How To Exercise with The Elliptical Trainer

How To Exercise With The Elliptical Trainer

The elliptical is one of the most complete machines that you can find in gyms, in training rooms or, if you have space at home, you can also buy an elliptical, as it is a good investment to train in your own home. In this way, the elliptical allows you to do aerobic exercises of all kinds, increasing the intensity of your fitness training progressively and personally. The elliptical is a machine that will allow you to exercise practically your entire body and all your muscles: buttocks, arms, butt, abdomen, etc. In this way, you will be able to lose weight and fat, while allowing you to gradually tone and define your body. Thus, it is an ideal tool to complete your exercise routine, since if you warm up and stretch beforehand, the elliptical will be the extra gear that you will have to put into your fitness activity to achieve visible results. In this aspect, there are different exercises and routines that you can do with this machine. For all these reasons, today in we explain in detail how to exercise with the elliptical so that you make the most of the time you are on this machine.

How To Exercise With The Elliptical Trainer

Instructions for exercising with the elliptical

  1. To start your elliptical machine workout, the first thing you’ll need to do is dress up in comfortable workout clothes. So, initially get on top of the elliptical and place one foot on each platform but without moving. Take a good look at the bars you have to hold onto, as there are usually 4: 2 stationary and 2 more to use at a more advanced level, as they move at the opposite pace to the platform. The idea is that you initially use those stationary ones so that you maintain total balance.
  2. Before walking, take a good look at the programs that the elliptical has because, since there are machines that have automatic training programs and, on the other hand, there are others that you must increase the intensity yourself. So, make sure you understand the control panel before you start riding, as well as the different intensities of its programs.
  3. Once you’re familiar with the elliptical machine, you’ll need to get on and place both feet straight and centered on the bottom two platforms. First, you should do a gentle warm-up at level 1 or basic level; This warm-up should last about 15 minutes, increasing the pace very gradually as the minutes go by. To start the exercise, you just have to start moving with both feet, in the same way as if you were walking, holding on to the handle.
  4. Secondly, you will have to increase the pace but this time holding on to the two outer bars, that is, those that also move -at the opposite pace of the platforms-. In this case, in addition to working your legs, you will also exercise the muscles of your arms and pectorals.
  5. Along these lines, you should also take your elliptical program to the next level. Keep in mind that it is much more important to exercise in a slower but more powerful way, that is, by doing more strength. For all these reasons, you should progressively increase the levels on the control panel of your elliptical machine.
  6. At this point, it is very important that you keep in mind that running more will not mean that you will be exercising more. Many people believe that running and increasing speed on the elliptical machine makes you work harder; The truth is that you must adjust your power, levels and programs to gain resistance and perform complete and correct movements, both with your arms and legs.
  7. The idea is that you also have a contracted abdomen, as it must work the whole body and the posture must be correct and adequate. In this case, as we said before, you should increase the pace. Thus, keep in mind that you work arms and legs, so we advise you to initially – during the first days of exercise – make an effort in equal parts between legs and arms, that is, balance your exercises.
  8. As the days go by, you can increase the power of one of the two parts, that is, work your feet more than your arms, or vice versa. To do this, you must move your arms more and use your legs only to push your legs with medium power or move your legs with force and power and leave your hands on the handles immobile.
  9. Finally, when you are fully familiar and accustomed to your elliptical machine, you can try training with varied programs that complement powers; Many elliptical machines have built-in exercise routines. Try one of these and choose the one that best suits your physical condition and preferences.

What do you need to exercise with the elliptical?

  •  Elliptical machine.
  •  Clothing and footwear suitable and comfortable for exercise.
  •  Time.
  •  Constancy.
  •  Dedication.
  •  Will.

Tips for exercising with the elliptical

  • Keep in mind that with the elliptical machine you will only perform one type of exercise; So, to notice better and healthier results, it is highly recommended that you complete your training with other types of exercises.
  • Healthy living isn’t just about exercise; You should also accompany physical exercise with a balanced, variable and healthy diet.


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