What Are the Different Swimming Styles?

What Are The Different Swimming Styles

Practicing a sport, no matter what it is, is always of great benefit to the body. There is nothing more harmful to health than a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, sedentary people are between 20 and 30% more likely to suffer an early death.

What Are The Different Swimming Styles

It is also important to note that physical activity reduces the risk of depression, heart disease and even cancer. Hence the importance of getting up from your seat and starting to exercise.

An excellent option is swimming. It has been said that this sport is one of the most complete that can be, since with its different parts of the body are exercised, in fact, in its execution a large number of muscles intervene. Therefore, it is ideal for all types of people, especially for older adults or for those suffering from hernias, low back pain and hip problems.

However, since it is a sport that could be described as monotonous, some people may be inhibited from practicing it. However, something that can help in this particular is to know what are the different styles of swimming that exist. Thus, you can take advantage of the variety and find it more entertaining.

In this short article you can find information about the different types of swimming that exist, as well as the correct way to execute them. But not only that, you can also be aware of what are the benefits of swimming.

Undoubtedly, having all this information will be a great incentive for you to encourage yourself today to jump into the water to swim, not only to refresh and enjoy, but also to leave behind the sedentary, a silent enemy that increasingly affects more people. But, pay close attention so that you do not miss any detail.


It is a physical activity that consists of staying on the surface of the water, and moving through it, thanks to the movement of the arms and legs. If practiced for the purpose of competing, it can also be considered as a sport.

This is a technique that is also learned as a method of survival, but is also practiced as an exercise, due to all the benefits it brings to the body.

This exercise is possible thanks to the fact that the human body is slightly denser than water, which makes it possible for it to float. In the specific case of infants, they show an innate tendency to swim and dive, for example, holding breath, slowing the heart rate and reducing circulation in the extremities.

All this is possible because, although we are terrestrial beings, we have a very special relationship with water. At birth, we are extracted from an environment that is completely submerged, the mother’s womb. Hence, it is possible to manifest these skills at a very early age.

Now, swimming can be competitive, but also recreational. As a sport, it is one of the most practiced around the world. It is even one of the most outstanding in competitions of international stature such as the Olympics. Would you like to know what swimming styles exist?

What You Need

In relation to swimming techniques, they are known as styles and have different names and ways of being executed. But, let’s see what they are:

The crawl style

This style originated in Australia. The word crawl means to crawl. In the field of competitions, it is also known as freestyle, since, during them, the swimmer can use any style of swimming, crawl, butterfly, backstroke, etc., with the exception of individual events and combined relay.

To practice this style, the swimmer must be in a face-down position and must move by performing strokes, that is, moving both arms alternately, as if it were a windmill.

Moreover, his breathing should be lateral, while he gives a changing number of kicks to achieve displacement.

Due to its speed, efficiency and comfort, the crawl style is currently one of the most used forms of swimming around the world.

The breaststroke or chest

It is the slowest style in swimming competitions. In this style, the swimmer must be under the roof, as in the crawl style, and execute a series of synchronized and harmonious movements of both arms and legs.

As for the shoulders and hips, they will perform up and down movements coordinated with the movement of the arms, which makes it possible to inspire and work on the flexibility of the muscles.

The butterfly style

This is the newest of the four swimming styles out there. It is a variety of the style of the breaststroke, it depends on the position adopted by the swimmer, which must be face down and its movements are very similar to those of the crawl style, with some variants, in parallel.

To execute it successfully, it is necessary to have excellent coordination of the upper and lower extremities. Their movement should be similar to the flapping of dolphins. Hence, it is also called dolphin kick.

Another of its characteristics is a waving movement throughout the body, similar to an S, which must also be coordinated with the legs and armsin order to achieve greater propulsion in the water. Therefore, it has been cataloged butterfly style as one of the most difficult to execute.

Back style

For a long time, it was also known as the back crawl style. Its main characteristic is to remain on its back making an interspersed movement of arms and legs. This movement of the legs is known as dorsal beating.

At the same time, it demands a singular movement in the shoulders throughout the swim. It should be noted that this is the style that is most recommended for the elderly or for those who have difficulties in the back, neck or spine.

Undoubtedly, now that you know the different types of swims that exist, you will want to start practicing them. However, remember that it is always good to ask for the advice of a professional, to perform the movements correctly and avoid any type of ailments or cramps that may arise.

Now, as mentioned above, swimming is not a simple exercise, it brings great benefits to the body, would you like to know what they are?


  • Promotes bone health: since the body is immersed in water, there is a low impact on the bones. Hence, many specialists recommend swimming to recover from many injuries, especially those that have to do with the joints.
  • Improves muscle flexibility: thanks to this sport you can improve the strength, endurance, elasticity and flexibility of the muscles, since you use the vast majority of muscle groups, both arms and legs.
  • Reduce body mass index: it is estimated that you can burn between 500 and 600 calories for each hour of swimming. Of course, a lot will depend on the intensity you apply.
  • It helps fight chronic diseases: it is believed that swimming would help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, while promoting the increase of good cholesterol and thus reduce the risk of heart disease. It is also believed that it can improve clinical pictures of asthma and diabetes and that it reduces pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. However, these claims are still under study.
  • Improves cognitive ability: swimming provides benefits at the neural and cognitive level. By practicing this sport, you start the two cerebral hemispheres, as well as the four lobes of the brain.
  • Boosts the circulatory and respiratory system: improves oxygen consumption up to 10%. In addition, it is estimated that the heart could boost 18% more. This would make possible a better circulation, since the heart rate would decrease.
  • Psychological benefits: when the person immerses himself in the water and concentrates on breathing, the body relaxes immediately and the feeling of stress is reduced. The body begins to release endorphins, which are responsible for enhancing the positive attitude, as well as the feeling of well-being, improving the mood of the person. Some studies have even shown that swimming can be a very favorable sport for those suffering from severe dementia, as well as depression.

A multi-benefit sport

As you may have noticed, swimming is a very beneficial sport for the human body. Therefore, it is worth trying. Even if you struggle to do some kind of physical activity, this can be an excellent option to start.

Start practicing the crawl or free style, as it is the most common. Then, you can increase the level of difficulty and move to the back style and, finally, practice the butterfly style, one of the most complex that exist.

By doing this you will maintain good health, improve your mood to cope with the pressures of everyday life and be able to enjoy a very entertaining and liberating sport.

Best of all, you can practice it in the company of your friends or family, no matter what their age, since it is not counterproductive for the elderly, children and even pregnant women.

What are you waiting for to practice swimming? You already know the different swimming styles that exist and the correct way to do them. You just need to jump into the water and start enjoying its benefits.


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