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Exercises For Flaccid Arms


Flabby arms are a symptom of several things in our body, including lack of strength, lack of training, and excess body fat in the arm area.

Exercises For Flaccid Arms

When we have flabby arms, it looks quite bad if we are without clothes, since it gives a pretty bad image to take off the shirt if you have a flabby arm, especially if you are a man, since in a man it is normal to have muscle mass in the arm.

On the other hand, having muscular arms makes you have a very good aesthetic, allowing you to proudly wear tank tops and be able to take off the shirt without having any kind of embarrassment.

A good reason to do exercises to avoid flabby arms is that it is not only for aesthetics, but also for strength, since toned and large arms will always equate to stronger arms, which is what we all want, whether you are a man or a woman.

The exercises that I am going to propose are simple to perform, they are quite effective and I have focused on offering you what is important and what works, removing superfluous exercises such as exercises with pulleys and things that are useless. All this as always, from the sports section of doncomos.com.

What You Need

  •  A tracksuit.
  •  A few weights or being able to go to the gym.
  •  Basic strength enough to be able to do push-ups.
  •  Enough basic strength to be able to do pull-ups.
  •  Willpower and willingness to work hard.


  1. French Press:
    The arm is divided into three parts, biceps, triceps, and forearm. People only focus on the biceps, not realizing that the triceps is the largest part of the arm and that it needs to be worked as well. Forget aboutthe triceps bars and switch to the French press, to perform it take a Z bar (the one that is half curved), lie down on a bench and raise the bar as if you were going to do a bench press. Now you should move your forearms towards your head, so that the triceps is fully stretched and go down to the head without moving the triceps until the movement is complete.
  2. Pull-ups:
    Pull-ups are not only a good exercise for your back, but they are also very good for both your biceps and forearms. What you have to do is hang from a bar, and then go all the way up and down all the way down, without helping yourself with your legs and dropping all the way down. You will see how doing this exercise will make the flaccidity of the arm disappear.
  3. Biceps curl:
    The gym’s favorite biceps exercise could not be missing, that is, the biceps curl with a Z bar. We are going to perform the bicep curl by taking the Z bar standing up and going up to the top, without arching the back and without moving the elbow too much. This exercise is good for your biceps and forearm, as long as you do the right technique and don’t put too much weight on too soon.
  4. Deadlift:
    The deadlift is one of the best exercises of all the exercises for the gym, as it works for the leg, it serves for the back, it serves for the trapezius and of course it serves for the forearm. Do the deadlift at low repetitions, with a lot of weight, but with a correct technique, that is, without arching the back, going up in a controlled way and using the gluteus to raise correctly.
  5. Push-ups:
    I’ve put this exercise for people who don’t have the money to go to the gym and want to do an arm in some way and can’t do the French press. If you do pull-ups, you will strengthen the biceps and forearm and with push-ups you will strengthen the triceps. These push-ups that I’m going to send you are a bit special, since I’m going to ask you to bring your arms together a little more than normal, since the closer your arms are in push-ups, the more you’re going to pull the triceps and the less you’re going to use your chest and shoulder. (We recommend this article: How to Slim Your Shoulders)
    Do three sets of this exercise to muscle failure a couple of times a week and you’ll see how your arm improves (if you also do pull-ups obviously).


  • Also, diet: People at my gym say muscle is built in the kitchen, not in the gym. What they mean is that if you want to be really well, you must take into account that you must also control your diet, because if you do not control your diet properly, you will gain fat, which will make it so that no matter how much you train, your arms are flabby and you will not have the expected results, since fat is on top of the muscle mass you have created. Avoid foods like refined sugar, trans fats, and alcohol, as they don’t add anything.

Exercises For a Flat Stomach


Achieving a flat stomach is one of the most coveted goals among people who seek maximum aesthetics and physical and mental health. A flat stomach is a marked abdomen, with no belly and hardly any body fat.

Exercises For A Flat Stomach

Unless you have a fast metabolism, we all know how much it costs to have a completely flat stomach, since whether we are men or women, we have a hard time losing fat to get defined.

In addition, there are many myths and misconceptions on the internet that make you confused when it comes to developing a flat stomach. Although the most important thing is diet, training and weight control, there are also certain exercises that help to have a flat stomach and speed up the appearance of abs.

These exercises must be done together with a correct diet, a correct training and with a lot of consistency, since without that it will not be useful to do the exercises, because the high percentage of body fat will cover your work and it is as if you had done absolutely nothing.

So, without lingering any longer, I’m going to introduce you to the best exercises I know to get a flat and defined belly, as always from the sports section of doncomos.com

What You Need

  •  A mat or padded surface.
  •  A tracksuit.
  •  An abdominal wheel.


