Types Of Squats – All the Information

Types Of Squats – All The Information

Not all exercises are for the same parts of the body or for the same purpose. Some are for toning muscle, while others are for weight loss or to gain muscle mass.

Types Of Squats – All The Information

Other exercises are to work the arms, legs, chest, buttocks, etc. Depending on what your need is, the taste of the person, the sport you practice or what you do.

For this reason, some prefer to have the advice of a trainer who tells them what they should do and how they should do it, since to achieve a perfect body, it is not enough to simply go to the gym, also the routine must be done correctly and with the appropriate intensity.

Poor posture would prevent exercise from having the proper effect and could even cause a muscle injury or worse.

One of the most common exercises is squats. By doing them, we can train a lot of muscles. In addition to the legs and buttocks, we also strengthen the trunk and launch a large number of muscles that help us burn calories.

However, the burning of calories, with this exercise, depends on many factors, some of them are age, weight, sex, the number of times you train, the intensity with which you do it and the duration of it. Therefore, if you put heart into it, you can achieve good results in a short time.

Now, did you know that there are several types of squats? You probably only knew the traditional one, the one they put us to do at school when we are children. But the truth is that there are several types, all very effective. If you want to vary your training routine and know the different squats out there, this is your lucky day. Here you can learn more about the subject.

  1. Stand in the starting position with your legs open shoulder-width, head up, back straight and arms to your sides.
  2. Before going down, throw your pelvis back.
  3. As for the chest, it should point forward and not towards the ground.
  4. Stick out your chest and force your abdominal part.
  5. Once you are in the correct position, start descending. But it is not about going down, rather it is backwards, until you feel that the weight falls on your heels.
  • Breathe when bending your knees. The arms move forward with the thumbs inward.
  • Your knees should be just above your feet. They should not be inward. Make sure of it.
  • When descending, do so only as far as you can remain stable, without losing your balance.
  • Keep your back straight, tilting your upper body slightly.
  • When you reach the bottom, pull back to return to the starting position. While you do it you must breathe.
  • The arms also return to their starting position, that is, to the sides of your body.
  • When you finally reach your starting position, breathe and repeat the exercise.

Regarding the number of squats, you can do, if it is the one, we have just described, known as the classic, you can do them every day. Of course, if you feel any discomfort or muscle pain, it is best to give yourself a break. But what else do you need to know about this interesting and beneficial topic?

What You Need

Knowing the different types of squats gives you the opportunity to train in a varied way. You can try them all and then stay with the ones you like the most or with the ones that best work for you. See.

Sumo squats

It is one of the most effective training methods for the legs. However, with it you will also be strengthening the buttocks and muscles of the trunk.

The correct way to do them is to stand up, with your feet at shoulder height and your toes pointing slightly outward. Move the back of your thighs, down and back, while your arms move forward.

Your body should descend as much as possible, without your back being in a straight position. Then, with your legs, force yourself up again to return to your starting position.

Pistol squats

This squat is with only one leg, because its purpose is to work the flexion of the knee. Therefore, we can say that it is a very demanding exercise, which also requires mobility, strength and coordination.

While standing, stretch one leg forward and keep your back straight as you go down and up. The leg you lean on should be firm and your arms extended forward to maintain balance.

Crab squats

With this exercise you must bend your knees and, when they reach their maximum tension, take a lateral step to the left and then to the right. When you do, your foot and knee should be slightly turned outward.

Now, these are not the only squats we can find. Actually, there are all kinds, many of which are made with sports equipment. Among them are:

  • The back squats.
  • The front ones.
  • Squats over the head.
  • The Bulgarian ones, among others.

But why do squats? What is its benefit for our body? Are they worth doing?

Benefits of Squats

Although it is a simple exercise, it brings many positive benefits to your body. For example:

  • Strengthens the muscles of the legs and buttocks.
  • They strengthen the entire trunk and help to achieve a marked abdomen.
  • They are an ideal way to burn calories and fat.
  • They improve the balance and coordination of different parts of the body.
  • They help improve physical condition.
  • They have a positive effect on the joints of the knees, ankles and hips.
  • They give stability to the knees.
  • They improve performance in exercises related to running and jumping, etc.

For all these reasons and many more, it is worth dedicating a few minutes a day to perform this physical activity. Of course, remember that you should not demand too much from your body, since the purpose is not to cause exhaustion or some cramp.


It is important that you keep in mind that the initial movement you are going to make is similar to the one you do when sitting. If you find it difficult to do so, you can practice with a chair. Of course, without getting to sit completely on it. You will only stay in the intention of doing it.

Moreover, you should not forget that the correct movement is backwards and not downwards. This is one of the most frequent mistakes in those who decide to perform this exercise. So, they do it incorrectly.

As you go down, avoid bringing your knees inward. They should always follow the position of the toes, which will point outward. Something that can help you is: do a brief warm-up exercise, which consists of moving your ankles before doing the squats.

When concentrating on the lower part of our body, it is normal to neglect the position of the back, neck and shoulders, which we tend to bend or bring down. So that this does not happen to you, always look ahead, keep your back straight, open your chest and relax your shoulders.

When doing the squats, never lift your heels, as these are the ones that will help you return to your starting position. To climb, press with your heels to activate the muscles and thus maintain balance.

If you can’t stop raising your heels, maybe this is an indication that you should train your mobility. So, you should take the time to train this part of your body, before doing the squats.

If you put these suggestions into practice, you will see that you will get the result you want so much, since you will be doing squats in the right way. Best of all, you can do them at home and invite a friend to motivate you.


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