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The Chest and Its Exercise Routines


Chest exercises. A remarkable way that a person has exercised is that they have good pecs. Of course, the pectorals are not the last thing one does, there are people who do it while exercising their whole body so that their result is in an orderly manner, since it would be too strange for a person to have half of his body well trained, but when it comes to seeing the rest of the body, you will appreciate that it is incomplete, to the point where you will see as if it were a kind of basket, above it is large but below it is thin.

The Chest And Its Exercise Routines

Working on the pectorals is good, because, if you keep it strong, it would mean that you don’t need to push yourself or push yourself with a lot of effort. This is necessary in the sport of boxing, since the blows will work more forcefully. And in other sports such as tennis.

If what you want are several pectoral exercises to add to your personal routine for that area, then do not worry, since in this article you will know about different exercises that you may not know for the chest area.

But before you start with this article, we would like you to read this other one that has some relationship with what you are about to read “How to increase pectorals”

Resistance band heating

This is a very simple exercise, and you only need to have a resistance band, since these last twice as long as the common ones, and it comes well with this exercise so that they do not break easily. This same bar you will pass through a resistant column or better yet a support that is fixed since you will need it to stretch your arms. Later you will grab one end of this band and you will get behind the support where the band is located, you will grab the ends of the band with your hands, and the exercise is to force both arms together.

Dumbbells against the chest

You are going to lie on a bench to hold 2 dumbbells, you are going to stretch your arms vertically towards your chest to let your weights touch each other. You stay like this for several seconds so that at the end you lower them back to your chest and repeat the same process until you can no longer.

Inclined bench press

You have to lie on a bench which has an inclination of 45 ° and then hold a pair of dumbbells in your hands obviously. Then, you will stretch your arms starting from your chest outwards, stretch your arms as best as possible and then lower them and return to the starting position and repeat the exercise again.

Push-ups with weight

Here it consists of the following way, you are going to place a weight on your back. It is better to have help to make the process simple. Once you have the weight after being in the position to do a push-up, you start with the exercise. You are going to do the flexion as if it were a normal one, lowering as best as possible so that your chest almost touches the ground.

Dumbbell bending

Here you are going to use 2 dumbbells, and you will put them side of the other on the floor, then you are going to get in position to do a push-up, you are going to put your arms where the 2 dumbbells are. And when flexing, you will make your chest touch the weights, and then go up to repeat the exercise. Remember that your position should be in a straight line, and that the dumbbells receive the pressure when you are going to flex.

Archer flexion

Here you are going to put yourself in a flexion position, only that you stretch your right arm so that the left one has all the weight. Later you will flex normally, but the difficult thing is to maintain balance, so you must concentrate twice as much so as not to fail the exercise. When you finish doing the repetitions you want, you do the exercise again, but this time it will be with the other arm.

The good thing about these exercises is that most do not need so many materials or machines that you may not have in your possession. Sure, dumbbells, resistance band, weight, and tilting bench may not have them, but most of what I mentioned above can be easily replaceable depending on your creativity and how you quickly solve the obstacles that come your way.

If you want to know more about how to perform these exercises, it is advisable to see images or better yet videos.

If you loved reading this article you may like to read this other article that has some relationship with what you just finished reading “How to recover muscles after exercise”

The Best Exercises to Prevent Bone Loss


Those who follow a daily exercise routine is because they want to look and feel good. That is, they do it for a topic that is related not only to appearance, but also to health. Well, it is no secret to anyone that a sedentary lifestyle is harmful at any stage of life and more if you have any medical pathology.

The Best Exercises To Prevent Bone Loss

A sedentary lifestyle brings, as a direct consequence, overweight and this, over time, can become obesity, which can have serious consequences for the health of the person.

For that reason, doctors always recommend leading a life as active as possible, practicing a sport of your choice, attending dance classes, jogging in the park or simply going to the gym to exercise.

However, we must take into account the fact that the exercises as the power and frequency of them, will vary depending on the stage of the vine in which we are.

That is, a 30-year-old adult can perform an exercise routine that is not recommended for a 16-year-old. Also, the exercises recommended for this thirty-year-old adult are not the same as those recommended for a 60-year-old, why? Because during that stage it is easy for bone loss to occur.

But what can you do if you’re in the twilight of your life and want to stay active and healthy? What are the best exercises to prevent bone loss?

If you want to know the answers to these questions, for nothing in the world you can stop reading this short post, since in it you will find everything, you need to know about this interesting and important topic related to health during the third age.


Like muscles, bones are living tissues that respond to the stimulus of exercise and become stronger. In general, both young men and women who exercise achieve higher bone density than those who do not exercise.

The peak of bone density is reached between 20 and 30 years. After that age, it begins to decrease. However, frequent exercise helps in preventing bone loss. In addition, it helps maintain muscle strength, balance and coordination, important factors in preventing falls and fractures, especially in the case of the elderly.