  1. Abdominal wheel:
    It is one of the ideal exercises to have a flat stomach, since it is one of the exercises that work the abdominal area the most, especially the upper abdominals, which are not usually worked much with ordinary abdominal exercises. The way to do it is to kneel on a padded surface, in the same way as in the photo below, then we are going to hold the abdominal wheel with our hands and making force with the abdominals, we are going to lower downwards until we lie completely on the floor, then we will go back up. It is very important to go down only using the strength of the abdominals, without using either the lower back or the arms, which simply serve as support to go down.
  2. Normal abdominals:
    I call them normal because they are the abdominal exercises of a lifetime, the ones we have always done and the most recommended, since they work almost the entire abdominal area and there is no science to do them. We are going to stand on a flat surface on our back, with our knees bent and our hands on our chest or head, now we are going to go up to the middle more or less and go down. We will do this without moving the neck, keeping the body straight, using the abs to go up and trying to look at a fixed point on the ceiling to avoid moving the cervical spine.
  3. Oblique crunches:
    A type of crunch that works the side abs, which are not well worked with regular crunches. We are going to lie down in a similar way to normal sit-ups, however, this time we are going to raise one knee on top of the other and move laterally to the opposite side of the leg. We’ll do this by touching elbow to knee to do a full range. We will avoid moving the neck again and we will do the exercise with a good technique.
  4. Leg raises:
    Now we only have to work on the leg raises, which will serve us to work the abs of the lower part or lower abdominals. We are going to lie on our back, with our legs fully stretched and with our feet together, then we are going to raise our legs upwards, making an upward arcing movement without separating our legs. The trunk is kept straight and the neck of course does not move.


  • Don’t overuse the number of repetitions: There are people who make the mistake of doing thousands of sit-ups a day, something that is not good for the muscle. When you do a lot of repetitions, the only thing you will do is overtrain, and it can happen that you get stretch marks or that you get serious injuries. It is best to train around 20 to 50 repetitions per exercise, without needing to do any more, as more is not always better.
  • Add ballasts: Once you’ve mastered the technique of the exercises, you can start adding a little weight to the abdominal exercises, which will increase your resistance a bit. Add multi-kilogram discs, which you can put on top of your belly, in your hands, or use pulleys for leg raises. What you have to be clear about is that you can’t compromise the performance of a correct technique, because if you start doing it wrong by putting on more kilos, you will only get injured.

Easy Exercises to Lose Belly and Chest Fat


Losing belly and chest fat is one of the most common concerns among people who want to improve their figure and physical condition. The first thing you should know in case you are interested in losing belly and chest fat is that there are no exercises that allow you to lose only fat in these places. If you want to improve your torso, the first thing you should do is lose all that excess fat and then tone that specific area.

Easy Exercises To Lose Belly And Chest Fat

When it comes to losing fat, our body loses it equally throughout the body. This means that you will have to perform cardio exercises that will allow you to get rid of all the fat that you have left over. You should also start doing toning exercises. Compared to what happens with cardiovascular exercise, which acts on the whole body, in general, toning exercises do allow you to act only on one area. Therefore, if you want to lose belly and breast fat, you will have to do double training work. On the one hand, you will start by doing cardiovascular exercises to lose fat and then you will do specific toning work in those areas to achieve good muscle tone.

The tips below are more generic but will surely be a good complement to your interest in losing fat in the belly area

  • How to Run to Lose Weight
  • Home Remedies for Weight Loss
  • How You Can Lose Weight

If you want to know exercises to lose belly and chest fat, pay close attention to what comes next. However, you should remember that doing this series of exercises will allow you to improve your figure and physical condition quickly. However, you must remember that all this effort will be useless if you do not have good eating habits. This doesn’t mean you should go on a diet. You simply have to take care of your diet and try to make it balanced and healthy. Of course, you can make some occasional excesses.

What You Need

  •  Stick to a workout routine


  1. Running: Running is one of the best cardio exercises possible. By running you will be losing that excess fat while toning your entire body. Although it may not seem like it, your torso is doing a great job of keeping your posture upright during the run and your arms are also being toned thanks to the swinging of them.
  2. Swimming: swimming is another of the star exercises to lose fat and tone up. In this case, the work on your core will be even greater than what you did during the race. Remember that both the goal of running and swimming is to help you lose excess fat. No matter how many toning exercises you do, these will be of no use to you if you don’t lose the layer of fat that you accumulate on your muscles. Cardiovascular exercise is very important to achieve your goal.
  3. Planks/push-ups: Moving on to toning work, this is one of the best exercises to achieve a flat stomach and a toned and marked chest. Planks or push-ups are one of the best exercises to reach your goal. Although in theory it is a very simple exercise, in practice it can be quite difficult to execute. If you find it difficult to do planks, you should start doing them with your knees flat on the floor. This way the effort will be less. As you achieve greater fluidity in the performance of the exercise, you will be able to do push-ups without having to rest your knees on the floor. 
  4. Abdominals: Crunches will be another of your best allies when trying to lose belly and chest fat. These types of exercises will allow you to act directly on the area of the body that interests you. There are many types of sit-ups. The first thing you should know is that there are three zones in our abs: upper abdominals, lower abdominals and lateral abdominals. The various areas of our abs are activated by performing different exercises. You want to make sure that you perform exercises to activate the three different zones of your abs.


  • If you want some good tips to lose belly and lose weight, here are some articles related to the subject that will surely be of interest to you.
  • Don’t obsess and enjoy your body! Although most people who want to lose gut and breast fat do so following an aesthetic goal, this should not be your main motivation. Remember that by losing gut and breast fat you will be improving your health. Therefore, you should not be obsessed with achieving your goal at any cost. Take it easy. Little by little you will improve your physical condition and you will realize that you feel much better and with more energy.

