How To Define Buttocks by Doing Yoga

How To Define Buttocks By Doing Yoga

In this world there are many contradictions. For example, there are those who say they love someone, but are unfaithful, those who beat their children so that they stop crying, those who value what they have already lost and those who want to have a perfect body without making the slightest sacrifice.

How To Define Buttocks By Doing Yoga

Although the latter may seem laughable, the truth is that more and more people dream of having the perfect body, the one that is worthy of the cover of a magazine, but do not even want to move a finger to get it.

Something you should keep in mind is that miracles do not exist and that you are unlikely to get something just by wanting it. It is always necessary to do something to achieve it. So, if you want to achieve positive changes in your body, you must do something about it, whether it is diet or exercise or a combination of both.

Now, there are different alternatives, some more attractive than others, to exercise. For example, dancing, tai chi, yoga, etc. Maybe you like to do some of these activities and you have not realized that they can also be useful to get the body you want.

For example, did you know that doing yoga can help you define your buttocks? Yes, there are different yoga positions that will help you lift it, define it, harden it and make it look its best.

Throughout this article we will be telling you everything you need to know in relation to how to define your buttocks doing yoga. For some it may seem that it is too passive an activity to give results. But the truth is that it contains several positions that require a certain degree of physical effort and, therefore, give very good results. Let’s see.

Instructions for defining buttocks doing yoga

Most activities in modern society lead you to spend long hours sitting, which causes your buttocks to stay asleep most of the time. Now, to start strengthening them, you need to stretch them to eliminate the feeling of stiffness.

The buttocks are made up of three main muscles which are the gluteus maximus, the middle and the minimum. While it is true that genetics plays a fundamental role in terms of size and shape, some yoga postures will help you make your buttocks healthy, strong and firm. But what are they?

Utkatasana with inverted head

To perform this pose, your back should curve while lowering your head forward until your forehead touches your knees.

In relation to the arms, these should go behind the back and stay straight, stretched upwards with the hands intertwined.

This position will not only help you effectively work your buttocks and legs, but it will also contribute to the stretching of your back. Hold this position for about 30 seconds and that will be enough.

The posture of the sun

The first thing you should do is sit with your back straight and your legs stretched and together. Then, bend your knees a little in order to rest the soles of your feet on the floor.

While you do this, inhale and, when expelling the air, force with your arms and legs until you raise your hips as much as possible.

In relation to the arms, they should always be upright. Drop your head back and keep your gaze fixed on the ceiling. Try to endure in this position at least a minute, in order to achieve the expected results.

The posture of the bridge

Lie on your back on a mat or rug. Then, bend your legs and keep them a little apart by supporting the soles of your feet.

The arms should go under the back fully stretched, with the hands intertwined. Raise your hips as much as you can and, so as not to fall, squeeze your buttocks tightly. Hold this same position for about 30 seconds.

The bridge with the leg extended

This is nothing more than a variant of the previous position. It is done practically the same, only that, this time, once you have your hips raised, you should be able to stretch one leg and keep it straight, while with your toes you point upwards.

Hold for a space of 30 seconds and rest. It is ideal to perform it after the previous posture.

Flying posture

To do this, stand up and separate your legs according to the width of your hips. Then, lower the trunk to the front, while keeping your back straight. Stretch one leg and place your arms straight with the palms of your hands facing each other.

Then, squeeze your buttocks and abdomen tightly, and hold this position for about 30 seconds. Then, alternate the other leg following the same instructions.

Extended lateral angle

Stand with your legs sideways apart, a little beyond the width of your hips. The next move will be to turn the right foot about 90 degrees outward, while the left remains in a straight line.

Breathe and place your arms in a cross shape with the palms of your hands down, bending your right knee to a 90-degree angle that goes from the thigh to the leg.

Then, with your left leg straight, expel the air and bring your elbow over your right knee, at the same time as your left hand on your hip. Then, stretch your left arm and lower your right hand supporting it next to foot. It supports this same position for about 30 seconds and then changes sides.

The posture of the chair

To perform this pose, stand up by raising your arms straight and well stretched. Bend your knees as if you were going to perform a squat, making sure they do not exceed your feet.

Then, lower your body and keep your back straight while throwing your shoulders back. As for the thighs, these should form an angle of 90 degrees. Being in that position, keep your buttocks and quadriceps firm and stare at the same point. Hold this position for about 30 seconds and rest.

Since you already know what are the movements and postures that will help you define your buttocks, the question arises: what does it take to do yoga?

What do you need to define buttocks doing yoga?

One of the great advantages of yoga is that you do not need many elements to be able to do it. In fact, you can find them easily and simply, without having to leave your home.

  •  The first thing you need is a yoga mat on which to perch to perform the different movements. In case you do not have one, you can replace it with blankets and pillows placed depending on our level.
  •  Comfortable, breathable and loose clothing, in the case of beginners. As you increase in level and increase the levels of difficulty, it may be necessary to wear tighter clothes so that it does not hinder you in relation to the respiratory objectives you have set.
  •  An open space. This will give you the opportunity to stretch enough or turn without fear of tripping or hitting any object or furniture.
  •  Of course, it is also important that the space is quiet, that there are no noises or distractions so that you can concentrate completely.
  •  No matter what your level of flexibility, blocks are necessary for proper alignment. They are recommended in the case of practicing push-ups with a higher degree of demand.
  •  You can find blocks of different sizes and materials. For example, foam, cork and wood.
  •  Sandbags. These are used to accentuate stretching. For example, place one on your stomach so that you have greater awareness of your abdominal muscles at the time of breathing.
  •  You can also use them to support or lift some parts of your body. If you do not have this, you can use bags full of rice, beans, grams of corn, etc. Something to help you get a regular weight.

In addition to the above, what other recommendations will be useful when doing yoga to define the buttocks?

Tips for defining buttocks by doing yoga

To obtain good results, in relation to the definition of the buttocks, it is important that you focus on the quality of the exercises.

If you have little time to exercise, instead of doing a lot of careless repetitions, do a few, but well done. That is, stretching the limbs well, squeezing the buttocks and abdomen, breathing correctly, taking care of balance and good posture, etc. Take your time. In the particular case of yoga, sometimes less is more.

When breathing, always do it through the nose and very slowly. Notice how your lungs fill with air. Take advantage of these circumstances to stop and think about the simple things in life, so that you get the exact point of relaxation.

Wait for your breathing to normalize as you move from one posture to another. Usually, only one or two minutes is enough.

If the pose you are doing is with one leg open to the right, when finished, try it with the left. The goal is that you can exercise each part of your body in a balanced way, in this case, the buttocks.

Finally, although in yoga you enjoy silence, you can also choose soft music in the background. If you prefer, play a recording with sounds typical of nature, such as running water, the breeze between the trees or the chirping of birds so you can relax.


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