In the specific case of women, during the stage of menopause there is a loss of bone density naturally. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to practice at least 30 minutes of strength exercises a day.

These exercises can be done with weights, on machines, or as part of a functional routine. They cause the muscles to tighten on the bones and, therefore, to increase their mass, becoming stronger and more resistant.

Other exercises, such as swimming or cycling, can help strengthen and keep your muscles in good shape. However, they are not the most beneficial for strengthening bones.

Now that you know what are the best exercises to prevent bone loss, what else do you need to know?

What You Need

An exercise routine that helps you strengthen your bones and improve their firmness is elastic garter training. To do it successfully, you need to know what exercises to include and how to do them. Some of them are:

  • Squats with elastic garters. In this case, you must step on the elastic garter right in the center with both feet separated at the level of the extension of your back. Perform three cycles of 10 successions. At the same time, bend the elbows force from the other end of the garter back. Keep your back straight to prevent injury. With the help of this exercise, you will be working the lower, upper and belly train.
  • Shoulder extension. Place the elastic garter in front of your chest with your hands away according to the extent of your shoulders. Then, open your arms as much as possible and, after a few seconds, return to their original position. Make 3 batches of 10 successions.
  • Arm extension. Step on the elastic garter with your legs open according to the extension of the shoulders to work the biceps. Take the elastic garter and flex your elbows at 90º raising them to chest height. Keep your back straight and your elbows glued to your sides while making a continuous movement. For the exercise to have a higher level of power, try to always keep the belly active.
  • Palette-type exercise. Hook the elastic band to a pole or beam and stretch it well while keeping your arms at belly height. Then, with your arms flexed 90º and glued to the side, bring the elastic garter back. When doing this, you will notice that pressure occurs in the chest and back. Place your shoulders back, your legs semi-flexed and your belly tight to activate as many muscle sets as possible. In the same way, it performs 3 batches of 10 successions.


If you have health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc., or if you are over 40 years of age, it is important to consult with your doctor before starting a regular exercise routine.

When you start exercising, you should pay close attention to your body’s reaction. You may have muscle pain or discomfort. However, this should not be too strong or last for more than 48 hours. If this happens, it is an indication that you are trying too hard and that you should decrease the power of the exercises a little.

In case you suffer from osteoporosis, it is necessary that you consult with your doctor to be aware of what are the safest physical activities for you. If your bone density is low, it is best to protect your spine and avoid those activities that lead you to flex your back too much.

If you put these recommendations into practice and get used to performing a strength and resistance exercise routine, you can avoid bone loss and have much stronger bones.

The Best Exercises to Enhance Breasts


Due to social pressure, low self-esteem or for other reasons, many women resort to the operating room to get the look and figure they want so much. Many of them spend thousands of euros on very painful interventions to look as they dream.

The Best Exercises To Enhance Breasts

They do not care about the pain of a postoperative period, nor how much they have to invest to reach the standard of beauty that society has been responsible for establishing. Among the most requested operations is rhinoplasty, lip augmentation, waste reduction, buttock lift, double chin liposuction and breast augmentation and enhancement.

Many women who have small breasts suffer from low self-esteem. The same happens to those who, for one reason or another, have sagging breasts. Although this is a very common situation and can be remedied with the use of an appropriate bra, some go further and decide to take drastic measures, such as those already mentioned.

But what if you don’t have the resources to enhance your breasts? Should you resign yourself to being dissatisfied with them for the rest of your life? Is there a workaround that is within your reach? You’ll be happy to know that the answer to this question is yes.

There are different exercises that are specifically aimed at enhancing the chest. So, in a few months, you can show off the breasts you want so much, without having to pay for operations or having to go through painful recoveries.

Now, if you do not have the slightest idea of what kind of exercises are recommended for this purpose, you do not have to worry. Through this short and simple post, I will be explaining everything you need to know about the subject. Therefore, pay close attention so that you do not miss a detail.


Sagging breasts is a very common problem in women. In fact, very few enjoy the joy of having firm and turgid breasts. However, more than being an aesthetic problem, this situation can seriously affect a woman’s self-esteem, as well as the way she relates to other people.

Although many, mistakenly, think that the loss of firmness of the woman’s breast is due to the effect of gravity, the truth is that there are different reasons for it to happen. Some of them are:

  • Genetics.
  • Aging.
  • Changes in breast structure during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • The size of the bust
  • Weight changes.
  • The practice of impact sport without proper restraint, etc.


Some of the exercises you can do to enhance the bust are the following:

  1. The chest firming: sitting in a chair, rest your back on the backrest so that it stays as straight as possible. Keep your stomach inward and your feet flat on the floor. Then, take a weight in each hand and raise them to chest height, making sure your elbows form a 90º angle. Raise your arms, without stretching them completely. Hold the position for 5 seconds and slowly lower to the starting position.
  2. The opening of the chest: in the same position of the previous exercise and with the elbows flexed, open your arms to the sides while you inhale and, when closing your arms, exhale.
  3. Push-ups: Stand in front of the wall and spread your feet apart at hip height. Place the palm of your hands at shoulder height with your arms stretched and parallel to each other.