Crunches In 8 Minutes


The abs are a part of the body that, if well-defined and cared for, stylize the figure a lot. If you have a belly with pleasantly defined abs, everything changes; Fat is eliminated and the body is left much more cared for and fit. Even so, it is true that it should be kept in mind that the abs are not easy to mark, that is, it takes daily work to make them look and, above all, stay well marked and strong. In other words, the abs are one of the most difficult muscles in our body to work and mark, since it is a part of our body where many fats and calories end up throughout the day and, above all, meals.

Crunches In 8 Minutes

Along these lines, you should consider that to take care of your body not everything goes, that is, you must take care of what type of exercises you do and what your physical condition is, since if you do them wrong you can damage other parts of the body. Therefore, it is not worth doing any type of exercise for the abdomen, since when working this part of the body many people perform exercises that damage the back or lower back. So, so that you can perform the right exercises, today in doncomos.com we explain how to do sit-ups in 8 minutes, so that you repeat your routine day after day and end up defining good abs.


  1. Before you start doing the following exercises, it is recommended that you warm up a little; you can run for about 10 minutes at a jog, you can walk at a brisk pace or do a bit of cycling. Keep in mind that if you mix abdominal exercises with other modalities, the result will be global and superior. Similarly, you can also do some stretching before you start your workout.
  2. All the exercises that we propose are going to be done on the floor; So, prepare a small mat, mat, or towel in a space where you can lie down. Keep in mind that in order to do these exercises and work your abdomen well, it is essential that you keep your abs tight and tense for the 8 minutes.
  3. The first exercise will consist of lying on the floor face down and keeping your body weight on your toes and elbows, that is, you must raise your body a few centimeters from the ground in the form of a plank. The idea is to move your hips from side to side while balancing your weight from one end of the foot to the other and so on. The head should always be facing the ground and the arms should form an ‘L’ shape and also stay still, since the only thing that moves is the hip from one side to the other. The goal is that your body weight should fall on your abs that stay strong and tense. In this case, perform this first exercise for 30 consecutive seconds. Then, stretch and rest on your knees on the floor for 5 seconds and repeat the set two more times for 30 seconds each, resting in between.
  • For the next exercise, you should position yourself in the same way as in the previous one, but this time with your feet and legs tightly closed and straight. The idea will be that you open and close your feet – open and close your right feet, open and close your left and so on. It is very important that you keep your back straight – to avoid damage – and your abdomen tense. You should do three sets of 30 seconds for this exercise with rest and stretching in between each set.
  • Stretch, rest for about 5 seconds, and start the next exercise. For this activity we will continue to be placed in the same way as in the previous ones; Lie face down, hold on top of your elbows, and keep your legs and feet closed and straight. The goal of this exercise is for you to raise your bent knee to your stomach and lower it; To do this, you will have to alternate one leg and the other, that is, raise your right knee, go down, raise your left leg, lower and so on. Similarly, perform three sets of 30 seconds each.
  • In the next exercise we will work the abs but from the arms; In this sense, lie face down with your body weight on your elbows and the balls of your feet – always keeping your abdomen tight. Thus, the exercise consists of raising the body as a result of raising the arms, that is, raise the arm supporting the hand instead of the elbow – from the two elbows it goes to an elbow and one hand, then two hands and the other way around to go down. You must go up and down successively. Also perform three sets of 30 seconds, with a 5-second rest in the middle of each one.
  • The last exercise will consist of rocking the body of the center to the side, starting the movement with the posture that we have used for all the exercises. In this sense, lie down in the form of a plank on your stomach, with your body weight on your elbows -raised- and on the balls of your foot; Then, raise your body to one side – raising your arm and hip to this side – and return to the center. You should do four sets – two for each side – of 30 seconds each.
  • All in all, you’ll already have your full 8 minutes of sit-ups, keeping in mind that between each set you should rest for about 5 seconds.

What You Need

  •  Mat, mat, towel or something similar.
  •  Sportswear.
  •  Will.
  •  Time.
  •  Dedication.
  •  Constancy.


  • Although during these 8 minutes you will work your abs in a very powerful and effective way, you must be consistent when doing sports so that your body in general notices the improvements; Likewise, you should complement physical activity with a good diet, since your food accounts for almost 40% of your dietFitness.

What Is the Best Time to Go to The Gym


Surely, at some point you have asked yourself the typical question is it better to exercise in the morning or in the afternoon? Would I be better off going to the gym at one time or another?

What Is The Best Time To Go To The Gym

If you pay attention to certain comments, it is more than certain that you will hear that “better to do sports on an empty stomach” … Therefore, in the morning first thing in the morning, it would be ideal. Nothing. Nothing could be further from the truth. What you should think about is what really, to you, suits you. Not everyone is the same and, therefore, not everyone feels equally good.

To this, we must add the time factor. It will depend on the free moment in which you can go to the gym. Therefore, the best time will always be the one that best suits you.


