated? Do the same exercise sitting in a chair.

Lateral leg lift

Stand and hold the back of a chair for balance. Place your weight on your left leg. Stand upright and lift your right leg to the side; Keep your right leg straight and your outer leg muscles tense. Hold it for 3 seconds, then slowly lower your leg. Do two sets of 10 repetitions. Change legs after each set.

Too hard? Increase the height of your legs little by little over time. After a few workouts, you will be able to upload them more.

Sit down to stand

Practice this exercise to make standing up a little easier. Place two pillows on a chair. Sit on the two pillows, with your back straight, your feet should be firmly supported on the floor. Use your leg muscles to stand up slowly and gently. Then go down again to sit down. Make sure your bent knees don’t move in front of your toes. Try to vary the position of the arms, they can be crossed or to the sides of the body.

Too hard to do? Add pillows. Or use a chair with armrests to help you get up with your arms.

One-leg balance

This movement helps you lean in or get in and out of cars. Stand behind the kitchen counter without holding on and slowly lift one foot off the floor. The goal is to keep your balance for 10 or 20 seconds without holding on. Do this movement twice, then switch sides.

Too easy? Practice it longer or try it with your eyes closed.


Do this to strengthen your legs to climb steps. Stand in front of the stairs and hold on to the railing for balance. Then place your left foot on a step. Focus your strength on the left thigh muscle and take one step upwards, touching the step with the other foot. Keep your muscles tense when slowly swapping your right footTouch the ground and pick up again. Do two sets of 10 repetitions. Change legs after each set.

Walking Relieves Knee Arthritis

This little valued exercise, it is incredible, if you have stiff or sore knees because of arthritis, walking can be very helpful. Start slow, stand upright, and continue. It can relieve joint pain, strengthen leg muscles, improve your posture, and improve your flexibility. It’s also good for your heart.

If you’re not active now, check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

Low-impact activities to relieve arthritis

Other exercises that are pleasant for the knees include biking, swimming, and water aerobics. Water exercises take weight off painful joints, so they are highly recommended in physiotherapies. Many wellness centers, gyms, and community and hospital pools offer classes for people with arthritis.

Being active can also help you lose weight, which takes pressure off your joints.

For favorite activities, such as golf, ask your doctor or physical therapist how to safely make painful movements hurt less.

How much exercise to do if you have arthritis?

Thirty minutes a day is a good goal. Start small, like 10 minutes every other day. If you don’t feel pain, exercise more to reach the goal.

At first, don’t worry if you feel some mild muscle soreness, this is completely normal. It’s okay to work on it. Check with your doctor if you want to try over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen for pain relief. Ice can also help. However, joint pain cannot be ignored if it goes from moderate to severe in a short time. Tell your doctor if you have any or if they get worse.