Then, flex your elbows slowly, without moving your hands from the wall. When you reach the lowest possible point, count to 3 and climb again.

These are just some of the exercises you can do to enhance your breasts. But what else do you need to know?

What You Need

In addition to the exercises that I have already mentioned, you need to know that there are other very simple ones, which you can do from home and that, in the same way, have the purpose of reaffirming the bust. Among them are:

Arm stretching

The first thing you should do is get two weights of 2 kilos each. Then, sit in a chair with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor. Take the weights with your hands and stretch your arms, press them above your head, count to 3 and return to the starting position.

Chest weight lifting

Sit with your back straight, while holding in your hands a weight that is between 2 and 5 kilos, depending on what your possibilities are.

Stretch your arms to the sides and bend your elbows to a 90º angle. Raise your arms above your head and then return to the starting position. Keep in mind that the arms should not go too low. Ideally, they should always be at shoulder height.

Standing butterfly

While standing, spread your legs shoulder apart and bend your knees a little. Take a weight in each hand and stretch your arms at shoulder height and then bring them towards the center of the chest, keeping in mind that the arms should always be parallel to the floor and then extended outwards.

But, besides these simple exercises to perform, what else can you do to enhance your breasts? The following recommendations will help you speed up the process.


Some of the things you can do, to counteract this evil that affects most women, are:

  • Wear a bra. Wear one that matches your exact size to wear throughout the day. However, it is also recommended that you use it when you go to sleep or exercise.
  • Apply a moisturizer to your chest every day. This, in order that the skin of that area always remains elastic.
  • Avoid harmful habits, such as smoking cigarettes, as smokers’ skin always tends to be laxer than others.

The Best Exercises to Avoid Prolapse


There are many people who support the philosophy that as long as you have a healthy mind, your body will be healthy too. However, the truth is that to have a healthy body it is necessary to do more than simply fill our mind with positive thoughts.

The Best Exercises To Avoid Prolapse

For this to happen, it is also necessary to be governed by a balanced diet that includes nutritious foods that help strengthen the body. An appropriate exercise routine should also be followed.

By using the word “appropriate” I mean an exercise routine that is consistent with our age, abilities, pace of life and physical health.

While it is true that young people usually exercise because they want to look good, when they reach a certain age the needs change and now it is not enough to look good, it is also required to feel good.

Hence the importance of doing exercises to strengthen specific areas of the body, in order to avoid certain conditions that would reduce our quality of life, such is the case of prolapse, which occurs when both the muscles and ligaments that make up the pelvic floor stretch and weaken to the point that they no longer support the uterus well, causing it to slide into or protrude from the vagina.

Since this is a condition that can affect women of any age, what can you do now to avoid it? If you have no idea what to do, you don’t have to worry. In this short post you will know what are the best exercises to avoid prolapse.

This way, you’ll be assured that you’re exercising your body the right way. That is, not only the muscles that everyone can see, but also those that allow you to enjoy a normal and pleasant life.


Mild uterine prolapse is usually asymptomatic, meaning it produces no signs or symptoms. In the case of moderate to severe, the following may occur:

  • A feeling of heaviness in the pelvis.
  • The presence of tissue protruding from the vagina.
  • Urinary problems, such as urine retention.
  • Difficulty having a bowel movement.
  • Feeling of sitting on a ball.
  • Problems at the sexual level.

These symptoms usually begin mild at the beginning of the day and intensify as the hours go by. As you may have noticed, this is an uncomfortable and even painful situation. Therefore, in order to avoid it, put Kegel exercises into practice.

These exercises involve contracting and relaxing those muscles that control urine and that were invented by sexologist Arnold Kegel in the 40s and that, today, continue to be a direct reference for postpartum physical recovery. Some of these exercises are:

  • The slow: consists of keeping the muscles that make up the pelvic floor tense and keeping them that way for about 5 seconds. Then, they relax for another 5 seconds and the exercise is repeated.
  • The fast: in this case, you should perform the same contractions, but without pauses and as quickly as possible.
  • The elevator: consists of contracting and relaxing the three muscles that make up the pelvic floor, simultaneously in different types.
  • The wave: as its name implies, it is about contracting and distending the muscles as if it were a wave, that is, first, the ring that surrounds the urethra, then the one that surrounds the vagina and finally the one that surrounds the anus.

Now that you know what the exercises you should do to avoid prolapse consist of, what else do you need to know related to this topic?

What You Need

When you are going to perform these exercises, you should try to be in places where there is no noise or any type of distraction so that you can concentrate better and not disturb the privacy of the moment.