  1. The important thing when going to the gym is to know when it suits you best for a matter of time. Once you decide when you do better, decide to do it.
  2. You must think, that it will always be better, to be able to go to the gym to give everything than to go by commitment, without time, in a hurry, etc. And not training properly. Better little, but train in an intense and correct way.
  3. It is not necessary either, go to the gym and be all day. If they tell you that they need many hours, they do not do something right … They will not train in conditions and it is certain, that they will be wasting time and not leaving their skin training. There is no body that endures daily, all day in the gym (unless you are an elite athlete) and not even with those.
  4. Do not be influenced when it is said that it will always be better to go to the gym on an empty stomach, because you lose more weight, more calories, etc. Not everyone feels good. In fact, on an empty stomach, many people get very fatigued, get dizzy, do not have the same energy, etc. Therefore, let your body listen.
  5. Having said all this, another issue is personal priorities or tastes. We explain it. There are many people who do not like to find the whole gym full of people, others if they prefer to have something more contact with others, etc. Therefore, here if we tell you what hours are (usually) the most recommended.
  6. Another fact to comment on it. Always the gyms that are famous chains, have much more influx of people. Therefore, if, in fact, you do not like to coincide with a lot of crowds, keep that in mind…
  7. In the mornings, when the gym opens, there are usually fewer people, so keep that in mind… and right at noon, too.
  8. In the afternoons, it is when more people usually go to the gym.
  9. Keep in mind, having said all this, that you will have to assess of course, the type of exercise you are going to do. For example, if you are a person who always does directed classes, of whatever type (aerobic, collective, boxing, etc.). It is advised that it be before eating. Not only for obvious reasons, that with a full belly you can have an indisposition, get dizzy, vomit, be tired, etc. And because it should have happened better, an hour before meals, so also the body is metabolizing and accelerating fat burning.
  10. Other people want and prefer to go to the gym after eating. With your waiting time, it will always be advisable between half an hour and an hour later and make meals that are not copious. If that time and moment is the one that suits you, then perfect. Take advantage of it.
  11. If for whatever reason, work, studies or whatever reason, you cannot go to the gym or you could not go to make the visit really useful, do not throw in the towel either. For example, surely, one day you will have free work or you can take a day off from your studies … Well, those days, take advantage of them to go to the gym. In the meantime, don’t forget to train. Do it in your own home or go outdoors, but the point is not to stand still or break with everything and throw it overboard. Think that it is not much use if you do nothing for the whole week and only a day or two, you exercise.
  12. If your body allows it and your schedule and you like to go to the gym in the morning, your body will have benefits that you will not have with another schedule (in the afternoon or evening, for example). If you are going to go in the morning, surely, you will already know or you will notice it, but you will have more energy. Not only that, because if in addition, your interest in the gym is to lose weight and fat, bone lose weight, because your metabolism is more accelerated and therefore you will have all day to lose more fat.
  13. As for noon, if it is when you can escape to train or it suits you better, you will do well to continue losing weight. You still have all afternoon and night for the body to lose fat by having an accelerated metabolism.
  14. In the afternoon, if you go at that time will depend a little, the pace you take or the day you have had. There are many people who go when they come because they have much more energy, but others are tired, stressed, exhausted from the day they have taken. Experts say that this time slot to lose weight is not the most suitable. But instead, if you want to gain muscle mass, strength or tone, it will come in handy.
  15. If you stop training late in the day, at night, be careful because you can do more than your body can, you demand more and you can cause more injuries. On the other hand, if you burn all the energy of the day in training at night, your body can have an energy after and an adrenaline that will cause you disorders to be able to sleep at night and hence you have insomnia and tiredness.
  16. The really important thing and having a head, is to know when you can. Because, even if you want to go to the gym fasting in the morning, if you work, then obviously, you cannot go. The same as at any other time… Hence, emphasize that the ideal time to go to the gym, does not exist. So, as is. The best moment will be and is, in which everyone can go and train properly. Without wasting time, or so much paripé, walks, photos … to the important. Leave your skin and train.

What You Need

  • A gym.
  • Do sports or physical exercise.
  • Sportswear.
  • Sneakers.


We emphasize on reminding you that there is no schedule to go to the gym and train. The best schedule will be, the one that suits you best. You have a predisposition, you can go to him, etc.

And if you still have doubts about the best turn to train in the gym, do not forget that your body speaks and has memory … If you are tired you will force him to work harder and you can injure yourself. In the morning, it is the ideal time to accelerate the metabolism and lose weight, in the afternoon there is no problem, but respect the meals that are not copious and rest. And at night, you have to be careful if you have trouble falling asleep. Think that you can be after training, excited with the adrenaline shot and, therefore, it will cost you more to be able to keep an eye. Even, not sleeping.

What Is Creatine and What Is It For?


Increasing muscle mass can be a most exhausting and demanding task, especially if you try to obtain without the proper requirements. With this we do not mean that you cannot gain muscle mass at the tip of training and above all, a good diet rich in protein. But if it is done by incorporating others supplementally to our diet or shakes, we can achieve better results in record time. Even more so if you are a person who is or intends to enter bodybuilding, or practice sports of “muscle explosion”, such as athletics. That is why the information that we will share today in this entry, will be the most useful for more than one reader. Since we will introduce creatine and what its function is.

What Is Creatine And What Is It For

If you are interested in knowing how you can achieve greater results, and an increase in the volume of fiber or lean mass of your body. We invite you to stay until the end of this article. Since we will give you all the information you need to know about creatine.

However, you can also go through our article on “How to increase muscle mass”.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a substance that can be found naturally in the liver, pancreas and kidneys. Being a derivative of amino acids. Supplements belonging to this compound can be ingested for about two to three months (approximately). As long as it is done under the supervision and guidance of a doctor, nutritionist or nutritionist, trying to vary the dose, which will depend mainly on the weight of the person. Although an average of 5 to 3 grams daily is estimated. Being ingested for limited periods of time.

What is the function of this compound?

Creatine is a supplement that has a number of functions or benefits for those who consume it. Being its main focus to strengthen the muscle and increase its volume, although it also has other functions, which are described below:

  • It promotes the gain of lean muscle mass, which means fat-free.
  • Facilitates muscle recovery after training sessions.
  • It provides energy for the muscle fibers, thus preventing muscle fatigue and thus benefits your training.
  • It increases the volume of the muscle, because it encourages the reception and storage of fluid within the muscle cells.

Optionally to its functions focused on physical training and increase muscle volume. Creatine has been proven to possess neuroprotective qualities, what does this mean? That creatine prevents or reduces the severity of neurodegenerative diseases. Such as Parkinson’s, muscular dystrophy or Huntington’s disease.

Among other functions at the medical level, we can find that creatine is used as a complement in some treatments for diabetes, cerebral ischemia, depression, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and cardiac ischemia.

Surely you want to read our entry on “How to gain muscle mass”.

How should creatine be ingested?

As previously mentioned, the consumption of this supplement should be done under the prior guidance of a doctor or nutritionist. In addition, it should be taken if you are doing intense training and following a correct diet. Otherwise, the potential of this supplement will be wasted in your body. You have to record that the muscles are not achieved just by consuming creatine, it is important to use it more as a supplement.

There are three ways to ingest creatine to promote muscle hypertrophy, among them we have to:

  1. Cyclic supplementation. This means that you should consume approximately 5 grams daily for about six months. Then pause for about three weeks and repeat the cycle.
  2. Supplementation for three months. It is usually the most common way to consume creatine, and consists of ingesting between two to five grams daily for three months. To then take a break from its consumption for a month.
  3. Overload supplementation. This third and final method consists of consuming creatine in doses of 0.03 grams about three or four times a day. Thus, favoring the saturation of the muscle. This method is employed only if it is used for sports purposes, since it regularly a few months before an event or contest (bodybuilding for example). The bodybuilder usually trains with greater intensity, and that is where consuming creatine by overload may be appropriate.

Does it help you lose weight?

To finish the article, we want to answer a question that is usually frequented in the minds of people when they know creatine. And is if this can be used to lose weight … The answer is evident after everything said in this article. It is not advisable to ingest creatine if you want to lose weight.

If you want to read more related articles, go through “How to Recover Muscle Mass”.

What Are the Different Swimming Styles?


Practicing a sport, no matter what it is, is always of great benefit to the body. There is nothing more harmful to health than a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, sedentary people are between 20 and 30% more likely to suffer an early death.

What Are The Different Swimming Styles

It is also important to note that physical activity reduces the risk of depression, heart disease and even cancer. Hence the importance of getting up from your seat and starting to exercise.

An excellent option is swimming. It has been said that this sport is one of the most complete that can be, since with its different parts of the body are exercised, in fact, in its execution a large number of muscles intervene. Therefore, it is ideal for all types of people, especially for older adults or for those suffering from hernias, low back pain and hip problems.

However, since it is a sport that could be described as monotonous, some people may be inhibited from practicing it. However, something that can help in this particular is to know what are the different styles of swimming that exist. Thus, you can take advantage of the variety and find it more entertaining.

In this short article you can find information about the different types of swimming that exist, as well as the correct way to execute them. But not only that, you can also be aware of what are the benefits of swimming.

Undoubtedly, having all this information will be a great incentive for you to encourage yourself today to jump into the water to swim, not only to refresh and enjoy, but also to leave behind the sedentary, a silent enemy that increasingly affects more people. But, pay close attention so that you do not miss any detail.


It is a physical activity that consists of staying on the surface of the water, and moving through it, thanks to the movement of the arms and legs. If practiced for the purpose of competing, it can also be considered as a sport.

This is a technique that is also learned as a method of survival, but is also practiced as an exercise, due to all the benefits it brings to the body.

This exercise is possible thanks to the fact that the human body is slightly denser than water, which makes it possible for it to float. In the specific case of infants, they show an innate tendency to swim and dive, for example, holding breath, slowing the heart rate and reducing circulation in the extremities.

All this is possible because, although we are terrestrial beings, we have a very special relationship with water. At birth, we are extracted from an environment that is completely submerged, the mother’s womb. Hence, it is possible to manifest these skills at a very early age.

Now, swimming can be competitive, but also recreational. As a sport, it is one of the most practiced around the world. It is even one of the most outstanding in competitions of international stature such as the Olympics. Would you like to know what swimming styles exist?

What You Need

In relation to swimming techniques, they are known as styles and have different names and ways of being executed. But, let’s see what they are:

The crawl style

This style originated in Australia. The word crawl means to crawl. In the field of competitions, it is also known as freestyle, since, during them, the swimmer can use any style of swimming, crawl, butterfly, backstroke, etc., with the exception of individual events and combined relay.

To practice this style, the swimmer must be in a face-down position and must move by performing strokes, that is, moving both arms alternately, as if it were a windmill.

Moreover, his breathing should be lateral, while he gives a changing number of kicks to achieve displacement.

Due to its speed, efficiency and comfort, the crawl style is currently one of the most used forms of swimming around the world.

The breaststroke or chest

It is the slowest style in swimming competitions. In this style, the swimmer must be under the roof, as in the crawl style, and execute a series of synchronized and harmonious movements of both arms and legs.