While you get used to these exercises, you can wear comfortable, perhaps loose-fitting clothes and vary the position in which you do them. That is, on some occasions you can do them while you are lying on the ground; other times standing and a few more when you are sitting.

To the extent that you practice you will be able to better control the muscles that make up the pelvic floor and, therefore, it will be possible for you to perform them during everyday situations, such as while watching television or traveling by bus.

Now, what other recommendations should you take into account to be able to perform these exercises successfully and thus prevent the presence of a uterine prolapse?


It is advisable that you do Kegel exercises every time you have made a significant physical effort or after you have climbed stairs, since these movements can cause a loss of urine.

In order to exercise the area properly, you should strive not to contract the abdominal muscles, buttocks or thighs. In addition, these exercises should be performed for at least 4 weeks and the benefits will begin to be noticeable after a few months. However, it is best to continue doing them to prevent the initial symptoms from reappearing.

Try not to exceed the number of repetitions per day, because if you overdo it, you can cause muscle strain when urinating or evacuating. In addition, you should avoid doing them by applying a very large force, since the muscles of the vagina could become very tense and you could feel pain during sex.

On the other hand, in order to improve muscle elasticity and achieve a better recovery after giving birth, it is advisable to massage the perianal area with almond oil during pregnancy in childbirth.

Now, after giving birth, this practice is necessary in order to help in the prevention of urinary incontinence and other similar problems.

As you have been able to realize, they are simple exercises that you can put into practice from today, but that require a certain degree of concentration so that you can perform them effectively. Therefore, the more you practice, the better you will do in preventing prolapse.

The Best Exercises to Avoid Constipation


It is important to cultivate healthy habits in order to enjoy a better quality of life. Among these habits are governed by a balanced diet, drink enough water during the day, sleep, at least 7 hours a day, practice some sport, etc.

The Best Exercises To Avoid Constipation

However, due to day-to-day occupations it can be difficult to have enough time to practice a sport on a regular basis. Therefore, in order to stay as active as possible, you can perform a simple exercise routine about two or three times a week.

By exercising, you not only ensure that you look better, but you will also increase your self-esteem and sense of well-being, sleep better, tire less when performing your daily activities, have more energy, be more positive and have the opportunity to prevent certain diseases or conditions.

One of them is constipation, which occurs due to the lack of regular movement of the intestines resulting in unusual or strained defecation. They are usually hard and sparse stools.

However, with the help of a proper exercise routine you can avoid constipation, reduce it and even eliminate it, in case you already suffer from it. In this way, you can enjoy a better quality of life and avoid complications related to this condition.

But, if you do not have the slightest idea of what kind of exercises you should perform for this purpose, you do not have to worry. In this opportunity, through this brief post, you will know what are the best exercises so you can avoid constipation and enjoy a more peaceful and pleasant bathroom experience.

Therefore, you cannot stop reading this post. You can’t miss any detail. Remember that your gut health is what’s at stake right now.


By exercising regularly, the intestinal transit benefits, as the muscles of the central part of the body are activated, accelerating the movement of the intestines and thus facilitating digestion. Therefore, this is a good method to prevent constipation.


One of the most recommended exercises are anaerobic, such as walking, in combination with abdominal exercises for about 30 or 40 minutes, about 3 times a week. However, depending on the physical condition of the person, you can alternate walking with walking or running. But, to enjoy a more complete and effective exercise routine, you can include the following:

  • The abs. This exercise is responsible for putting the central area of the body into operation, which causes greater fat burning and more intestinal mobility. Consequently, it also improves the transit of the same.

You can combine traditional abs with other alternatives, such as fitball, which is done lying on the floor, with your legs open in a V shape and with a ball at your ankles. The idea is to raise the body to reach the ball.

Perform about 3 sets of about 15 repetitions each so you can get better results.

Mobility exercises for the hip

You can combine these exercises with the abdominals in order to stimulate the muscles of the belly. Some of these exercises consist of:

  1. While sitting on the floor, place your legs in front with your back straight and your hands flat on the floor. From that position, rotate your hip from side to side for about 30 seconds.
  2. Seated, lift the buttocks off the floor and perform the same hip rotation as the previous exercise, in the same way, for about 30 seconds.
  3. While sitting, open your legs in a V and tilt your body forward until you touch your feet. Hold the position for 5 seconds and then switch sides. Repeat the exercise about 10 times with each leg.

Without a doubt, these are the best exercises that will help you avoid constipation. But what else do you need to know?

What You Need

Something you need to know is that constipation is a great annoyance that almost all people experience, more or less frequently. It should be noted that older people are more likely than younger ones. Hence the importance of performing the right exercises to avoid it.

Among its most common causes are: an inappropriate diet, low water intake, lack of exercise, containing the urge to go to the bathroom, excessive use of laxatives and the prescription of certain specific medications, such as antidepressants, diuretics, etc.