As for the shoulders and hips, they will perform up and down movements coordinated with the movement of the arms, which makes it possible to inspire and work on the flexibility of the muscles.

The butterfly style

This is the newest of the four swimming styles out there. It is a variety of the style of the breaststroke, it depends on the position adopted by the swimmer, which must be face down and its movements are very similar to those of the crawl style, with some variants, in parallel.

To execute it successfully, it is necessary to have excellent coordination of the upper and lower extremities. Their movement should be similar to the flapping of dolphins. Hence, it is also called dolphin kick.

Another of its characteristics is a waving movement throughout the body, similar to an S, which must also be coordinated with the legs and armsin order to achieve greater propulsion in the water. Therefore, it has been cataloged butterfly style as one of the most difficult to execute.

Back style

For a long time, it was also known as the back crawl style. Its main characteristic is to remain on its back making an interspersed movement of arms and legs. This movement of the legs is known as dorsal beating.

At the same time, it demands a singular movement in the shoulders throughout the swim. It should be noted that this is the style that is most recommended for the elderly or for those who have difficulties in the back, neck or spine.

Undoubtedly, now that you know the different types of swims that exist, you will want to start practicing them. However, remember that it is always good to ask for the advice of a professional, to perform the movements correctly and avoid any type of ailments or cramps that may arise.

Now, as mentioned above, swimming is not a simple exercise, it brings great benefits to the body, would you like to know what they are?


  • Promotes bone health: since the body is immersed in water, there is a low impact on the bones. Hence, many specialists recommend swimming to recover from many injuries, especially those that have to do with the joints.
  • Improves muscle flexibility: thanks to this sport you can improve the strength, endurance, elasticity and flexibility of the muscles, since you use the vast majority of muscle groups, both arms and legs.
  • Reduce body mass index: it is estimated that you can burn between 500 and 600 calories for each hour of swimming. Of course, a lot will depend on the intensity you apply.
  • It helps fight chronic diseases: it is believed that swimming would help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, while promoting the increase of good cholesterol and thus reduce the risk of heart disease. It is also believed that it can improve clinical pictures of asthma and diabetes and that it reduces pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. However, these claims are still under study.
  • Improves cognitive ability: swimming provides benefits at the neural and cognitive level. By practicing this sport, you start the two cerebral hemispheres, as well as the four lobes of the brain.
  • Boosts the circulatory and respiratory system: improves oxygen consumption up to 10%. In addition, it is estimated that the heart could boost 18% more. This would make possible a better circulation, since the heart rate would decrease.
  • Psychological benefits: when the person immerses himself in the water and concentrates on breathing, the body relaxes immediately and the feeling of stress is reduced. The body begins to release endorphins, which are responsible for enhancing the positive attitude, as well as the feeling of well-being, improving the mood of the person. Some studies have even shown that swimming can be a very favorable sport for those suffering from severe dementia, as well as depression.

A multi-benefit sport

As you may have noticed, swimming is a very beneficial sport for the human body. Therefore, it is worth trying. Even if you struggle to do some kind of physical activity, this can be an excellent option to start.

Start practicing the crawl or free style, as it is the most common. Then, you can increase the level of difficulty and move to the back style and, finally, practice the butterfly style, one of the most complex that exist.

By doing this you will maintain good health, improve your mood to cope with the pressures of everyday life and be able to enjoy a very entertaining and liberating sport.

Best of all, you can practice it in the company of your friends or family, no matter what their age, since it is not counterproductive for the elderly, children and even pregnant women.

What are you waiting for to practice swimming? You already know the different swimming styles that exist and the correct way to do them. You just need to jump into the water and start enjoying its benefits.

What Are Protein Shakes and What Are They For?


Training and nutrition go hand in hand, of that we can agree that there is no doubt. More than anything it is done in order to lead a healthy life and of course, get good results in your hours in the gym. However, there are many ways to nourish your body, worse when it comes to gaining muscle mass there is one that is the most “adequate”. It is about ingesting protein shakes either pre and post exercise.

What Are Protein Shakes And What Are They For

The reason why protein shakes are so popular or mentioned in the fitness community. It is mainly due to how practical it is to feed you with them, since they are drinks (sometimes assorted with some powdered protein supplement). Our body and, especially muscles, manage to absorb more quickly and efficiently the protein they need. So, in the end they are not only a delicious nutritional supplement, but also an excellent way to supply the protein we need to gain muscle mass.

That is why we consider it appropriate to write an entry where all the information you need to know about protein shakes is shared. As well as answering some questions along the way, related to the same topic.

You may also be interested in reading our article on “Muscletech: Risks, Uses and How to Take Muscletech”.

What do protein shakes do?

We will start this post by dealing with the fastest and easiest question to answer. As the name suggests, these nutritional shakes are prepared taking as a focus the acquisition of protein for those who consume it. For this they are prepared using foods rich in this component and are usually accompanied by milk and banana (or banana).

Athletes or anyone who is performing an exercise routine focused on increasing muscle mass. They seek to consume this type of drinks in order to strengthen their muscles, gain endurance, energy and of course improve their performance or appearance.

When should protein shakes be taken?

It is best to drink them about 20 or 30 minutes after training. Since it is at that moment that our body is better able to absorb proteins. Thus, achieving a better assimilation of them and avoiding any type of stomach pain.