In addition to the exercises that I have already mentioned, you can practice aerobic exercises of low or moderate intensity, such as walking at a fast pace, jogging, cycling and swimming. In fact, these are the activities that work best.

Just by walking about 30 minutes a day, you will notice that your visits to the bathroom increase. If you are in good or optimal physical condition, then you can jog or run for 30 minutes a day.

The most appropriate time to exercise is two hours after eating, since the blood that is concentrated at the time of digestion is not diverted to the muscles and, therefore, the digestive process occurs naturally and normally.

Besides this exercise routine, what other things can you do to avoid constipation?


In order to prevent constipation, experts recommend drinking between 2 and 2 and a half liters of water a day, not containing the urge to go to the bathroom and trying to train your intestine to go to the bathroom every day at the same time.

It is also essential that you include in your diet foods that are rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes and seeds. Avoid skipping meals or eating processed foods, such as white bread, cakes, sausages, etc.

If you put these tips into practice, you can have the peace of mind of having a healthy intestine and keep constipation as far away as possible.

The Best Exercises to Avoid Arthritis


In this technological age it is normal to fight against the so-called sedentary lifestyle. It is a generalized attitude where the person makes the minimum of physical effort, because all day he spends lying in bed watching television or sitting in front of a computer.

The Best Exercises To Avoid Arthritis

He does not practice any type of exercise and overeats, which causes him to have extra weight or become obese. In turn, obesity is at the root of many other diseases, which could end our lives.

Therefore, many doctors recommend exercising at least a couple of days a week. This, with the intention not only to look good, an objective pursued by most people who diet or go to the gym, but also to feel good and avoid the presence of diseases in the future.

One of the most widespread diseases throughout the world is arthritis. The word arthritis is composed of two words: art, which means joint and itis, inflammation. Simply put, arthritis is nothing more than inflammation of the joints.

In addition, this term encompasses the more than 100 different diseases or conditions that affect both the joints and the tissues that surround them, such as muscles and tendons.

Since this is a painful and exhausting disease that affects more and more people, what can you do to avoid it? There are several ways to do this. However, among the most outstanding recommendations is the strengthening of the muscles surrounding the joints, how can you achieve it? Doing the appropriate exercises.

During this short post, I will be sharing with you what are the best exercises to avoid arthritis. Putting them into practice now will help you enjoy better health in the future.


While it is true that, sometimes, either by genetic inheritance or for some other reason, it is possible to have a greater predisposition to develop certain diseases, such as arthritis, many times, whether they occur or not, depends on the lifestyle and habits we have.

As I mentioned earlier, to avoid arthritis it is essential to strengthen the muscles that are near the joints. In addition, exercising regularly helps increase bone density. With less wear and tear on the joints, it is possible to prevent injuries and reduce the risk of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

In order to avoid arthritis, you should strive for exercises that make your muscles stronger, your joints more flexible, and give you greater resistance. Among the most recommended exercises are the following:

  1. Those of range of motion or elasticity. These exercises reduce stiffness and help joints stay flexible. The term “range of motion” refers to the normal distance at which joints can move in different directions. The best way to perform these exercises is lying on your bed or on a sofa, since, in this way, you will not impose weight on the joints.
  2. Those of strengthening. These will allow you to maintain and increase strength and endurance in your muscles. By having stronger muscles, you will have more stable and protected joints.
  3. Flexibility and balance exercises. This type of exercise will help you avoid falls and, consequently, the injuries that occur from them. Among the most recommended are tai chi, yoga, standing on one foot, walking backwards, among others.
  4. Aerobic exercises. They are responsible for strengthening the heart and, therefore, promote the circulation of oxygen in the blood, increasing pulse and breathing.

If your lungs work better, you’ll be able to exercise longer without getting tired. These exercises will also help you sleep better, manage your weight, and improve your overall well-being.

Among the best aerobic exercises are walking, swimming, cycling, etc.

Now that you know what are the best exercises to prevent arthritis, what else do you need to know when it comes to this topic?

What You Need

Some of the things you need to do before starting your exercise routine are:

  • Taking a shower with warm water will help you relax your muscles and joints to avoid pain. In addition, you will feel comforted and comfortable.
  • Select appropriate clothing and footwear. Clothing, in general, should be loose and comfortable to facilitate different movements. In relation to footwear, this should provide you with good support so that you have stability while you exercise.
  • Drink enough water. This practice helps your body function better, remove toxins from the organs and transport more nutrients to the cells. If you don’t drink enough water, your energy will decrease, you will become dehydrated and feel very exhausted.
  • Spend 5 to 15 minutes warming up. In this way, you will reduce the possibility of suffering an injury, at the same time that you will be preparing your body for the exercises.

In addition to what I have told you so far, what other recommendations should you keep in mind?


Keep in mind that your exercise program should be gradual. That is, you must go from less to more. In other words, you should not exercise too much during the first few weeks, as this can cause you pain and other similar discomfort.

Perform the exercises at a pace that is comfortable and even, which allows you to talk with your partner without losing your breath. If you maintain this rhythm, the muscles will have a greater amount of time to relax between each repetition.

Breathe properly. Don’t hold your breath. Counting out loud while exercising will help you maintain deep, regular breathing.

When finished, it is important to perform cooling movements for 5 or 15 minutes. To do this, you will only have to repeat the warm-up movements you did at the beginning, but this time you must do them very slowly. This will help reduce pain and get your heart rate and breathing back to normal.

The Back and Its Exercise Routines


In case you do not know, almost all our parts of the body must be exercised, it is not simply the arms, chest and abdomen, but also the back. Because in the end, you will begin to look very strange, having those mentioned parts well worked, while the rest are weak, thin or not worked. It would be as if you saw someone with the part of the waist up well worked but their legs are too thin.

The Back And Its Exercise Routines

And the same happens if we invest, we see well-worked legs, but the rest of the body is very thin. That is why people must do a varied routine, if one day you are going to work arms, it has to be different exercises of which work different areas of the arm, and the same happens with the rest of the body. So that all the muscles work well.

If you do not know anything about exercise it is better that you search the internet for exercise routines on each part of the body that you want to exercise. If you have a coach or someone you know who is a professional in the area it would be better. But if you do not have it, then in this article you will know about several exercises that work on the back.

But before you start with this article, we would like you to read this one that deals with “Back and Triceps Routine at Home”

Dead weight

This being the best option to gain more thickness on your back. You simply need to stand in front of a bar, remember that you must have your feet at the same height where your shoulders are. Then you contract your abs, stick out your chest and bend your knees so you can get to the bar.

This same you are going to grab it in a prone way (the thumbs must be facing each other) Having to be slightly wider than your shoulders.

To execute the exercise, you must lift the bar that is on the floor, having to straighten your legs. When the bar is close to your knees, you will straighten the knees while at the same time stretching your back.

When you’re completely vertical, you’re going to stop. And you hold the position for 2 seconds, remember to bring the shoulder blades together to have extra stimulation in the upper sword

And controlled you are going to place the bar back on the floor, flexing your back and bending your thighs.

This exercise is done 3 or 4 sets and repetitions until you can no more.

Rowing with bar

You’re going to have a little bend in your knees, and you’re going to lean forward, trying to form a 45-degree angle between your trunk and the ground. And you keep your back straight, your chest must be stuck out and your head straight, and it has to be facing forward.

At the time of doing it, you will hold the same bar with the same prone grip, only that your hands must be somewhat separated at the height of your shoulders.

Then you raise the bar along your thighs until it reaches the navel, that’s when your biceps and forearms are going to hold the weight, and you don’t have to contract them.

Then you will throw the bar with the help of your elbows (not the biceps)

And at the top you will gather your shoulder blades and hold the contraction for 2 seconds before you have to lose your weight.

In this exercise you will perform 4 sets and the repetitions you can.

Shrug with bar

Our upper trapezius muscle is very easy to work without the need to do it directly, since almost in all exercises this muscle also receives stimulation. But if you want to work a little more, then this is for you.

You are going to stand in front of our bar with your feet that are at the height of your shoulders, you are going to contract your abs, you stick out your chest, you keep your back straight and you bend your knees until you manage to reach the bar.

You will hold your ef in prone grip, and slightly wider than the width of your shoulders.

In the execution, you will lift your shoulders (shrink) as far as you can, hold the contraction for 3 seconds, and in that time, you will squeeze your back as much as you can.

You will lower the bar and let the weight stretch your trapezoids.

You do this exercise in an amount of 3 sets, and in the repetitions, they will be as far as you can.

Doing the repetitions for a specific number can be somewhat useless, it is much better to do it as far as you can, since this way you can work the muscle better and you can stimulate it better, than reaching the amount and do not feel much pain.

If you liked reading this article you may like to read this other one that has something to do with what you just read “How to train your back”

The Abdomen and Its Exercise Routines


Who doesn’t like a good abdomen? Those abdomens marked as if they were a laundry room, which you can see the six pack. It is one of the coolest things that people can have when exercising, since getting it is the same as the other muscles, but it takes more effort in order to achieve an incredible marked abdomen.

The Abdomen And Its Exercise Routines

Of course, one thing is to get abs, and another is to mark it. In order to get a good abdomen, you must lower body fat and exercise, since you cannot do exercises to mark the abdomen having a belly a little noticeable, you must lose weight that belly in order to have abs and if you want you can mark them.

It is not so mandatory to have your abdomen too marked, just having it a little defined would be fine. But if you want to know which are the exercises that are good in order to have a good abdomen and mark it. Well, in this article you will know several exercises so you can consider adding them to your personal routine.