There are those who take two protein shakes per day, this is perfectly acceptable and if you intend to do that. The recommendation is that the first shake is taken in the morning, early in the day as breakfast or complement to it. And the second can be in pre or post exercise, being always recommended the post (In pre it is better to ingest some type of energy drink).

Surely you will love reading our entry on “How to Do Protein Diet”.

How long does it take for protein shakes to take effect?

If you ingest the protein outside of that “metabolic gap” you get after your workout, this nutritional component will be circulating through your body. Being more specific in the muscles, during the next 24 hours.

Of course, it is always advisable to do it after exercising for the simple fact that your muscles will be “stretched”. And protein is better used at that time because you nourish the muscle at the time that most demands the assumption of nutrients and protein.

What happens if I exceed the amount of protein I should eat?

Like everything in life, in excess it turns out to be harmful, and believe it or not with protein there is no exception. Abusing protein shakes can cause a number of cardiovascular diseases or disorders. The main reason is because proteins are usually found in animals, and therefore are accompanied by saturated fats. Which damages our arteries due to the increase in cholesterol.

It is advisable to keep track of how much protein we should eat, based on our weight and performing a simple mathematical operation. You see, to know how much protein your body needs, you must multiply your weight by 0.8g. The result will be the right amount of protein you should eat per day.

Now, if your thing is to want to increase muscle mass, you must perform the same mathematical operation. Only this time the number to multiply will be 1.6g. That is the amount of protein you should eat daily to be able to perceive an increase in your mass.

How do I know how much protein a food or protein shakes have?

The information on how much protein the protein shakes you consume will be found on the product packaging. Being more specific in the nutrition facts table, the same goes for foods. Everyone has that table of nutritional information; our recommendation is that you stop to review it in order to keep a better food control.

Types Of Squats – All the Information


Not all exercises are for the same parts of the body or for the same purpose. Some are for toning muscle, while others are for weight loss or to gain muscle mass.

Types Of Squats – All The Information

Other exercises are to work the arms, legs, chest, buttocks, etc. Depending on what your need is, the taste of the person, the sport you practice or what you do.

For this reason, some prefer to have the advice of a trainer who tells them what they should do and how they should do it, since to achieve a perfect body, it is not enough to simply go to the gym, also the routine must be done correctly and with the appropriate intensity.

Poor posture would prevent exercise from having the proper effect and could even cause a muscle injury or worse.

One of the most common exercises is squats. By doing them, we can train a lot of muscles. In addition to the legs and buttocks, we also strengthen the trunk and launch a large number of muscles that help us burn calories.

However, the burning of calories, with this exercise, depends on many factors, some of them are age, weight, sex, the number of times you train, the intensity with which you do it and the duration of it. Therefore, if you put heart into it, you can achieve good results in a short time.

Now, did you know that there are several types of squats? You probably only knew the traditional one, the one they put us to do at school when we are children. But the truth is that there are several types, all very effective. If you want to vary your training routine and know the different squats out there, this is your lucky day. Here you can learn more about the subject.

  1. Stand in the starting position with your legs open shoulder-width, head up, back straight and arms to your sides.
  2. Before going down, throw your pelvis back.
  3. As for the chest, it should point forward and not towards the ground.
  4. Stick out your chest and force your abdominal part.
  5. Once you are in the correct position, start descending. But it is not about going down, rather it is backwards, until you feel that the weight falls on your heels.
  • Breathe when bending your knees. The arms move forward with the thumbs inward.
  • Your knees should be just above your feet. They should not be inward. Make sure of it.
  • When descending, do so only as far as you can remain stable, without losing your balance.
  • Keep your back straight, tilting your upper body slightly.
  • When you reach the bottom, pull back to return to the starting position. While you do it you must breathe.
  • The arms also return to their starting position, that is, to the sides of your body.
  • When you finally reach your starting position, breathe and repeat the exercise.

Regarding the number of squats, you can do, if it is the one, we have just described, known as the classic, you can do them every day. Of course, if you feel any discomfort or muscle pain, it is best to give yourself a break. But what else do you need to know about this interesting and beneficial topic?

What You Need

Knowing the different types of squats gives you the opportunity to train in a varied way. You can try them all and then stay with the ones you like the most or with the ones that best work for you. See.

Sumo squats

It is one of the most effective training methods for the legs. However, with it you will also be strengthening the buttocks and muscles of the trunk.

The correct way to do them is to stand up, with your feet at shoulder height and your toes pointing slightly outward. Move the back of your thighs, down and back, while your arms move forward.

Your body should descend as much as possible, without your back being in a straight position. Then, with your legs, force yourself up again to return to your starting position.

Pistol squats

This squat is with only one leg, because its purpose is to work the flexion of the knee. Therefore, we can say that it is a very demanding exercise, which also requires mobility, strength and coordination.

While standing, stretch one leg forward and keep your back straight as you go down and up. The leg you lean on should be firm and your arms extended forward to maintain balance.

Crab squats

With this exercise you must bend your knees and, when they reach their maximum tension, take a lateral step to the left and then to the right. When you do, your foot and knee should be slightly turned outward.

Now, these are not the only squats we can find. Actually, there are all kinds, many of which are made with sports equipment. Among them are:

  • The back squats.
  • The front ones.
  • Squats over the head.
  • The Bulgarian ones, among others.

But why do squats? What is its benefit for our body? Are they worth doing?

Benefits of Squats

Although it is a simple exercise, it brings many positive benefits to your body. For example:

  • Strengthens the muscles of the legs and buttocks.
  • They strengthen the entire trunk and help to achieve a marked abdomen.
  • They are an ideal way to burn calories and fat.
  • They improve the balance and coordination of different parts of the body.
  • They help improve physical condition.
  • They have a positive effect on the joints of the knees, ankles and hips.
  • They give stability to the knees.
  • They improve performance in exercises related to running and jumping, etc.

For all these reasons and many more, it is worth dedicating a few minutes a day to perform this physical activity. Of course, remember that you should not demand too much from your body, since the purpose is not to cause exhaustion or some cramp.


It is important that you keep in mind that the initial movement you are going to make is similar to the one you do when sitting. If you find it difficult to do so, you can practice with a chair. Of course, without getting to sit completely on it. You will only stay in the intention of doing it.

Moreover, you should not forget that the correct movement is backwards and not downwards. This is one of the most frequent mistakes in those who decide to perform this exercise. So, they do it incorrectly.

As you go down, avoid bringing your knees inward. They should always follow the position of the toes, which will point outward. Something that can help you is: do a brief warm-up exercise, which consists of moving your ankles before doing the squats.

When concentrating on the lower part of our body, it is normal to neglect the position of the back, neck and shoulders, which we tend to bend or bring down. So that this does not happen to you, always look ahead, keep your back straight, open your chest and relax your shoulders.

When doing the squats, never lift your heels, as these are the ones that will help you return to your starting position. To climb, press with your heels to activate the muscles and thus maintain balance.

If you can’t stop raising your heels, maybe this is an indication that you should train your mobility. So, you should take the time to train this part of your body, before doing the squats.

If you put these suggestions into practice, you will see that you will get the result you want so much, since you will be doing squats in the right way. Best of all, you can do them at home and invite a friend to motivate you.

The Most Lethal Martial Arts in The World.


Finding an exact list that shows which are the most lethal martial arts in the world is quite complex. Since as far as contact sport is concerned, there are many factors that must be taken into account, so positioning one art over another is more complex than you think. It is not as simple as going and choosing the first one that crosses you, we must consider physical, mental and even in some cases spiritual factors.

The Most Lethal Martial Arts In The World.

However, and despite how difficult it could be to choose the most lethal martial art, within the wide repertoire that exists today. The truth is that we have ventured to provide you with a list with all those that could be considered lethal. So, from now on, each martial art shown can be considered just as lethal as the others.

On the other hand, if this type of tickets are to your liking, do not stay with the desire to learn more reading: How to learn self-defense.

Most lethal martial arts: Krav Maga.

Krav maga is a fighting style that is used and practiced as a means of hand-to-hand combat for the Israeli army. This style of martial art stands out for focusing on a more effective hand-to-hand fight, ie. Each of his movements is designed to be able to exert the greatest possible pain to the opponent, executing movements or blows to specific points of his body. In this way the krav maga becomes a martial art worthy of appearing in this list.

El Muay Thai.

Whoever has a minimum of knowledge in martial arts knows that in any list of the most lethal martial arts Muay Thai has to appear yes or yes. This martial art that is also known as Thai boxing, is characterized by the use of all the limbs of the body. Which means valid the use of elbows and knees to exert certain movements or attacks. This makes the impacts or blows received brutal, being common for the fighters themselves to bleed during their confrontations.

The main goal in Muay Thai is to knock down the opponent as quickly as possible. So, most of their techniques consist of brutal hammer-type attacks, which can be considered as very violent. This martial art is usually seen a lot and has become popular in MMA, in championships organized by the UFC.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or as it is also abbreviated BJJ, is a martial art that has earned its fame and popularity. Phrase which has never been said better, because this art focuses on the use of one’s own body, since it is fought on land. This means that smaller fighters have an advantage when practicing Brazilian jiu jitsu, and it is this martial art that allows smaller fighters to knock down and defeat larger ones.

One of the fighters who has brought fame to this martial art is the legendary Royce Gracie, who was the winner of the first, second and fourth UFC confrontation (The Ultimate Fighting Championship).


It may be surprising that more than one thing related to ninjas appears in this list. And while it is true that ninjutsu could be considered an obsolete or outdated martial art, I must mention that this article only lists the most lethal martial arts, not only those in force but those of a lifetime. So, knowing that, ninjutsu can perfectly have a space in this entrance.

Here honor and clean fighting are set aside, as stealth and surprise are paramount as far as ninjutsu is concerned. And of course, after all, ninjas were popularly known for being sloaky killers.

In these arts also highlights the use of body-to-body weaponry, coming to carry katanas, cunays, scythes, among other types of tools typical of ninjas.

The Eskrima.

Any martial art that involves the use of any tool will generally be considered lethal. Since obviously carrying a tool for combat is an advantage, that is what happens with the eskrima. This fighting style is native to the Philippine Islands, and its greatest distinguishing feature is the use of a wooden rod as the main weaponry.

However, it also has a repertoire of movements and techniques by hand unarmed, so even if they are characteristic wooden rod, it is still an art to take into account.

This is how we conclude with the writing of this entry. We hope that everything explained and commented in this article has been to your liking and interest. If you have been wanting more, here I leave you: The best contact sports.