But before you start with this article, we would love too much for you to read this other article that has some relation to this article that you are about to read “How to tone the abdomen»


Sit up

You are going to lie on the ground completely, you should not separate your legs from the ground. And with the help of the abdomen, you will climb by straining that muscle until you reach 90 ° with your legs. Only the abdomen should do this exercise, not the head, nor the legs to reach, and the arms. In fact, the position of these arms can be free-form.

Crunch with elevated legs

Again, you will be lying on the floor, this time you will have your legs raised as well as possible. And finally, you’re going to try with your arms to make them try to touch your feet, all with the help of your abdomen. It does not matter if you do not arrive, the goal of the exercise is that the abdomen works without the need to touch your feet.

Leg lift

While lying on the floor, you will place your hands in the lumbar area. And to start with the exercise, you are going to lift your legs, you have to keep in mind that they must be completely stretched. And you’re going to raise them until they reach 90° and then go down. You can touch the ground or not, but it is better not to touch it so as not to have any momentum and rest. Remember that you must make force in the abdomen so that it is stimulated well.


Here you are going to lie on the floor once again to lift your leg doing as if the knee is trying to touch your face (it is not necessary to force the leg up) Then you will raise your head and put your hands on your neck, and to start with the exercise. With your elbows you will make them touch your knee or leg. After doing the repetitions, you will do the same, but with the other leg.

Obliques with an object

Here your coccyx and hands will be the only part of the body that will touch the ground. You will need an object like a thick and somewhat small rubber or that your creativity helps you to solve. But the point is that there must be an object in front of your legs. And to start with the exercise, you are going to bend your legs and then stretch them on both sides of the object.

Pass the fitball

While lying on the floor, you will raise your legs a little, and your hands must be holding a fitball. At first you should be straight, and then raise your legs and arms, when both parts of the body are close, or the fitball is close. That’s when you’re going to pass the fitball to your legs, and then lower your legs and arms to be somewhat straight. And you do the same process again, but passing the fitball into your arms. And you go on for several repetitions.


The number of repetitions can be the amount you want, it is even better to choose to do the number of times necessary until you feel you can no more. Since you can, in addition to the exercise being more effective, it will also be because if you put an amount, maybe that amount is too easy. Remember that exercising is to feel pain, since that means you did it too well, and if you do not feel so much pain the next day. It means that the amount was not enough.

If you liked reading this article, you may like to read this one that has some relationship with what you just finished reading “Abdomen Exercises – How to Do Abdomen Exercises”

Shoulder Routine at Home


Staying fit is important, why? I think it is obvious to know those reasons. But do you know what is for many the most complicated part of exercising? The part where you should take the initiative to go to the gym. If this is your case, our recommendation is that you “bring the gym to you”. By this we mean starting a workout at home, is it possible? Of course, it is and with this shoulder routine at home you will discover that training can be as intense as the one you do in a gym.

Shoulder Routine At Home

For this routine to take effect, you have to take into account two things… The first is that this is a circuit routine. Which means that you must give between 4 to 5 laps once you finish the realization of all the exercises that we will show below. The second thing you should keep in mind is that to get good results in any routine, you do not need to go to the most expensive gyms, NO! What you need is to eat well. If you develop a good diet that complements your training, be sure that muscles will be left over. That said, now if we can start the list of exercises that make up this shoulder routine at home.

You may also be interested in reading “Arm Exercises at Home – How to Do Arm Exercises at Home”.

List of exercises for this shoulder routine.

Next, we will see each of the exercises that make up this circuit. In addition to seeing identified the number of repetitions that have to be done for each exercise.

Shoulder Press (12 repetitions).

To start strong this routine of shoulders at home, let’s take some object that serves us weight. It can be anything solid with a certain weight and that has good grip. For example, some bottle of liquid soap, although it is also valid to use dumbbells if you have them at home. Once we have the weight at our disposal, what we will do is hold it firmly with our arms, which will be placed in “L (ele)” with the knuckles facing the ceiling.

With correct posture, what follows is exercise or movement. Which consists of lowering and raising the weight in our hands slowly. It is not necessary to go to the races, this is not a competition, the slower and more controlled the movement, the better worked the exercise will be. It is important that the weight we use is something that we can control, in order to perform the exercise while maintaining good technique. If you have trouble raising your arms, it is because you are using excess weight.

Front / Lateral Raises (12 repetitions).

Pay attention to this exercise, because posture and control are key to be able to do it correctly. The first thing you have to do is place one of your arms on one side of your body, and the other must be in front. Once that is done, you must raise your arms until it is perpendicular to the body. Forming an “L” in the air with both arms, remember that both rise at the same time. Once you achieve that, when you go down you must change direction both arms, that is. The one that had a side will now be in the front, and the one in front to a side.

The exercise is done by sandwiching the arms between both directions. And it is counted as 1 repetition only when you return to the starting position. From your arms.

Surely you want to read “Shoulder exercises – How to do shoulder exercises”.

Upright Row (12 repetitions).

At the moment quite intense the routine of shoulders at home, however the rest still does not arrive. For this exercise you just have to raise the weight on your arms to the height of the chin or chin.

While it is simple exercise, it is crucial that when you execute it, when you raise your arms, you do it trying to raise your elbows, not your wrists. That means that the weight will be lifted not by the help of your wrists, but as a consequence of trying to raise your elbows. That is why it is so important to use a weight that you master for the realization of these exercises.

Rear Delt Fly (12 repetitions).

And to conclude with this shoulder routine we have to work the posterior (back of the shoulders). To do this you just have to tilt the trunk forward and hold the weight where the palms of your hand face back.

The exercise consists of lifting the weight to the height that our body allows, maintaining a constant controlled movement. It is not necessary to force ourselves to reach higher if our body does not allow it.

In this way we conclude with the writing of this article, I hope you are encouraged to put into practice this shoulder routine at home, which if followed religiously, will allow you to enjoy powerful shoulders.

Recovering After Running a Marathon, Advice and Day-To-Day Follow-Up


The week after the marathon is the most anticipated and enjoyable week, which is something I always look forward to. In this article I show you how I spend my week after the marathon, putting all my energy and concentration into recovering. Yes, because this is the best time to relax, recover and reboot.

Recovering After Running A Marathon, Advice And Day-To-Day Follow-Up

First congratulations on finishing your marathon, now it’s time to focus on recovery, especially after having run so many kilometers in which the body goes through physical stress and muscle wasting. Now is the time to rehydrate and refuel.

How to recover in a short time from a marathon.

Recovery is often neglected and paying the utmost attention to it can help us get out of post-marathon pain in no time. Our body usually recovers within 3 days of the marathon without undermining the fact that every runner’s body is different and recovery time can vary from person to person.

You can start running with training performance compression socks that aid in quick recovery. Wear them during your training runs and also on the day of the marathon, if you wish.

Here are some important recovery tips you may want to consider after running your marathon.


  1. After the race, keep moving after completing your marathon for 5 to 10 minutes to get rid of stiffness and gradually bring your heart rate to rest.
  2. Rehydrate with an energy drink or electrolyte.
  3. It would be ideal if you could change and put on dry clothes.

Stretches that help you recover after the marathon

Do some mild stretches of the core muscle group that must have gone through severe strain and tearing. Gently stretch your quadriceps, buttocks, calf, IT band, back, and your inner thighs for at least 15 minutes. With 20 seconds of stretching in each and every muscle.

Use a foam roller to release all tight stitches and fascia and stretch for another 10 minutes if you can, especially lying down.


Recharge with a healthy breakfast containing protein and carbohydrates in 30 minutes. The sample diet can be eggs, peanut butter, wholemeal bread, banana, fruits, oatmeal, coconut water, nuts and raisins.

Be sure to hydrate at frequent intervals throughout the day to compensate for the colossal loss of water and fluid your body has been subjected to for the entire time you’ve run a marathon.

Some tricks to recover quickly from a marathon.

Taking an ice bath definitely reduces all inflammation and helps quick recovery. If the ice bath is not possible, apply ice to your core muscle group.

You can take a cold shower and wear compression recovery socks for 24 hours, which helps quick recovery, improves circulation and lactate elimination after activity.

This also helps in a situation where you need to travel after a marathon. I tell you that I just started using them and I find them very useful. Rest for an hour or two, don’t stand up.

What to do every day after a marathon.

1st day

On the 1st day I recommend you go to a SPA and get a massage, avoid deep tissue massage as your muscles would be sensitive, therefore, a vigorous massage can do more damage than relaxing your muscles. Celebrate and keep moving, keep walking, eat well.

In the evening, before sleeping, use a foam roller, stretch the muscles that are specifically tense for 5-10 minutes and take a hot shower bath, you will not only sleep well, but wake up with minimal pain.

2nd day

The next day, in addition to eating a high-protein diet and focusing on recovering through a healthy carbohydrate and protein diet, repeat the rolling and stretching in the morning and evening, focus on active recovery, such as walking or swimming to eliminate lactate. Try to have a quiet day.

3st day

On the third day do some dynamic warm-up and light exercises followed by a walk. Keep rolling and stretching morning and afternoon.

4th day

On the fourth day you are already able to do a slow jog of no more than 3-5 km with warm-up and post-jog stretches.

5th day and later

By this day you will have fully recovered. You can now continue with cross-training and keep your running mileage low and gradually improve it over a period of 2-3 weeks. A few weeks of low mileage won’t affect your fitness level, in fact, on the contrary, they will make you stronger for your next challenge, keeping your injury-free, feeling good and enjoying.

If you have a different post-marathon experience, or any other useful advice to give us, go ahead and share your criteria with us in the comments.